
  • 미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 (Gossip Girl S1E16 - All About My Brother(2))
    English/미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 2024. 2. 20. 18:41



    • come around

            (원래 있던 곳으로) 돌아오다

    If you invite an old friend to our quiet family dinner, I expect you to stay and eat. You know how I always loved when Georgina came around.


    • run into

            ~와 우연히 만나다

    • lobby

            로비(공공건물 현관 입구 안쪽에 있는, 사람들을 만나거나 기다릴 수 있는 공간)

    • come over


    I ran into Lily in the lobby. You totally forgot to tell her I was coming over for dinner. Did you get my present?


    • Breaking news

            뉴스 속보

    • overhear

            (남의 대화 등을) 우연히 듣다

    • brag

            자랑하다, 떠벌리다

    • swipe one's V card

            ~의 처녀성을 취하다

    • register

            =cash register, 금전등록기, 계산대

    Breaking news: Asher Hornsby overheard bragging that Little J swiped her V card at his register.


    • blast

            거센 바람, 맹비난, 폭풍

    Well, it's none of your business. And since when did you start reading Gossip Girl blasts anyway?


    • subject

            주제, 대상, 화재

    Since you became the subject of them. You're 15 years old, and I'm your big brother. It is my business.


    • tip


    So you were the one who sent the tip?


    • get one's attention

            ~의 주의를 끌다

    • somehow


    Yeah, I'm, look, I'm sorry. But I tried to tell youo. You wouldn't listen to me. I needed to get your attention somehow.


    • the whole time


    Well, I knew about him the whole time.


    • guess what

            있잖아, 이봐

    • The minute that ~


    You think that you're so different and so good? Well, guess what, Dan? The minute that you start sending tips to Gossip Girl, you're in the game with the rest of us. Get out of my room.


    • Snow White


    Oh, how is Snow White?


    • bring back

            도로 데려오다

    So, Georgina, what brings you back to New York?


    • kill

            (남는 시간을) (뭔가 하면서) 보내다

    Oh, I just had some time to kill.


    • boarding school

            기숙 학교

    She went to boarding school in Switzerland.


    • full-time


    • Tiffany

            =Tifanny&Co, 미국 뉴욕에 본사를 둔 고급 보석 제조 및 판매업체로 사치품, 특히 다이아몬드와 은세공품 컬렉션으로 유명

    • rock

            보석, (특히) 다이아몬드

    • talk

            소문, 이야기

    Oh, no. Actually, they've moved to the country full-time. I'm just in the city to catch up with some old friends. What about you? You and that gorgeous Tiffany rock seem to be that talk of the city.


    • right

            정확히, 맞게, 제대로

    Oh, I'm sorry. I don't think I heard you right.


    • wait up

            (~가 집에 오기를) 자지 않고 기다리다

    Dan went out with Vanessa and I'm going to choir practice like we talked about. Don't wait up.


    • Not so fast.

            잠깐, 기다려

    Not so fast. Where were you gonna change your clothes?


    • entertainment

            오락, 여흥, 접대

    • have some explaining to do

            해명할 필요가 있다

    Well, unless the choir is entertainment at Asher's party, you have some explaining to do.


    • wipe out

            전멸시키다, 없애버리다, 완전히 파괴하다

    All that good behavior from the past few weeks just got wiped out from that lie.


    • put bars on one's window

            창문에 빗장을 걸다

    • chain to

            ~를 ~에 쇠사슬로 매다

    • kitchen counter


    You'll what? What, dad? What are you gonna do? Are you gonna put bars on my window or chain me to the kitchen counter? I'm not your, I'm not a little girl anymore. You can't make me do anything.


    • fault

            단점, 결점, 흠, 고장

    Yeah. I've been talking to him a lot lately. Guy's got his faults, but he's never judged me.


    • blurt out

            불쑥 말하다, 무심결에 말하다

    I wanted to, but it, it's not the type of thing you blurt out on the way to school. I was waiting for the right time.


    • abandon

            버리고 떠나다

    • all over again

            처음부터 다시, 또 다시

    Dinner with Georgina definitely wasn't that, huh? I'm sorry about her, about me. I came back for you and then I abandoned you all over again.


    • going through


    When I was at Ostroff, I met this guy. We were going through a lot of the same stuff, and now that guy is dating Jenny.


    • stand by one's side

            ~을 편들다

    I'm so proud of you. I love you, no matter, what you do, who you like, whose boyfriend kisses you. The people who care about you will always stand by your side, okay?


    • crash

            초대없이 들이닥치다

    Oh, my God, Blair crashed Jenny's party.


    • freak

            기겁을 하다

    Jenny's gonna freak.


    • do justice

            충분히 역량을 펼치다

    Hi. I'm Sarah. It is so nice to finally meet you. Wow, I mean, Dan told me you were pretty, but he didn't do you justice.


    • of sorts

            신통찮은(보잘 것 없는)

    Hey, no, no, no. Wait. Don't go. Vanessa is just about to show me one of her movies. I'm a filmmaker, too, of sorts. Actually, I brought one of my short films. I was hoping to get your opinion. Maybe you wanna see it, too, and tell me what you think?


    • Put away

            치우다, 넣다

    What the hell are you doing, Georgina? Put that away.


    • friendly


    It's just a friendly game.


    • heavy petting

            진한 애무

    • send

            (사람에게 어떤 행동이나 반응을 하게 함)

    • run

            달리다, (스킨십 단계) 야구로 예를 들어서 1,2,3루, 홈런까지 스킨십의 끝까지 달리다

    Oh, I think we are. You see, because with me as your enemy, Dan sees this. And if the heavy petting doesn't send him running, well, I'll bet what happened after will.


    • get shy

            부끄러워 지다

    No, I got a little shy about showing it. Maybe next time?


    • Give us a moment

            잠시 기다려줄래?

    Give us a moment, guys.


    • judging by

            ~으로 판단하건대(미루어보아)

    It's always what it looks like. And judging by the texts and photos, it looks like a little more than friendship.


    • faggot

            (Slang)남자 동성연애자

    Get this faggot outta here!


    • Go ahead and do it.



    • best


    • most

            가장, 최고로

    • capable of

            ~할 수 있는

    The people you know best are the ones most capable of surprising you.


    • act

            행동을 취하다, 굴다

    • maternal

            모성의, 어머니다운

    The things that I said, the way I acted... It was not my finest maternal moment. What if he does something again?


    • make the team

            팀에 들다(되다, 이루다)

    • quite

            꽤, 정말

    We make quite the team.


    • make

            하다, ~이 되다, 성공적이 되게 하다

    Always did. Good luck, Lil, with everything. I'm sure you'll make a beautiful bride.


    • controversy


    • spread one's legs

            다리(가랑이)를 벌리다

    • correspondence

            일치, 대응

    Weekend update: A same-sex kiss hasn't caused this much controversy since Britney and Madonna. Looks like Little J didn't spread her legs after all. She spread lies instead. Asher is gay and I have the correspondence to prove it.

    ※ 2003년 MTV VMA에서 마돈나와 브리트니 스피어스가 무대에서 키스 퍼포먼스를 하고 매우 센세이션을 일으켰다


    • bomb

            폭탄, 깜짝 놀라게 하는 일

    • drop


    It's kind of hard to party after the gay bomb drops.


    • give somebody the benefit of the doubt

            (그렇지 않음을 증명할 수 없으므로) ~을 말을 일단 믿어주다, (증거가 불충분하므로) 미심쩍지만 선의로 해석하다

    • the benefit of the doubt

            (증거 불충분의 경우) 무죄추정, 선의의 해석

    I'm gonna do something out of character and give you the benefit of the doubt. Tell us Gossip Girl is wrong.


    • exaggerate


    I may have exaggerated a little bit.


    • honest


    Dating a gay guy is a honest mistake. But lying to your girlfriends about sex is unforgivable.


    • To think

            (~임을) 생각하면(정말 놀랍거나 충격적임을 나타냄)

    • match

            맞추다, 어울리다

    To think I almost asked you to wear a matching dress tonight.


    • brand

            낙인을 찍다

    You're branded now with the L word.


    • Waverly

            뉴욕에 있는 미국식 식당

    • 151

            뉴욕에 있는 바&레스토랑

    We are doing nothing. I, however, am going home. But, um, tomorrow, dinner at the Waverly and then to 151 for drinks.


    • BlackBerry

            =키보드 탑재된 폰, 캐나다 스마트폰 제조회사 이름

    • itinerary


    I'll have Dorota BlackBerry everyone an itinerary.


    • The sun will come out tomorrow

            세상은 끝나지 않았어요

    • come out

            동성애자임을 밝히다, 벽장에서 나오다

    Don't look so sad, Little J. The sun will come out tomorrow. Even though your boyfriend did today.


    • iced

            차게식은, 식힌

    Hey, um, I made some tea. Um, it's probably iced now, but, um, look, my reaction earlier...


    • catch somebody off-guard

            ~의 의표를 찌르다, 허를 찌르다, 방심한 틈을 노리다

    No, it's not okay. You just caught me off-guard, I guess, I, I just wasn't ready.


    • The third time's the(a) charm

            삼세번만의 행운

    You would know, right? Fourth time's the charm.


    • fundamental rules

            근본적 규칙

    • set

            ~하게 하다

    • end


    • fought

            =fight의 과거, 과거분사형

    Ah, yes. The truth always comes out. It's one of the fundamental rules of time. And when it comes out, it can set you free. Or end everything you fought so hard for.


    • My, my.

            이런 이런

    • If it isn't ~

            누군가 했더니 ~구나

    • rise from the ashes

            재생하다, 부활하다, 폐허를 딛고 일어서다

    My, my. If it isn't Little J risen from the ashes.


    • Just like that

            갑자기, 손쉽게, 이렇게 쉽게?

    • wave


    Just like that, you wave the white flag?


    • put up a good fight


    • For

            ~치곤, ~에 비해

    Well you put up a good fight. For a freshman.


    • hug


    Hope you don't expect a hug.


    • patch things up


    Jealous. There's no reason to be. She, she actually wanted us to patch things up.


    • take one's word for it

            ~의 말을 그대로 받아들이다, 그대로 믿다

    Look at me. I love you, okay? You just have to take my word for it. Do not trust her.


    • get going


    I'm gonna get going.


    • hold on

            기다려, 멈춰

    Hey, just hold on. One, one second.


    • screw up

            망치다, 엉망으로 하다

    I want things to go back to how they were, before that night. Before things got so screwed up. We were such good friends. And now we can be again.


    • blackmail


    Why would I wanna be friends with someboy who blackmails me, who outs my little brother at the dinner table?


    • on purpose

            고의로, 일부로

    • get home safe

            집 조심히 들어가

    Maybe you're right. Maybe I did it on purpose. Because I can. Because I know things. About you, about your family. About your boyfriend. And I know them before you do. Oh, look, cab. You get home safe.


    • mean


    Another way the truth comes out when you don't even mean it to.


    • Scrabble

            스크래블(철자가 적힌 플라스틱 조각들로 글자 만들기를 하는 보드게임의 하나)

    • therapeutic

            치료의, 치료법의

    • triple word score

            스크래블에서 3개의 단어가 한번에 있는 칸의 단어를 완성시키면 점수를 3배로 가져가는 룰

    Who would've thought Scrabble could be therapeutic? The last one was a triple word score.


    • without saying a word

            무언으로, 아무 말없이

    • loud and clear

            아주 이해하기 쉽게(분명하게)

    Or when, without saying a word, it's still loud and clear.


    • lock somebody away

            =lock somebody up, ~를 철장 안에 가두다, 감금하다

    But the worst thing the truth can do is when you finally tell it, it doesn't set you free, but locks you away forever.


    • let go

            버리다, 포기하다, 놓다

    What are you talking about? You're starting to scare me. Hey, hey, hey. We're sisters. You're my family. What is you is me. There's nothing that you could ever say to make me let go. I love you. What is it?
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