
  • 미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 (Gossip Girl S1E18 - Much 'I do' About Nothing(1))
    English/미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 2024. 2. 28. 20:18



    • Much

            많은 것, 많은

    • Much Ado About Nothing

            윌리엄 셰익 스피어의 희곡 '헛소동(Much Ado About Nothing), 셰익스피어의 희극 중에서 가장 유쾌하면서도 재기발랄한 작품


    • reach

            (전화로) 연락하다, 도착하다, 도달하다

    • officially


    • come over

            (특히 누구의 집에) 들르다

    Hey, Dan. I've been trying to reach you all night. I know it's early. Or late, if you haven't slept like me. But I'm, I'm pretty sure after this message, I will have officially filled your voice mail. So, I, ah... I'm, I'm coming over.


    • check

            알아보다, 확인하다

    • with

            ~와 함께

    Hello? Yeah, this is Rufus. Wow. I have to check with the guys, but I'm pretty sure we're available. Yeah, okay.


    • hit the road

            투어를 가다, 여행을 떠나다, 먼 길을 나서다

    • Luscious Jackson

            1991년에 결성된 대안록/랩록 그룹

    • reunion

            재회, 재결합

    I just got the call. Licoln Hawk is hitting the road. We're opening for the Breeders. I guess that Luscious Jackson reunion didn't work out. Wait, what was your 'Oh, my God?'


    • As in

            ~의 경우(에서)와 같이

    Oh, nothing. Nothing at all. It's day. As in, uh, as in wedding day. As in, my wedding day.


    • Any

            어느, 어떤

    • topic

            화제, 주제

    • in particular

            특히, 특별히

    What about? Any topics in particular?


    • plot against

            ~에 반대하여(대항하여) 음모를 꾀하다

    • doze off

            (특히 낮에) 잠이 들다, 깜빡 잠들다

    We were up late plotting against Georgina. We must have dozed off.


    • athletic

            활발한, 기력이 왕성한, 체육의

    Why, it's not like you ever do anything athletic.


    • require

            필요로 하다

    Fine, nothing that requires removing your scarf.


    • chilly

            쌀쌀한, 추운, 냉랭한, 쌀쌀맞은

    That was one time. It was chilly.


    • land in

            ~에 도착/도달하다

    • land on


    Enough about the past. Before you landed in my bed, we actually landed on a good idea.


    • best man

            (신랑의) 들러리

    • speech


    Well, I trust you can take it from here. I have a best man speech to write and no time to write it.


    • scar


    • if you love something, you should set it free.

            당신이 무언가를 좋아한다면, 그것을 자유롭게 해주어라

    I still have the scars on my back to prove it. You know, they say if you love something, you should set it free.


    • slam the door

            문을 세차게 닫다

    • slam the door in somebody's face

            ~면전에 대고 문을 (쾅) 닫다

    Ugh! They say when you hate something you should slam the door on its face.


    • dirty

            상스러운, 음란한, 추잡한

    I love it when you talk dirty, Blair.


    • slow down

            (속도, 진행)을 늦추다

    Oh. Wow. Staying in rehab sure didn't slow you down a bit, huh?


    • in years

            수년 만에, 몇년 동안, 몇년 만에

    • Clean


    • sober

            술 취하지 않은

    • Lawyer


    • trial

            재판, 공판

    Are you kidding? I haven't felt this good in years. Clean and sober. Lawyer's feeling great about the trial.


    • sometimes


    Nice. Well, sometimes things just work out, huh?


    • Landscaper

            정원사, 조경사

    • royally

            아주 훌륭하게

    • screw up

            망치다, 엉망으로 만들다

    • yard

            마당, 뜰

    • shrub


    She's not gonna make it. Landscapers royally screwed up the yard. Apparently all our shrubs look like circus bears.


    • leak

            새는 곳, 누출

    • basement

            (건물의) 지하층

    • mess

            엉망인 상태(상황)

    That and uh, the leak we had in the basement. The place is a mess.


    • hang

            돌아다니다, 서성이다

    • Yankees

            =New York Yankees(프로야구단)

    • Joba

            조바 체임벌린(Joba Chamberlain), 미국 야구선수, 1985~

    • pitching

            (야구) 투구(법)

    • lights out

            (slang) (자동사) 죽다

    Oh, right. I forgot you had a date. Well, you and I can just hang till then. The Yankees are on today. Joba's pitching lights out right now.


    • sponsor


    I gotta take this. It's my sponsor.


    • early

            빠른, 이른

    • slip out

            알아채이지 않게 나오다, 살짝 도망가다, 몰래 빠져나가다

    • ceremony


    Hey, it's me. Yes, yes. Everything is discussed. Don't be late. Don't be early. I'll slip out right after the ceremony. Just be there, waiting.


    • relief

            안도, 안심

    • but

            ~이 아니고, (감동표현 등 뒤에 별 뜻없는 연결어), 다만, 단지, 그저, ~뿐, (미국 slang) 정말로, 참으로

    Hey. I'm sorry. I know it's early, but I couldn't sleep. I had to see you. And you're here. Which means you slept here, which is a relief but not a surprise.


    • love conquers all

            사랑은 모든 것을 이긴다

    • resident

            거주자, 시민

    • moral compass

            윤리기준, 도덕의 잣대

    • straight arrow

            (slang) 고지식한(곧이 곧대로만 사는) 사람

    They say love conquers all. But maybe love never met Georgina Sparks. Poor Humphrey. Looks like our resident moral compass isn't such a straight arrow after all.


    • get in between

            ~사이에 개입하다, 끼어들다

    I never meant to get in between you two. I swear.


    • manipulative

            조종하는 데 능한

    Yeah, I am. You manipulative psycho bitch.


    • the whole time


    You have been planning this the whole time. She's lying to you, Dan.


    • sooner

            더 빨리

    No, no, no. Of course not. This is just, it's uh, it's a lot. And I, I really, really wish that you told me this sooner.


    • I get it.


    • roll off the tongue

            말하기 쉽다, 발음하기 쉽다

    I get it. I get it. I mean, 'Hey, I think I've killed someone and I'm being blackmailed by a crazy girl pretending to be someone else' doesn't quite roll off the tongue.


    • ever

            지금까지, 이제까지

    This is the first building I ever bought.


    • comfort

            편안, 위안

    • revisit

            다시 찾다

    Well, there is a comfort in revisiting things that we loved when we were young.


    • outgrow

            (옷 등에 비해 사람의 몸 등이) 너무 커져 맞지 않게 되다, ~보다 더 커지다, 나이가 들면서 ~을 그만두다(흥미를 잃다)

    • hold on to

            ~에 매달리다, 고수하다, 지키다, 계속 잡고있다

    But the truth is, I'm not that young man anymore. I think maybe I've outgrown this place and holding on to it is keeping me from moving forward with what's most important to me now. What do you think I should do?


    • Voice mail

            음성 우편(메일)(음성으로 기록한 것을 수신인이 확인하는 전자 메일 시스템)


    • get in a fight


    • huge

            막대한, 엄청난, 거대한

    Hey, hey. It's me Dan. Um, after you left Serena and I got in a huge fight and, and she said all these crazy stuff. I honestly don't know what to believe but, but what I do now is that I want to see you. So, uh, call me.


    • Excellent

            훌륭한, 탁월한

    Excellent work. She's totally calling back.


    • virgin


    • talk through

            (확실히 이해가 될때까지) ~에 대해 끝까지 이야기를 나누다

    • Right on schedule.


    Don't worry virgin. I'll talk you through it. Right on schedule.


    • spot

            곳, 장소, 자리

    • pond


    Our spot in the park by the pond?


    • turn around

            돌아서다, 돌려 세우다, 방향을 바꾸다

    We're turning around. One last battle and the war is won.


    • born

            타고난, 천부적인

    Humphrey, you're a born liar.


    • jump into things

            (어떠한) 일에 뛰어들다

    Well, I, I normally don't jump into things like this. So, so when I do it means a lot.


    • how else ~?

            달리 어떻게

    I never meant for this to happen but it did and I know you feel it too. I mean, how else do you explain last night?


    • all alone

            홀로, 혼자서

    So, you're just, you're gonna go back to Serena like nothing happened? And, and just leave me all alone?


    • spawn

            애새끼, 자식들, 자손, 알

    • Satan

            사탄, 악마

    • leave to

            ~에게 맡기다

    • happen

            우연히 ~이다

    • wicked

            못된, 사악한

    • offspring

            자식, (동식물의) 새끼

    The only thing feared by the spawn of Satan? Mom and Dad. Leave it to Blair Waldorf to know that bitches don't just happen. They're made, by parents even more wicked than their offspring.


    • There, there

            자자, 그래그래(울거나 화가난 아이를 달랠 때 씀)

    There, there Georgie. It's gonna be okay.


    • on

            (소속을 나타냄)

    • equestrian


    • circuit

            순회, 연맹, 협회

    • pony


    Or it won't. Your parents were so worried, G. They told me everything. How you're supposed to be on the equestrian circuit but sold your show pony for cocaine.


    • difficult

            어려운, 힘든, 힘겨운

    • put behind

            (불쾌한 경험을) 잊어버리려 하다, 잊다

    That was a difficult time but I, I've put that behind me.


    • clean

            (유독물질이 없는) 깨끗한

    • hitchhike


    • into town

            시내로, 마을로

    • Ibiza

            이비자 섬의 스페인명

    When? When you were in rehab? It's hard to get clean when you hitchhike into town, steal a credit card and book a ticket to Ibiza.


    • awful


    • Utah

            유타 주(미국 서부의 주)

    • last

            견디다, 오래가다

    • Lohan

            린제이 로한, 헐리우드의 당시 대표적인 트러블 메이커 

    You didn't see where they sent me. I mean, that place was awful. It was, it was in Utah. At least I lasted longer than Lohan.


    • I've had enough.

            이제 됐습니다, 이제 그만해요, 참을만큼 참았다

    I've had enough. I have to go.


    • almost


    • leave with

            ~을 맡기다

    Yes, stay Georgina. I'll go. Oh, that reminds me. I almost forgot to leave you with the information I discussed with your parents.


    • boot camp

            신병 훈련소, 규율이 엄격한 소년원

    • troubled

            문제가 많은

    A boot camp for troubled girls.


    • be kind enough to do

            친절하게도 ~하다

    • research

            연구, 조사(하다)

    Blair was kind enough to do some research.


    • reform school


    Haven't you heard? I'm the crazy bitch around here. Have fun at reform school.


    • affirmation


    • historic

            역사적으로 중요한

    Affirmation from my son. This is an historic moment.


    • skip out

            몰래 빠져나가다, 갑자기 떠나다

    I'm sorry I skipped out early, by the way, dad. I, I'd love to hear all about it. But I have a, uh, a wedding. The wedding.


    • stay away

            떨어져 있다, 거리를 두다

    Uh, yeah. Yeah, dad, it is. Serena told me something about you and Lily. I, I don't understand it fully, but the reason Lily stayed away is 'cause Serena asked her to.


    • creation


    Check out my latest creation.


    • clean up

            청결히 하다

    • nice


    Well, you clean up nice, Abrams.


    • not a dry eye in the house

            울지 않는 사람이 하나도 없는

    • whore


    There won't be a dry eye in the house. Trust me. How did things go with whore-gina?


    • lend a hand

            ~을 돕다, 거들다

    • dirty

            비열한 사람

    • for once


    • ever

            전혀, 결코, (not ever로 never의 뜻이 됨)

    Dan Humphrey actually lent a hand. It was nice to see him get his dirty for once. Not sure how much fun he had, though. No one ever enjoys their first time.


    • Save


    Except you. Save me a dance?


    • Break a leg.

            행운을 빌어

    Now that Georgina is done, so are you and I. She was the last thing we had in common. Break a leg.


    • do proud

            ~를 자랑스럽게 만들다

    Here he is. Best man ready to do his dad proud?


    • fellow

            녀석, 친구

    Wow, clearly, I missed something when I was away. A little advice, fellow? You've been friends a long time. Whoever she is, she's not worth it.


    • Couldn't agree more.

            전적으로 동감한다


    • prenuptial


    How go the prenuptials?


    • not seem in it

            마음이 다른데 가있는 것처럼 보이다

    Well, my mom's done this enough times, you'd think she'd be a pro by now. But I don't know. Her heart doesn't really seem in it.


    • Onto

            (이동을 나타내는 동사와 함께 쓰여) ~(위)로(에)

    You think this will be us in 20 years? Onto our fourth husbands?


    • Speaking of

            ~의 이야기라면, ~에 관해서 말한다면

    Speaking of true love, Dan isn't here.


    • reception

            환영(축하) 연회

    • blend in

            조화를 이루다, (주위 환경에) 섞여들다

    You were supposed to get here during the reception so no one would know I was gone. You don't exactly blend in, you know?


    • hand

            도움(의 손길)

    Need a hand with that?


    • security

            보안, 경비

    Rufus, what are you doing here? I thought we had security.


    • throw out

            ~를 내쫓다

    You want them to throw me out?


    • call off

            중지하다, 취소하다

    • so much as

            =even, 조차도, 까지도

    • fiancé


    Do you want me to call off this wedding? And if you so much as nod yes, I will go out there, and I will tell your fiancé and your guests they have to go home.


    • hash out

            ~을 계속 논의하여 끝을 보다(결론을 내다)

    Oh, can we? It's been 20 years. And I don't think this is the moment to hash out the details. We've already had the morning after today. What's gonna happen tomorrow morning?


    • ramble


    But I do. I've been alone for quite a while now and you know what, it's hard. And I love Bart. Not just because he has money. I have enough money. Not that you can ever have enough money. But I'm rambling. And I'm nervous. And you make me nervous.


    • in the making

            만들어지고 있는

    Whatever their feelings are each other, if we're standing here, 20 years in the making.


    • count


    Yeah. Those 20 years, they have to count for something, don't they?


    • be on time

            시간을 잘 지키다

    • strong suit

            장점, 장기, 강점, 특기

    Your mother is a wonderful woman, Eric. But being on time, not a strong suit.


    • pray

            기도하다, 빌다

    Let's pray Lily is as slow getting dressed as you are.


    • amongst other things

            다른 것들 보다도, 무엇 보다도

    Well, that, amongst other things. I really have to talk to her.


    • no time like the present

            지금만큼 좋은 때(기회)가 없다

    Well, no time like the present. I'm gonna find my seat, okay?


    • may as well

            ~하는 편이 낫다

    But I, I may as well have.
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