
  • 미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 (Gossip Girl S1E11 - Roman Holiday(2))
    English/미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 2024. 1. 10. 21:06



    • go ahead

            밀고 나가다, 계속하다

    But if there's something you wanna say, you should go ahead and say it.


    • Anguilla

            앙귈라. 서인도 제도 동부, Leeward 제도 북부에 있는 영국령의 섬

    • for the ages

            오랫동안 기억에 남을만한

    • What is the matter with ~?

            ~ 무슨 일이야? 무슨 문제야?

    Yes, well... I'm, um, flying to Anguilla with Bart tonight so I'm expecting it to be a, a great holiday. One for the ages, in fact. Good night, Rufus. Goodbye. Anguilla? What is the matter with me?


    • fortune


    • track down

            ~을 찾아내다, ~의 뒤를 밟다, 행방을 알아내다

    • extend an invitation

            초대를 베풀다(하다)

    Well, I was hoping to see you again. I thought it great good fortune that Roman tracked me down at the skating rink and extended an invitation.


    • How dare ~

            감히 ~하다니(분노)

    • invite into

            ~를 ~로 부르다

    • strange


    Oh. Well... En-enjoy the party. How dare you invite a strange man into my home?


    • practically

            사실상, 거의

    • pick up

            줍다, 찾다

    • off


    Roman, you practically picked him up off the street.


    • prominent

            유명한, 두드러진

    • hedge fund

            헤지펀드(국제 증권 및 외환 시장에 투자해 단기 이익을 올리는 민간 투자자금)

    • attractive

            (특히 성적으로) 매력적인

    And then I Googled him. His name is Jack Roth. He owns a prominent hedge fund with offices in London and Barcelona. And he finds you very attractive.


    • excuse

            변명, 이유, 구실, 핑계

    • romantic


    Well, that's no excuse. And I, I am doing just fine without your romantic help.


    • Since before


    • Marc Jacobs

            미국의 패션 디자이너

    • go into

            ~에 들어가다

    • rehab

            (마약, 알코올) 중독치료

    Eleanor, we've been friends for a long time. Since before Marc Jacobs went into rehab.


    • disturb

            (작업, 수면 등을) 방해하다

    Is Nate there? Oh, a few hours ago? A Chuck Bass didn't call for him, did he? Uh, never mind. Did Nate say where he was going? No, no, don't, don't disturb Mrs. Archibald. I'm, I'm sure he's on his way here now. All right, thank you.


    • glue


    • comforter

            (두툼한) 이불

    Dorota's gonna kill you if you get glue on the comforter.


    • turn into

            ~을 ~으로 바꾸다

    • the clock is ticking

            시간이 가고 있어

    Sorry we've turned your room into an art studio, B, but the clock is ticking.


    • project


    • a pair of scissors

            가위 한자루

    • grateful


    Vanessa, I think I'd like to help with this little project. Would you come and help me find another pair of scissors?
    It's so nice what you're doing for your friend Dan... Helping his girlfriend make his Christmas present. Serena is so grateful because she likes to see the best in people. I like to see the truth.


    • take off

            (특히 서둘러) 떠나다

    I'm taking off. Call me when you're done?


    • anytime

            언제든지, 언제나, 반드시, 예외없이

    Mom, anytime you say it'll just be the three of us it means you're dating someone new. Whoever it is, I don't care. I'll just meet him at the wedding.


    • a moment ago

            방금, 이제 막

    You just said a moment ago you didn't care who it was.


    • facial expression

            얼굴의 표정

    • scare

            겁나게 하다

    He only has one facial expression. He scares me.


    • raise

            (아이, 동물을) 키우다, 기르다

    And he raised Chuck. That scares me.


    • as usual

            늘 그렇듯이(평상시처럼)

    • overly

            너무, 몹시

    • dramatic


    • casual

            (관계가) 가벼운

    • regardless


    Oh... Serena, as usual, you're being overly dramatic. I'm not marrying Bart. This is very casual. And regardless, I'm not asking your permission.


    • entail


    • robbery


    You know, when I suggested this plan, I didn't know that it would entail a robbery.


    • donation

            기부, 기증(금)

    • rescue

            구조, 구출

    • abandoned


    • lot

            (특정 용도용) 지역, 부지, (사물의) 묶음, 무더기

    • kindling


    • the day after

            ~ 다음날

    • admire

            감탄하며 바라보다, 칭찬하다

    Hey, hey, hey, I left a donation, so it was more of a rescue than a robbery. You know, those abandoned trees in that lot were just gonna be kindling the day after Christmas, and this tree that we have here is gonna be loved and admired.


    • talent


    • spin

            (정보 상황에 대한, 특히 그럴 듯한) 의견 제시, (아주 빠른) 회전, 돌기

    Oh, yeah, you have a real talent for spin, my brother. Okay.


    • heavy lifting

            무거운 물건 들기

    I wish I had more talent for heavy lifting.


    • real possibility

            현실적(실현) 가능성, 충분한(유력한) 가능성

    • split up

            이혼하다, 헤어지다

    I think there's a real possibility that they might split up.


    • nuts

            미친, 제 정신이 아닌, ~을 미친듯이 사랑하는

    Heh. If I hadn't brought her back, though... we could've just kept pretending that she was just nuts and doing her art.


    • occasionally


    Well, occasionally, with my niece. But she's much more talented than I am.


    • since ages

            정말 오래된

    Hmm. Well, I haven't skated since ages but I used to love it when I was a girl.


    • It's so true.

            진짜 맞아

    • indescribable

            말로 다 할 수 없는

    • pull

            (마음을) 끌어당김

    • old lover


    • jolt

            (특히 강한 충격 놀람으로) 가슴이 철렁하는 느낌

    • electricity

            강렬한 감정(흥분)

    It's so true. How does one explain the indescribable pull to see an old lover, to feel that jolt of electricity?


    • last

            견디다, 지속하다

    • in town


    So you couldn't last two days in town without contacting him?


    • appearance

            (뜻밖에) 나타남, 등장, 출현, 상황, 형세, 정세

    I can't believe you'd trust appearances and not me.


    • dear

            자기, 당신

    Harold, dear, I... Roman did not invite Freddy. I think Blair did.


    • featured model

            특성 모델

    • catalog

            (물품, 책의) 목록, 리스트

    Freddy, if you want to be the featured model in my spring catalog you'd better tell us the truth.


    • cruise

            유람선 여행

    • renew


    • membership


    She might have offered to buy me a cruise and renew my gym membership.


    • might as well

            ~하는 편이 낫다

    • feature

            특색으로 삼다, 주연하다

    • when hell freezes over

             결코 ~않다 (=never)

    Ha. Well, you might as well take that cruise because you'll be featured in my catalog when hell freezes over. Now please get out.


    • sugar and spice

            상냥하고 올바른

    • and everything


    • after all

            (예상과 달리) 결국에는

    Looks like Daddy's little girl isn't sugar and spice and everything nice after all.


    • slow down


    • for a second


    • let someone be

            누군가를 그대로 두다, ~를 내버려두다

    I wish you would just slow down for a second and let her be.


    • cruel


    Well, I just can't believe that Blair would do something so cruel. And to Roman, who's only ever been completely kind to her.


    • lash out at

            ~을 마구 몰아세우다, 후려 갈기려 들다, ~를 맹렬히 비난하다

    • doorstep


    • at doorstep


    • without a word of warning

            미리 말도 없이(갑자기)

    It isn't Roman Blair's lashing out at, it's you. She was so looking forward to spending time with you alone and then you show up at our doorstep with you lover without a word od warning. How di you expect her to react?


    • scheme

            책략을 꾸미다

    • all grown up

            다 큰

    • be fooled

            속임수에 넘어가다

    Blair learned scheming from her mother and unrealistic dreaming from her father. She tries really hard to act all grown up, but don't you be fooled. She's still a little girl who needs her daddy.


    • distract

            (주의를) 딴 데로 돌리다

    • humorless

            유머가 없는

    • concierge

            (호텔의) 안내원

    • sneak into

            침투하다, 잠입하다

    Now you go in there, you distract Dexter, the humorless concierge while I try and sneak this into an elevator.


    • Hercules

            헤라클레스(Zeus 신의 아들로 힘 센 영웅)

    • carry

            실어나르다, 나르다

    All right. Um... Who's gonna turn you into Hercules so you can carry this thing by yourself?


    • proof

             (~이) 뚫을 수 없는, 보증할 수 있는

    I, I didn't, I did not say the plan was full proof.


    • be about to

            막 ~하려는 참이다

    • ask for a favor

            부탁을 하나 하다

    Which is why Dan's about to ask you for a favor.


    • involve

            관련되다, 수반하다

    • sneak into

            ~에 몰래 들어가다

    Ah, does it involve distracting Dexter and Sneaking into the elevator?


    • eyes of a hawk

            매의 눈

    • take

            받아들이다, ~을 ~라고 여기다

    No, never. He has the eyes of a hawk and he takes his job very seriously.


    • So


    So I've noticed.


    • service entrance

            업무(종업원)용 출입구

    • be bought

            돈으로 매수되다

    But Bobby at the service entrance... I think he could be bought. Come.


    • throw together

            (사람들을, 특히 우연히) 만나게(접하게) 하다

    May I come in? Our flight leaves in a few hours. I wanted to say goodbye. Please forgive me, Blair. I should have told you that I was bringing Roman. I knew that having him here would be hard for you but I love you so much and I love Roman and I was hoping that if we were all thrown together that something perfect would happen and that you would love him too.


    • vineyard

            포도밭, 포도원

    • commitment ceremony

            약혼식, 약속식, 언약식

    • Great.

            아주 잘

    • room

            자리, 공간, 여지

    I was gonna convince you to move back to New York. But you bought a vineyard in France with Roman. What's next, a commitment ceremony? Great. There's no room in your life for me anymore.


    • decorate

            실내장식을 하다

    We're having it decorated just for you.


    • cheesy

            싸구려의, 저급한

    Merry Christmas. Ha-ha. Do you like it? Do you think it's cheesy?


    • pre-

            ~전의, 미리

    Your present is waiting for you at home. But, um, I did bring a little pre-present for you.


    • original


    • spiral notebook


    Yeah, it's the original. It's right out of the spiral notebook.


    • accidentally

            우연히, 잘못하여, 뜻하지 않게

    Um, well, I was accidentally invited to a birthday party where I met a girl. She only spoke two sentences to me. But I've never forgotten her.


    • arts and crafts


    • manage

            (어떻게든) ~해내다

    The arts and crafts were impressive, but how did you manage the real snow?


    • well connected

            연줄이 든든한

    I'm well connected. Ha-ha.


    • without a question


    This is without question the best Christmas ever.


    • break the spell

            미몽을 깨다, 온정신으로 되돌리다

    I hate to break the spell, but, uh, we better get home before our families wake up.


    • marvel

            경이(로운 사람, 것)

    Eleanor, you are a marvel.


    • wander around

            이리저리 헤매고 돌아다니다

    • lost

            길을 잃은

    Oh... Who knew ther were men like you wandering around Central Park, lost?


    • The Pierre

            뉴욕에 있는 럭셔리 호텔

    The flights were all canceled because of the weather. I wanted to tell Blair in person. Do not worry. We, we have a room at The Pierre.


    • nonsense

            말도 안되는 소리

    No, that's nonsense. You'll stay with us.


    • in for a treat

            기대해도 좋은, 즐길 수 있는, 신나는

    • like no other

            남다른, 둘도 없는, 아주 특별한

    Well, Roman, you are in for a treat because a Waldorf Christmas is like no other.


    • get in


    • awfully

            정말, 몹시

    And you're getting in awfully late.


    • shenanigan

            (사람들이 재미있어 하는) 속임수(야바위), 허튼소리, 장난, 속임, 사기 기만

    • take all night

            밤새(시간이) 걸리다

    Saying the tree shenanigans were taking all night but I didn't think you meant literally all night.


    • production

            생산, 제작

    Oh. Yeah, uh, yeah, the tree. It was a big production. Luckily, Serena's mom was there to help with the plan.


    • The Nutcracker

            호두까기 인형, E.T.A 호프만의 1816년작 동화, 동화를 기초로 만든 발레(음악은 차이콥스키 작곡)

    No, no, they're here. They're gonna go see The Nutcracker tomorrow.


    • hang out together


    • go for a walk

            산책하러 가다

    But you know what? The three of us could hang out together. It'll be great. We'll drink hot cocoa and watch a movie and then when your dad comes back, we could all go for a walk.


    • silver bell

            때죽나무 류의 관목, 유명한 크리스마스 캐롤 송

    • Yuletide

            (옛글투 or 문예체) 크리스마스 무렵

    • gay

            (구식표현) 즐거운, 명랑한

    • Make the Yuletide gay

            크리스마스 시즌 즐겁게 보내세요

    • leave

            놓아두다, 미루다, 남겨두다

    Hear those silver bells? It's Christmas time in the city. Some families actually do make the Yultide gay managing to leave their troubles far away.


    • brunette

            흑갈색 머리의 백인 여성

    • Catherine Deneuve

            까뜨린느 드뇌브, 전설적인 프랑스의 미녀 영화배우

    • Quelle magnifique.

            (불어) 얼마나 마법같은지

    You look like a brunette Catherine Deneuve. Quelle magnifique.


    • gorgeous

            아주 멋진, 화려한

    It's so gorgeous. Merry Christmas, Dorota. So we can text.


    • Paperwork

            서류 작업, 문서 업무

    Uh... uh, Paperwork, I think.


    • Number-one


    • for

            (정해진 날짜, 시간을 나타내어) ~에(일자의)

    Yeah. Wow. Uh... Number-one fan. You know, I'm, I'm sorry I didn't get anything for you, Mr. Bass but, uh, I didn't know you'd be coming for Christmas.


    • no worries

            (흔히 고맙다는 말에 대한 대꾸로 쓰여) 괜찮아요

    Ah, no worries, Eric. And please, call me Bart.


    • for keeps


    But some gifts are for keeps.


    • have feelings for

            (부정적이든 긍정적이든) ~에게 감정이 있다

    Eric, Serena. I just want you to know that I have deep feelings for your mother.


    • interrupt


    Uh, Lily, you're not gonna wanna interrupt this moment.


    • least


    Other presents come when you least expect them.


    • claim

            ~라고 주장하다

    • 24/7

            1년 내내

    • false advertising

            허위(거짓) 광고

    Hey, Lil. You know everything is closed on Christmas? Diners that claim to be open 24/7. It's false advertising.


    • seem to

            ~인 것 같다, ~처럼 보이다

    • all the way


    • doorstep

            현관 계단

    • in the snow


    • what the hell

            알게 뭐야, 아무려면 어때

    So, uh, Alson's leaving. She's spending time alone with the kids. And I seemed to have walked all the way from Brooklyn to your doorstep without a jacket, in the snow. So, what the hell. I miss you. And I have been missing you for a while.


    • do me the honor of

            ~할 영광을 ~에게 해주다

    Lily. Would you do me the honor of being my wife?


    • Fromage


    Fromage! Cheese!


    • Have a holly jolly Christmas.

            즐거운 크리스마스 보내세요

    • holly

            호랑가시 나무(잎가에 뾰족뾰족한 가시가 돋아 있고 새빨간 열매가 달리는 나무로 흔히 크리스마스 때 장식용으로 쓰임)

    • jolly

            행복한, 쾌할한, 즐거운, 아주

    Then there are those boxes you wish you had never opened. Have a holly jolly Christmas. XOXO, Gossip Girl.
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