
  • 미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 (Gossip Girl S1E17 - Woman on the Verge(2))
    English/미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 2024. 2. 25. 20:24



    • so much

            그리도, 많이

    You, you can't. There's drugs everywhere. We could get in so much trouble, we can get arrested. We have to go.


    • seizure

            (병의) 발작

    I'm calling. Hi, uh, we have an emergency, uh, can you send someone right away to the East View Hotel room, uh, 1411, please. There's a guy. He's having seizures. I don't know what's wrong.


    • Operator

            전화 교환원

    OPERATOR: Ma'am. I'm gonna need your name and, uh...


    • split up

            흩어지다, 찢어지다

    • across the street

            길 건너에

    • paramedic

            긴급 의료원, 준의료 활동 종사자

    And Georgina told me we had to split up. Then she said that people might be looking for us. But I, I couldn't go. I just couldn't. So I, I waited near the hotel, across the street. All I wanted was to see the paramedics helping Pete. But that's not what I saw. I didn't know what to do. I just, I just knew I had to leave right away. I took a train heading north, and I got a room and convince my mom boarding school was a good idea, and...


    • move on from

            ~로부터, ~에서부터 (다음으로) 넘어가다

    • lifestyle


    Well, when she came back, I told her that I'd moved on from the lifestyle that she was still in, but she didn't like that. So somehow she became friends with Dan and Vanessa and, and called herself Sarah.


    • practically

            사실상, 거의, 현실적으로

    • snuff film

            스너프 영화(실제 살인을 촬영한 포르노 영화)

    Because she has that tape of me, and she'll use it. It's practically a snuff film.


    • Watch out

            (위험하니까) 조심해라

    • consequence

            (발생한 일의) 결과

    Watch out, S. Just because you finally tell the truth doesn't mean there won't be consequences.


    • up to

            ~할 준비된

    Thanks for coming with me, B. I'm really not feeling up to being social.


    • on drugs

            마약에 빠진(중독된)

    What happened to you last night? Why didn't you come home? Why was Dan looking for you all morning? And why did I get a call informing me that you were on drugs?


    • little

            작은, 소규모의, 하찮은

    • home movie

            자가 제작 영화, 자신(들)을 영화화한 것

    Don't lie to me. I saw that little home movie that you and your friends made.


    • have one's tonuge down somebody's throat

            ~가 ~에게 (딥)키스하다

    Well, only part of it. I stopped when that guy had his tongue down your throat. But I can pretty much guess how it ends.


    • joke


    • kid

            농담하다, 장난치다

    No, it was just a joke. We were kidding. It's not what it looked like...


    • out of control


    • wild

            제멋대로 구는, 무모한

    • be past


    • reformatory

            =reform school, 소년원

    You know what? You are out of control. I always knew you had a wild side. But how can you look at yourself? What have you become? I thought we were past all of this, Serena. I thought you were doing so well. I have nothing left but to send you to reformatory school. What do you think about that?


    • tune

            조율하다, (음악, 박자 등에) 맞추다

    • sharp

            올림표(샤프)가 붙은, 반음 높은, (정확한 음보다) 높은

    • minor

            단조의, 단음계의

    • be up

            준비되다, 끝나다, 다되다

    Hey, guys, sorry to interrupt. Tuned to F sharp minor. And Lisa, Sheckman told me to tell you you're almost up.


    • sufficiently


    • play


    This is incredible, Dad. I hope you're sufficiently nervous 'cause there's like a hundred people out there. Which is 80 more than the last time you played, I think?


    • sarcastic

            빈정대는, 비꼬는

    Lisa, this is my sarcastic son, Dan and his friend Sarah.


    • take good care of

            (주의) 중히 여기다

    I'll take good care of him, Mr. Humphrey, promise.


    • mess up

            다 망치다

    • bridge

            악곡, 악장의 각 부분의 연결, (음악) 경과부

    • break a leg

            행운을 빌어

    • in the front row

            앞줄에, 1열에

    Uh, Jenny's already called me about 15 times from mom's to make sure that I call her during 'Something like that'. So she can hear you mess up the bridge. So break a leg. I'll be in the front row, okay?


    • send away


    Don't send her away.


    • polite


    Blair, it's it's not polite to interrupt.


    • If anything

            (의견을 나타내어) 어느 편인가 하면, 오히려(부정문 뒤에서 그 반대가 사실임을 나타냄)

    • take strong action

            단호한 조처를 취하다

    Excuse me. Thank you, Blair, but it's not exactly your business what I do with my daughter. If anything, you're one of the reasons that I'm having to take such strong actions.


    • with all due respect

            외람된 말씀이지만

    • go through


    • in pain

            괴로워하는, 아파하는

    • go away

            집을 떠나다, 없어지다

    I say this with all due respect, Lily. But you have no idea what your daughter's been going through. She's in a lot of pain. And I don't think the pain's gonna go away if she goes away.


    • hold onto

            붙들다, 계속 보유하다

    • for a long time

            장기간, 오랫동안

    • catch up with

            따라잡다, (문제가) 결국 ~의 발목을 잡다

    • out of league

            ~의 수준을 벗어나는, (문제 따위가) ~의 이해가(능력이) 미치지 못하는 곳에(영역에) 있는

    Serena has a secret. And she's been holding onto it for a long, long time. And now it's finally catching up with her. I'm, I'm out of my league here. I can't do anymore than I've done. And it's not enough. She needs you.


    • boundary


    I saw the video. She doesn't need me. She needs boundaries.


    • let down

            ~의 기대를 저버리다, ~를 실망시키다

    You're not calling to cancel, are you? Because waiting 20 minutes before the concert maybe isn't the best way to let a girl down.


    • drum roll

            두구두구두구..., 드럼의 연타, 드럼 소리

    • show


    No, I'm calling to let you know I may be ten minutes late because, drum roll, please. I'm actually gonna take the subway to the show.


    • man of the people

            보통 사람들의 의견을 잘 이해하고 그걸 대변해주는 사람, 서민들에게 인기있는 정치인

    Subway, huh? Nate Archibald, man of the people.


    • As strange as it may seem

            이상하게 보일지도 모르지만

    • gig


    As strange as it may seem, Dan is here. It is his dad's gig.


    • weird out

            정신 나가다, 정신 나가게 하다

    Okay, now you're totally weirding me out.


    • mess up

            다 망치다

    Sarah is not her real name. It's Georgina. Serena just told us this really messed up story about her. Just do not trust anything she says, please.


    • Queens

            New York 동부의 Long Island의 한 구역

    Hey, I only have a second, I'm on my way to Queens.


    • Gross


    Ugh. Gross, why?


    • Lex

            =렉싱턴 가(Lexington Avenue), 렉싱턴가는 미국 뉴욕주 뉴욕 맨해튼을 남북으로 종단하는 대로이다

    Ah... 74th and Lex.


    • rehearsal


    • bride


    It's our rehearsal dinner, and you're the bride.


    • What's gotten into you?

            도대체 왜 그래?, 갑자기 왜그래?, 왜저래?, 웬일이야?


    • What if~?

            ~면 어쩌지?

    What if I told you I knew where Georgina Sparks was right now?


    • get


    I'd say, let's get the bitch.


    • reunite

            재회하다, 재결합하다

    • defend


    • honor


    • army

            군대, 육군

    Spotted: Blair and Chuck reunited to defend Serena's honor. With friends like these, who needs armies?


    • expect

            (오기로 되어있는 대상을) 기다리다

    It's the Fairman's house. This is where the boy who died grew up. And his parents are expecting you.


    • go in


    Mom, I can't go in there.


    • get in

            안으로 들어가다

    • choice


    • smash into

            ~와 격돌하다

    • right


    • adjust

            (약간) 조정(조절)하다, 적응하다

    • move around

            빙 돌다, 돌아다니다

    • one or the other

            (그 두개 중의) 어느 한쪽(하나)

    • move forward

            앞으로 나아가다

    Sweetie, if I've learned anything in life, it is that sometimes things get in your path, and you have a choice. You can either smash right into them, or you can adjust and move around. But you have to do one or the other in order to move forward.


    • a round of applause

            한 차례의 박수(갈채)

    Ladies and gentlemen, how about a round of applause for Lisa Loeb?


    • act

            (음악) 공연자(그룹)

    • line up

             줄을 서다, 준비하다

    Hey, everyone, how are you doing? I'm Lisa Loeb, and I'm your host for tonight. And I am so happy you're all here. Thank you so much for coming. We've got a lot of great acts lined up.


    • hang

            배회하다, (자동사) 어슬렁거리다

    Hey, V, I didn't realize you'd be able to hang during the concert.


    • Not that I know of.

            내가 알기에는 그렇지 않다


    • unless

            ~을 제외하면, ~한 경우(때) 이외는

    You sure about that, Georgina? My friend says Serena told him some story about you. And he's on his way to fill me in, unless you wanna do that first?


    • set list

            공연 목록(가수나 밴드가 특정 콘서트에서 공연하고자 하는 곡들의 목록)

    Vanessa, Rufus can't find the set list. You know where it is?


    • tape

            테이프(끈)으로 묶다, (접착) 테이프로 붙이다

    • into

            ~안으로, 속에 ~에 대고, ~을 향해

    • Gibson

            깁슨 기타 회사는 기타를 비롯하여 여러 악기를 생산하는 기업

    • case


    I taped it into the top of his Gibson case. Uh, I'll get it. This will just take two minutes. Just don't go anywhere, stay right here. I'll be right back.


    • addict

            (약물 등의) 중독자

    • hold responsible

             책임을 묻다

    Oh, you heard what they said. Look, Peter was an addict for ten years. His own parents couldn't get him to stop using. There's no way that a 16-year-old girl could have. They don't hold you responsible. You don't need to blame yourself.


    • contrary to

            ~와는 반대로

    • care

            걱정, 염려, 조심, 주의, 돌봄, 보살핌

    • compassion

            연민, 동정심

    • respect


    Because contrary to what I might have said earlier, you are a good person who, since that night, has been living your life with care and compassion and respect for yourself and for others. I'm sorry I doubted you.


    • break into

            (자동차 문등을) 억지로 열다, 침입하다

    • trash

            부수다, 엉망으로 만들다

    • move in

            이사를 들다

    • yet


    • track down

            ~을 찾아내다, 행방을 알아내다

    • move out of town

            마을을 떠나다

    • get hurt


    I came home one day, and my car was broken into, and then a week later, my room was trashed, and I got really scared. I changed all my numbers, I moved in with a friend, and yet he still tracked me down. It was my mom's idea to change my name and move out of town. I hate being away from my family, but, it's better than getting hurt, right?


    • think less of

            ~을 낮게 보다, 하찮게 보다

    • fall for

            (사람에게) 홀딱 빠지다

    And I also didn't want you to think less of me, because I haven't wanted to admit it, but, um, from the moment that I met you, I've been falling for you. Oh, my god. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't, I don't know what I'm saying.


    • go on

            (공연을) 시작하다, (무대에서) 나오다

    But your dad's about to go on.


    • stand

            참다, 견디다

    Some date we've got here, you even brought your friends. The ones I can't stand.


    • take off

            (특히 서둘러) 떠나다

    I don't know, she just took off. If I could only find Dan, he's around here somewhere.


    • big


    I, I'm a big Leaky Hawk fan.


    • out of luck

            운이 없는

    You're out of luck, Georgina's gone.


    • encore

            앙코르(재청) (라고 외치는 소리), (에 응해서 하는 연주/공연)

    • band

            (가수를 중심으로 한 소규모 대중 음악) 밴드

    All right. Everybody, that was Lincoln Hawk. Let's hear it. Let's hear an encore from Rufus and the band. One more time for Lincoln Hawk.


    • take a break

            잠시 휴식을 취하다

    • quick


    All right, thank you. So we're gonna take a quick break...


    • play

            (게임을) 하다, (상황을 ~하게) 다루다, 처리하다

    I hear you told our little secret. If that's the way you wanna play it, that's how we'll play it.


    • all bets are off

            계획이 무효가 되다, 모든 것이 백지로 돌아가다

    Oh, you should be. 'Cause all bets are off.


    • good

            착한, 선량한

    No. I know Dan. He's too good.


    • How did it go with ~?

            ~는 어떻게 됐어?

    How did everything go with your mom?


    • after party

            특히 시끌벅쩍한 파티 후의 사교모임

    Good. Yeah. She was glad I finally found someone I could trust. Um, are you sure that you don't mind missing the after party to have coffee with me?


    • would rather

            ~하겠다, 하고 싶다

    You know what, after the day I've had, there's no place I'd rather be.


    • Sweet dreams

            잘자라, 좋은 꿈꿔라

    If I were you, S, I'd be worried. In the city that never sleeps, a lot can happen in one night. Sweet dreams, Serena. XOXO, Gossip Girl.
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