
  • 미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 (Gossip Girl S1E10 - Hi, Society(2))
    English/미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 2024. 1. 4. 02:23



    • make a fool of

            ~를 놀리다(웃음거리로 만들다)

    • very

            (다름 아닌) 바로 그(이)

    • point

            요점, 주장

    • be trusted

            믿음직하다, 신용이 가다

    • cause a scene

            소란을 피우다

    You almost made a fool of me in front of The New York Times. Which proves my very point. You can't be trusted. Nate is a gentleman. He would never cause a scene.


    • Speaking of ~

            ~에 관해서 말한다면, ~의 이야기라면

    Speaking of going, that's what you should do. Carter Baizen is on his way here right now.


    • I'd rather ~


    • scene

            추태, 소동, 난리

    • for today


    He left his jacket here yesterday. And I'd rather you be gone when he got here. There's been enough scenes for today.


    • they say

            사람들이 말하길, 세평에 의하면

    • The apple doesn't fall(never falls) far from the tree.


    So I see it's true what they say about the apple and the tree.


    • dishonesty

            부정직, 불성실

    Hello, Celia. I'd say it's nice to see you, but I know how you hate dishonesty.


    • take

            데리고 가다

    It appears that your son is taking my granddaughter to the ball tonight.


    • There's no point in ~

            ~해봐야 소용없다(아무 의미 없다)

    • present

            (특정한 방식으로) 보여주다, 소개하다

    • improperly

            어울리지 않게, 상스럽게, 적절하지 않게

    • companion

            동반자, 동행

    • temporary


    • distraction

            집중(주의)을 방해하는 것, 머리를 식히게 해주는 것

    I'd rather see that not happen. There's no point in being presented if it's improperly, and your Daniel is not a proper companion for a girl like Serena. He's a, um, temporary distraction. I need her to focus on her future.


    • Hers

            그녀의 것

    • yours

            너의 것

    Hers or yours?


    • I am willing to ~

            흔쾌히(기꺼이) ~하다

    • purchase


    • in exchange for

            ~의 대신의, 교환으로

    • accompany


    • in a position

            ~의 입장에 (있는)

    • useful

            유용한, 쓸모있는, 도움이 되는

    • sale


    • career

            경력, 이력

    I am willing to purchase all the paintings in this gallery in exchange for you convincing your son not to accompany Serena. Before you answer, remember. A grown man with children is in a very different position than a young man. The money could be useful now. Not to mention how much this sale would mean to your wife's career as an artist.


    • be no good

            쓸모없다, 소용이 없다, 재미없다

    • with


    • rest assured

            ~라고 확신하다, (자신이 하는 말을 강조하여) (~임을) 확인해도(믿어도) 좋다

    • be bought

            돈으로 매수되다

    Your money was no good for me then, and it's still no good with me now. And you can rest assured that like me, my son can't be bought.


    • assure

            장담하다, 확언하다, 보장하다

    I can assure you, just like her mother, my granddaughter can be.


    • All those years ago

            아주 오래 전에, 몇년 전에

    • inheritance

            유산, 상속, 상속받은 재산

    All those years ago, I told Lily to choose between you and her inheritance. I'd tell you the end of that story, but I think you know it by heart.


    • overdress

            지나치게 옷치레하다

    • art show

            미술 전시회

    You're a little overdressed for an art show, don't you think?


    • have been meaning to

            ~하려던 작정이였다

    • mean to

            ~할 셈이다

    Dad, listen, I'm, I've been meaning to tell you I'm sorry...


    • be grounded

            외출금지 당하다

    I thought I'd be grounded, when you found out just like Jenny was. Gotta admit, it would be worth it.


    • be made of

            ~로 구성되다, ~로 이루어지다

    I don't mind at all. Tux looks great, shoes look great. You look so great, you'r gonna make me proud. Show that Celia Rhodes what us Humphrey men are made of.


    • for no reason


    • freak out


    What's going on here, dad? You're doing that thing again, acting really weird for no reason. It's kind of freaking me out.


    • presentation

            발표, 제출, 제시, 설명

    • statement

            성명서, 표현, 진술서

    • take off

            떠나다, 쉬다

    • take a year off of school

            1년 휴학하다

    • simply

            (진술내용을 강조하여) 그야말로(정말로/그냥)

    • suffice


    Have you seen Serena's presentation statement? Wants to take a year off of school, teach English in South Asia? This simply won't suffice.


    • do about

            ~을 어떻게 하다

    Well, what do you want me to do about it?


    • right


    • Besides

            게다가, 뿐만 아니라, 또(한)

    • restore


    • exploit

            (못마땅함)공헌, 공적, 위업

    Well, if Serena's doing this for me, it has to be right. Besides, it took me years to restore our family name after your exploits. Trust me, you don't want to do the same.


    • volunteer


    • half an hour

            반시간, 30분

    Hey, volunteer. Where are you? You were supposed to be here half an hour ago.


    • in a tux

            턱시도를 입고있는

    What? I, I don't understand. I thought that this was, like, your dream. Besides, don't you wanna see your brother in a tux?


    • fist


    • pump

            (아래 위 안팎으로 빠르게) 흔들다(움직이다)

    • into the air


    You know, your brother, Dan, the guy who thinks dancing is making fists and pumping 'em into the air?


    • last-minute


    Yeah. It, it was just a last-minute thing. I'm sure he just forgot to tell you.


    • incredible

            (너무 좋아서) 믿을 수 없는

    Wow, you look incredible.


    • whole

            모든, 온전한

    • free-spirit

            자유로운 사고 방식의 소유자

    • act


    • perfect

            완벽하게 하다

    I know, she's got the whole free-spirit act perfected...


    • have one's best interests at heart

            (안그래 보일지 몰라도) ~가 잘되길 바라다, ~가 (진정으로) 행복해지길 바라다

    But I don't think she has your best interests at heart.


    • Where are you going with this?

            무슨 말을 하려는 거야?

    Where are you going with this, Dan?


    • come by

            (누구를 보러) 잠깐 들르다

    She came by my dad's gallery today.


    • buy off

            (무엇을 못하도록) ~를 매수하다

    No, she was trying to buy him off so I wouldn't go with you tonight.


    • manipulative

            (흔히 교묘하고 부정직하게 사람, 사물을) 조종하는(조종하는 데 능한)

    • Gandhi

            간디, 인도 해방운동의 지도자

    Serena, that's what I'm trying to tell you. That woman is the most manipulative person I've ever met. She makes your, your mother look like Gandhi.


    • I said it. There.

            (보통 상대방이 듣고싶어하지 않을 말을 한 다음에)그래, 자 말해버렸다(=there, I said it.)

    I know. I know and I'm so sorry. But maybe you love her so much that you can't see what she's doing. I said it. There.


    • get on the phone

            ~에게 전화 연결하다, 전화걸다

    Let's get Carter on the phone.


    • date

            ~와 연애하다

    Carter Baizen's dating Blair?


    • fool

            속이다, 기만하다

    • reformed

            개선된, 거듭난

    • toy with

            ~을 가지고 놀다(장난하다)

    • get at

            ~에 도달하다, 닿다, ~을 희롱하다, ~을 공격하다

    He's got everyone fooled. Blair thinks he's reformed. He's obviously just toying with her to get at you.


    • get back for

            ~에 대해 앙갚음하다

    We just need to wait until we can get him in a public place, where everyone who thinks he's changed can see the truth. And we can get him back for everything he's done to you. And everything he's doing to Blair.


    • Sir.



    • have a feeling

            ~한 예감이 들다

    I have a feeling it may be sooner than you think.


    • pull it together


    • go

            (특히 좋지않게 변함을 나타냄)

    • Naomi Campbell

            영국 국적의 패션 모델, 성격이 거칠어서 폭력 문제를 숱하게 일으켰다. 2003년 비서 폭행, 2006년 가정부 폭행, 2008년 영국 비행기내 난동, 2009년 이탈리아 파파라치 목행 등 여러번 체포되어 별명이 '폭력모델', '싸움닭'이다.

    • on


    If you don't pull it together. I'm gonna go Naomi Campbell on you.


    • assume


    Serena. Um, Ms. Erhlich needs to know how to pronounce that word in your presentation statement. I assume it's a family name.


    • devote to

            ~에 전념하다

    • nature conservancy

            자연 보호

    • Junior League

            여자청년 연맹

    • wonderful

            훌륭한, 경이로운

    "Serena hopes to continue to live on the Upper East Side, devote her life to volunteering for the nature conservancy, and Junior League and have two wonderful children."


    • Make it stop.


    • sound like

            ~처럼 들리다

    Make it stop, you sound like me.


    • Here you go.

            (자) 여기(있어) (무엇을 주면서 하는 말)


    • clever


    • cover

            위장, 속임수

    • It's not the time yet.

            아직은 때가 아니야.

    Carter's clever. He's using Serena as his cover. It's not the time yet.


    • I was hoping to ~

            ~하기를 바라고 있었어

    • put behind

            (안좋은 일을) ~을 잊다, 과거로 묻다

    Nate, look, I was hoping to see you. I wanted to apologize, put the past behind the past.


    • I'm on to you.

            네 머리 꼭대기 위에 내가 있어(네가 무슨 의도인지 숨기는 것을 꿰뚫어 보고 알고 있다는 뜻)

    You don't get to say what goes on here. I'm on to you.


    • Dispensary

            (약품) 조제실, 진료소, 주로 지정 판매소

    Hello and welcome to the Annual Dispensary Cotillion and Debutante Ball.


    • major in

            ~을 전공하다

    • neuroscience


    • legacy


    • Lincoln Center

            링컨 센터, New York 시의 Manhattan에 있는 종합 공연 예술 센터

    Katia Farkas, daughter of Jonathan and Rose Farkas escorted by Richard North hopes to major in neuroscience and will continue her family's legacy as supporters of the New York Public Library and Lincoln Center.


    • continue to

            계속 ~하다

    • summer

            여름을 지내다, 피서하다

    • charity

            자선(구호) 단체

    Blair Cornelia Waldorf, daughter of Harold and Eleanor Waldorf escorted by Nathaniel Archibald plans to be a member of Yale's class of 2013. She will continue to summer in South Hampton and volunteer her time to children's charities.


    • committee member


    • chairwoman

            (여자) 의장(회장)

    • emeritus

            명예직의(보통 대학교수에 대해 씀)

    • bed

            같이 자다(성관계를 하다)

    • settle down to

            마음을 가라 앉히고 ~에 착수하다

    And now I'd like to present Serena Celia van der Woodsen, daughter of committee member Lilian van der Woodsen, granddaughter of chairwoman emeritus, Celia Katherine Rhodes escorted by Carter Baizen. Miss van der Woodsen hopes to bed as many billionaires as she can before settling down to... Oh, my God. Sorry.


    • have a habit of

            습성을 지니다, ~하는 습관(버릇)이 있다

    • it's for the best.

            그게 최선이다

    She has a habit of doing that. But maybe it's for the best. You're here with your family.


    • with

            ~에 대해

    • ground

            외출금지령을 내리다

    • teach a lesson

            훈계하다, 혼내다

    She's probably still upset with me for grounding her and is trying to teach me a lesson.


    • tour

            순회하다, 순방하다

    Thank you. Come on, tour.


    • as hell

            대단히, 매우, 지독히

    They might not know who you are, but I sure as hell never forgotten.


    • Get off

            (명령문으로 쓰여)손 떼(놔)

    Get off me, man.


    • rip

            잡아찢다, 찢다

    Ugh! They ripped my dress.


    • custom-made

            주문 제작한, 맞춤의

    No, you don't understand. It was custom-made. My mom is gonna be angry!


    • thing


    I have to go. I have my mom's thing.


    • presenter

            진행자, 발표자

    • then


    • brawl

            (보통 공공장소에서의) 싸움(소동)

    • "Girls Gone Wild"

            1929년 미국 영화 이름, 1997년에 나온 포르노 프랜차이즈 이름

    Oh, you make a fool of the presenter, then you start a brawl. I mean, what's next, Serena? "Girls Gone Wild"?


    • society ball

            사교계 무도회

    • represent


    It's a society ball, Serena. You have to represent yourself well.


    • entirely

            전적으로, 완전히, 전부

    No, it's not entirely true.


    • ever

            어느때고, 한번이라도, 언제든

    • no matter what.

            무조건, 아무리 무엇이라고 해도, 막론하고, 아무렇든지, 비록 무엇이 ~한다 하더라도

    • damn

            빌어먹을, 제기랄(실망, 짜증 등을 나타내는 욕설)

    No. No, you don't. But let me tell you something. If I ever do have those two children, I would never do this to them. I would accept them for who they are, including who they date, no matter what. And I'd make sure they damn well knew it.


    • sign up for

            ~을 신청(가입)하다

    Oh, I'm so sorry. I know this is not what you signed up for.


    • nearly


    It's okay. It doesn't hurt nearly as bad as waking up that morning in Santorini and finding you jumped on a boat.


    • caught

            (예상 밖의 상황에) 처하게 하다

    • by surprise


    Yeah, well, um, that night wasn't exactly what I signed up for either. The whole thing caught me a bit by surprise.


    • interrupt

            방해하다, 중단시키다

    Anywhere but here, yes. Ha-ha. So please listen to me and don't interrupt because what I have to say is hard for me.


    • when it came down to it

            기본(근본)적으로, 요컨대, 결국은

    • reasonable

            타당한, 합리적인

    • do drugs

            마약을 복용하다

    • responsible for

            ~에 책임이 있는, 원인이 있는

    • belong with

             ~와 관계가 있다, ~의 자격이 있다, ~의 일원으로 적합하다, ~와 어울리다

    When I was your age, I would've been lucky to find a guy like you and I kind of did. But when it came down it, I thought my mother knew who I was much better than I knew myself. I'm not sure exactly who my daughter was but I know who she's become since she met you. She returns home every night at a reasonable hour, she doesn't drink, she doesn't do drugs. I don't know if you're responsible for that, but I don't think it's a coincidence. You belong with my daughter, and I think everyone should know that. Will you come with me?


    • look


    • fall into place

            제자리에 들어가다, 꼭 맞다, 딱 맞아 떨어지다

    • tip off

            (특히 불법적인 일이 있을 것임을) ~에게 제보하다(귀띔해주다)

    • on purpose


    I know that look. That's a look when your plan falls into place. You're enjoying this. You knew Carter was going to my house, you tipped of. Gossip Girl. You ruined my cotillion on purpose. Huh, you did all this for your own enjoyment and didn't care what it'd do to me. Which is exactly why you and I could never work.


    • slow down


    Hey, slow down there, Waldorf.


    • sick

            지긋지긋한, 메스꺼운

    You make me sick. This thing between us, it's over. For good.


    • quite

            꽤, 상당히, 아주, 정말, 더없이, 완전히

    • mess

            엉망인 상황

    • clean up


    • chair


    • reissue


    • newsletter

            (클럽, 조직의) 소식지(화보)

    That was quite a mess you made. But I was able to clean it up. The chair's agreed to reissue your presentation statement in the committe's winter newsletter.


    • stand up for

            ~을 옹호하다

    I stood up for you.


    • With

            ~에 대해

    • defend


    With Dan, I defended you.


    • ill


    No, we don't need to talk at all, grandma. I just wanna know one thing. Are you even ill?


    • punch out

            ~를 때려 눕히다

    It was so hot how you punched Carter out. I've never seen you do anything like that before.


    • to begin with

            처음에는, 우선, 먼저, 애초에

    Spotted: Chuck Bass, losing something no one knew he had to begin with. His heart.


    • make it in time

            시간에 맞추어 가다

    Mom, I'm sorry. I thought I could make it in time.


    • turn into

            ~으로 변하다

    Yeah, I know. I accept your apology but it doesn't really make it okay. Sweetie. Honey, as you get older, every choice that you make defines who you're gonna turn into. So rather than apologizing to me, you need to look at yourself and ask if you like the person you're becoming.


    • make an offer


    • refuse


    Oh. Yes, well, she made me an offer I couldn't refuse. And I wasn't strong enough then.


    • understood

            understand의 과거, 과거분사형

    Oh, come on, you never would've understood.


    • I can't help myself.

            나도 어쩔 수가 없어

    I can't help myself. I never should have let you let me go.


    • take a step back

            한발짝 물러서다

    • all along


    • catch up to

            ~을 따라잡다

    • look at

            ~을 보다

    It's often said that no matter the truth, people see what they want to see. Some people might take a step back and find out they were looking at the same big picture all along. Some people might see that their lies have almost caught up to them. Some people may see what was there all along. And then there are those other people, the ones who run as far as they can so they don't have to look at themselves.


    • Where to?

            (택시 운전사 등이 손님에게) 어디로 가시죠?

    Where to, Mr. Bass?


    • as for me

            나로서는, 나라면

    • clearly


    • XOXO

            포옹과 키스(편지 마지막에 자주 쓰인다)

    And as for me, I can see clearly now. XOXO, Gossip Girl.
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