
  • 미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 (Gossip Girl S1E17 - Woman on the Verge(1))
    English/미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 2024. 2. 24. 22:18



    • on the Verge

            ~에 임박하여, ~의 직전에

    • Woman on the Verge

            1988년에 개봉한 스페인의 블랙 코미디, 드라마 장르 영화이다. 한국어 제목은 <신경쇠약 직전의 여자(Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown)>으로 고야상 작품상 등을 수상했다.


    • modern age


    In our modern age, when you call someone and can't find them, you can pretty much be sure they'll get the message.


    • Track down

            ~을 찾아내다

    Hey, do you think "Track me down' should come before or after "Every time"?


    • Rolling Stone

            1967년 웨너가 발간하여 현재까지 이어지고 있는 미국의 음악 잡지, 기성체제에 비판적인 젊은 세대의 지지를 받으며 1970년대 최고의 대중문화 잡지로 성장했다. 잡지의 이름은 1962년에 결성된 영국의 록밴드 롤링 스톤스(Rolling Stones)의 이름에서 따왔다.

    Is the Rolling Stone thing tonight?


    • issue

            -호, 발행(물)

    Yeah, but a lot of people remember. There's a reason that issue was one of the highest selling of the year.


    • follow-up

            후속편, 후속조치

    • followed by

            뒤이어, 잇달아

    • overpriced

            (제 가치보다) 값이 비싸게 매겨진

    • corporate

            기업의, 법인(체)의, 공동의

    • coffeehouse

            다방, 커피점(영국에서 17-18세기에 문인, 정객의 사교장)

    • Gen X'er

            X세대=Generation Xer

    • taste bud

            맛봉오리(혀의 미각기관)

    Then I'm proud, dad, I really am. You got the follow-up article and a concert, surely followed by an overpriced CD sold at corporate coffeehouses for Gen X'ers without taste buds or taste.


    • VH1

            VH1은 미국 뉴욕시에 본사를 둔 케이블 방송사

    Hey, it's gonna be cool. I mean, they're even filming it for VH1.


    • Classic


    VH1 Classics. The classic is kind of important.


    • retort

            쏘아붙이다, 말대꾸하다

    • Disinterest in

            ~에 대한 무관심

    • irrelevant

            무관한, 논외의

    I'm classic. Uh-oh. No retort. Sign of a sleepless night. Disinterest in making your father feel old and irrelevant. It can only mean one thing, girl trouble.


    • offer


    • judgmental

            (남에 대해) 비판(재단)을 잘하는

    Yeah, but did you really mean it? Most times, when people don't offer the truth, it's because they're afraid of what someone might think. And I don't know if you know this, but you can be a pretty judgmental guy.


    • be oneself

            (남의 영향을 받지 않고) 평소의(정상적인) 자기 모습 그대로이다

    • around


    So you're saying that I should learn to be someone else around her so she can be herself around me?


    • I couldn't have said it better (myself).

            바로 그거야, 내 말이 그거야


    • And here I thought ~

            ~인 줄 알았더니

    And here is I thought I had your schedule memorized.


    • switch


    • shift


    • get off


    • roadie

            (특히 대중 음악 밴드의) 매니저

    • for the day

            그날, 오늘

    • stalking

            남을 따라다니며 괴롭히기

    • ask on a date

            ~에게 데이트 신청을 하다

    I switched shifts and just got off. I'm Dan's dad's roadie for the day, so I gotta be on, like, five. Um, although I don't mind the stalking... When are you gonna ask me on a real date?


    • hold that thought

            (얘기 중간에) 잠깐만요

    Uh, hold that thought, sorry. Hello. Yeah. Yeah, I'll be right there. Uh, look, I'm sorry, I, I gotta go.


    • So I heard.

            나도 들었어, 그렇다고 하네


    • van


    • cable


    Um, me, Lincoln Hawk, a dirty van and a lot of cables.


    • check in to

            ~에(호텔에) 투숙하다

    • walkthrough

            (연극, 공연 등의) 연습(리허설), (어떤 절차에 대한) 자세한 설명

    • Reid Salon

            뉴욕 맨해튼시 팰리스호텔에 있는 연회장 이름(식장)

    The guests will be checked in to the suites as soon as they arrive. The walkthrough is at 2 o'clock and the rehearsal dinner starts promptly at 7pm in the Reid Salon. Oh, and don't forget. You have your interview with "Rolling Stone" in one hour.


    • Not for long

            =It's not for long, 얼마 남지 않았다, 오랫동안은 아니다

    Not for long, thank you very much.


    • tick-tock


    Uh, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, hmm?


    • hire


    Well, I knew housekeeping was hiring, but I had no idea their standards were so low.


    • drunk dialing

            술취해서 하는 전화(보통 전애인들에게 하는 전화)

    Are you drunk dialing again? No, Serena didn't come home last night. I thought she was with you.


    • perverse

            (사고 방식, 태도가) 비뚤어진(삐딱한)

    Hey. Maybe this is Blair's idea of a perverse doulbe date?


    • ought to


    Oh... Well, this ought to be good.


    • make oneself clear

            ~의 입장을 분명히 하다

    You're not calling me back, and you're not picking up. I thought you understood me, but maybe I should make myself a little more clear and come to you. We can talk about it over coffee. I brought it just the way you like it, dark but sweet. Oh, no.


    • What a coincidence.

            무슨 우연이람!

    Oh, my gosh. What a coincidence.


    • let's just say ~

            그냥 ~라고 해두자

    Oh, I just... I came looking for Serena, but she, uh, apparently didn't come home last night, so I, I'm just, I don't know. I'm trying to figure out what to think. She's been... Well, let's just say she's not been herself lately. So I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what to do exactly.


    • give a call

            전화를 걸다

    Why don't you try giving her a call again? And when she sees it's you calling, she'll immediately pick up and tell you all about it.


    • all over


    Hey. Hey, I was looking all over for ya.


    • ring off the hook

            연속으로(쉴새없이) 울리다

    • speed dial

            (전화의) 단축 다이얼(번호)

    My name's Drew, the bartender at 1-0. Some girl left her phone here last night. It's been ringing off the hook all morning. You were the first number on the speed dial.


    • blonde

            =blond, 금발인

    • around

            약, ~쯤

    • Skip out on

            ~을 저버리다, 버리고 도망가다

    • tab


    • substantial

            (양, 가치, 중요성이) 상당한

    Tall, blonde. Left here around 2 with 3 guys. Skipped out on her tab, which was pretty substan...


    • learn the lesson

            교훈을 배우다

    • for long

            오랫동안, 장기간

    Spotted: Lonely boy on the Upper East Side learning the lesson that nothing stays missing for long.


    • turn up

            (잃어버렸던 물건 등이, 특히 뜻밖에) 나타나다(찾게 되다), (특히 우연히) 생기다(나타나다)

    • for better

            더 나은 쪽으로

    Things always turn up, for better?


    • ploy

            계책, 술책

    Well, is something actually wrong or is this just some ploy to get us both here?


    • on the phone


    I meant what I said on the phone. I need your help. We need your help.


    • shower


    • keep

            유지하다, 유지하게 하다

    • awake


    • fresh


    • change of clothes

            갈아입을 옷

    • bathrobe

            목욕용 가운

    We have to get her in the shower, we have to keep her talking and awake. Come on. Dorota, will you please get her a fresh change of clothes and a bathrobe?


    • every

            모든, 충분한, 가능한 모든

    • hangover cure


    • known to

            ~에게 알려진

    • man


    • bagel

            베이글(도넛같이 생긴 딱딱한 빵)

    • should

            ~일 것이다

    • soak up

            빨아들이다, 흡수하다

    So we have every hangover cure known to man. Plu bagels, these should help soak up the alcohol and whatever else she took.


    • take

            (책임 등을) 떠맡다, 맡다

    Thank you. I'll take it from here. Come on, come on.


    • get the feeling ~

            ~라는 느낌이 들다

    You know, why do I get the feeling you're actually enjoying this?


    • sentimental

            정서적인, 감상적인, 감정적인

    Call me sentimental.


    • after all

            (예상과는 달리) 결국에는

    We may not need those bagels after all.


    • with

            (소유자, 책임, 소재등을 나타냄) ~에(게), ~에 대해

    What's going on with her?


    • scared

            무서워하는, 겁먹은

    • find the words

            말로 나타내다, 적당한 표현을 찾다

    • Valium


    • calm down


    She was here last night, scared. She, she told me something totally crazy but was too freaked out to find the words to explain it. I went upstairs to find my mom's Valiums to calm her down but when I got back, she was gone. It took me all night to find her.


    • beside the point

            요점을 벗어난, 본론을 벗어난

    That's beside the point. We're here to help Serena, no matter what the problem is.


    • Post


    Hey, could you maybe read that somewhere else? I don't like the Post.


    • subscribe

            구독하다, 가입하다

    Is that why you subscribe?


    • bumpy

            울퉁불퉁한, 평탄치 않은

    • bump

            쿵, 탁(단단한 것에 부딪치는 소리), 접촉사고, 충돌

    • cool

            멋진, 근사한

    It's been a little bumpy lately, sure. I think the most recent bump is our friend Sarah. Serena's a little jealous, but Sarah's cool. So as soon as Serena gets to know her, everything will be fine.


    • photograph


    • undoubtedly

            의심할 여지없이

    • image

            그림, 모습

    Tell me where you took this photograph. What undoubtedly could be called the band's most well-known image.


    • positively

            분명히(사실임을 강조)

    • iconic

            ~의 상징이 되는

    • involved

            (개인적으로) 가까운 관계에 있는(관계가 있는 사이인)

    Well, I would. It's positively iconic. Were you and Rufus Humphrey already involved when you took it?


    • lead singer

            (록그룹 따위의) 리드보컬(사람)

    Rufus Humphrey, lead singer of Lincoln Hawk. Or was this before or after...


    • simply

            그냥, 그야말로

    • other than

            ~외에, ~이 아닌, ~와 다른

    Oh, well, I simply don't feel comfortable discussing anything other than my work.


    • photography


    • shoot

            촬영하다, 찍다

    • break heart

            ~의 가슴이 아프다, ~를 아프게 하다

    I was talking about your work. Why'd you give up photography? Was it too hard to continue shooting after you had broken his heart?


    • interrupt

            방해하다, 가로막다

    Oh. You know, I see I'm interrupting, so I'll...


    • sometime soon

            가까운 시일 내에, 조만간, 언젠간

    • hear

            (자동사) 소식을 듣다

    Oh. Well, I've been waiting downstairs for Serena. I figured she has to come home sometime soon. So have you heard from her?


    • go over to somebody's (place)

            ~의 집으로 가다

    Well, Charles said he was going over to Blair's to pick her up right after you left earlier. Maybe try there.


    • conduct

            (특정활동을) 하다

    • wedding


    Listen I really appreciate your coming all the way to the Palace to conduct this interview, but I'm simply gonna have to ask you to leave because I have a wedding to attend, my own.


    • Thank you for your time.

            시간 내주셔서 감사합니다


    • chapter

            (중요한) 한 시기, 화제, 한 장, 사건

    Huh. Guess I missed a chapter. Or four, don't, uh, don't all of you hate each other?


    • fascinating

            대단히 흥미로운

    • ripe for

            ~의 시기가 무르익은

    • psychiatrist

            정신과 의사

    • case study

            사례 연구

    • somewhere


    Well, that's fascinating and ripe for psychiatrist's case study somewhere, but, um, I am looking for Serena.


    • cross

            엇갈리다, (서로) 교차하다

    • path


    No, she just left. You must've crossed paths.


    • stop somebody from doing something

            ~가 ~을 못하게 하다(막다)

    Are you really gonna stop me from seeing my girlfriend? Come on.


    • let in on

            (비밀 따위)를 알리다, (비밀스러운 일 등에) ~를 끼워주다

    Something is going on, and I just wanna be let in on what it is.


    • Why don't ~?

            ~하는 게 어때?

    • keep something from somebody

            ~에게 알리지 않다, 알리지 않고 그냥 두다

    • sick of

            ~에 신물이 난, 질리는

    Why don't I make it easy for you? I know you're keeping something from me. And I'm sick of being the only one you don't talk to about it.


    • a bunch of

            다수의, 한 떼의

    Then what are they doing here, while, while I get a call from a bartender who says you left a bar at 2 in morning with a bunch of guys? What guys, Serena? Who, who were they?


    • cheat on

            ~을 속이고 바람을 피우다

    Is that, is that what you're so afraid to tell me, that you cheated on me? Did you cheat on me last night? All I need is a yes or a no. Did you sleep with someone else?


    • cymbidium

            (식물) 심비듐, (열대 아시아산의 한란 무리), 라틴어로 '물 위의 배'라는 의미

    • hyacinth

            히아신스 꽃

    • unseasonably

            철에 맞지 않게, 때 아니게

    • warm

            온난한, 더운

    • go with

            고르다, 선택하다

    • Limoges


    • Lenox

            1889년에 월터 스콧 레녹스가 만든 그릇 브랜드

    Well, I wanted cymbidiums, not hyacinth. And why did we choose fish? It's unseasonably warm. You know, I knew we should have gone with the Limoges instead of the Lenox.


    • find fault with

            ~의 트집을 잡다, 흠을 잡다

    What's the matter? You were fine this morning. Now you're finding fault with everything.


    • place

            위치, 자리, 입장, 처지

    • old days


    I know it's not my place, but Miss Serena is, like, the old days.


    • take care of

            ~을 처리(수습)하다, 책임지고 떠맡다

    Well, um, thank you, Dorota. I'll take care of it.


    • would rather

            ~하기 보다는 차라리 ~하겠다(~가 낫다)

    Because I would rather Dan think I cheated on him than know what I really did.


    • put on a pedestal

            (맹목적일 정도로) ~를 받들어 모시다

    Dan puts me on a pedestal. If he knew the truth, he would never look at me again.


    • vomit


    • investment banker

            증권 인수업자

    • men's room

            (남성용 공중) 화장실

    • PJ Clarke's

            맨해튼에 위치한 옛날식 술집(saloon:주점) 이름

    We've seen you with vomit in your hair, making out with investment bankers in the men's room at PJ Clarke's. You don't have to hide anything from us.


    • saint

            성인군자같은 사람

    She's right, Serena. I mean, none of us are saints.


    • date

            데이트 상대

    I had sex with you at a wedding while I was her date. Once.


    • judge

            (~로 미루어) 판단하다

    • non-

            ~이 아님

    You can tell us anything. We don't judge. We're the non-judging Breakfast Club. We're your best friends. Anything you do is something we did too.


    • lose one's virginity to

            ~에게 동정(처녀성)을 잃다

    • in seventh grade

            7학년의, 7학년 때

    Some of us better than others. It's not like you didn't lose your virginity to her in seventh grade.


    • ever since

            그 이래 줄곧

    • psycho

            (아주 이상하게 폭력적인) 정신병자

    Sixth, actually, and I've been avoiding her ever since. The bitch is a psycho.


    • What about ~?

            ~가 어찌되었나?

    What about her?


    • aware


    We're all aware what happened that night.


    • blackmail

            갈취(협박)하다, (협박성) 위협성 메일(소포, 메시지)를 보내다

    No, something else. Something I've tried to escape, but Georgina won't let me. And now she's blackmailing me.


    • sober up

            술을 깨다

    Well, it started when Blair thought you and I had too much to drink. She told us to go outside, get some air, sober up.


    • put up

            (값 등을) 올리다, (돈을) 내놓다

    • premium


    • BYOB

            bring your own booze(bottle), 술은 각자 지참할 것(파티의 초대장 등에 기재하는 말)

    Oh, if the happy couple didn't wanna put up the cash for the premium bar, they should've made the wedding BYOB. Move!


    • go into

            ~에 들어가다

    Instead, we went into the empty bar. And I opened a bottle of champagne, and...


    • skip

            건너뛰다, 생략하다

    We can skip that part, okay?


    • fill in

            자세히 알리다, (최신) 정보를 주다, ~을 채우다, (~에 대해) ~에게 지금까지 있은 일을 들려주다

    Go ahead, I fill her in later.


    • in a hurry


    • terrible

            (나쁜 정도가) 극심한, 엄청난, 끔찍한

    • guilty

            죄책감이 드는

    I left in a hurry. I felt so terrible. So guilty for what I had just done. I just, I had to get out of there.


    • straight

            곧장, 곧바로

    • Little

            거의 없는(아닌)

    • surprise

            기습, 깜짝 놀라게 하기, 뜻밖의 일(선물)

    Georgina and I had plans to meet up after, so I headed straight to her. Little did I know she had a surprise waiting for me.


    • lose one's mind

            정신을 놓아버리다, 미치다

    • genuine


    She's gonna lose her mind. A genuine Serena Van der Woodsen sex tape.


    • at the time

            그 당시에

    • tap


    • stuck on

            ~에 빠져(미쳐, 반해)

    I didn't know it at the time, but she was taping me. Lucky for me, I was, I was too stuck on what had just happened to be much fun for anyone.


    • therapy

            정신치료, 정신(심리) 요법

    All right, this isn't a therapy session, G. You promised a party.


    • break out

            깨다, 발발(발생)하다

    • favor

            호의, 부탁

    • party favors

            (formal) 파티에서 기념으로 나눠주는 작은 선물, (slang) 마약

    So break out the favors. Thank you.


    • frisky

            기운 찬, 놀고싶어 하는, (이성과) 놀아나려 하는

    • hurl

            토하다, 게우다(자동사)

    She always gets frisky after she hurls.


    • line

            (흡입하려고 가늘게 만들어 놓은) 코카인 한 줄

    No, I can't, I can't. I can't do this, Pete, okay? I can't. Um, you know, how about, um, how about we do a couple lines first, okay?


    • Whatever

            그게 뭐든, 뭐든지, 아무 것이든

    Whatever, baby.


    • go ahead

            먼저 해

    Here, go ahead. Pete, are you okay? Pete, what's happening? Are you okay? Georgie. Goergie! Georgina!
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