
  • 미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 (Gossip Girl S1E12 - School Lies(1))
    English/미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 2024. 1. 21. 19:46



    • Refined

            세련된, 교양있는

    • elegant

            우아한, 품격있는

    • imposing

            인상적인, 눈길을 끄는

    • all it takes is

            필요한 건 ~ 뿐이다(면 된다)

    On the Upper East Side, it's easy to think that the world is exactly as it appears. Refined, elegant, imposing. But sometimes, all it takes is a little key to open the door to the wild side.


    • I don't recall.

            기억이 나지 않는다


    • recall


    Well, do you recall that night after the debutante ball?


    • catch up

            오랜만에 만나서 (밀린) 얘기를 나누다

    • Good catching up.

            (오랜만에) 만나서 반가웠어

    Heh. Good catching up.


    • Enough with

            ~은 충분하니 이제 그만

    • blackmail


    • be bored

            지긋지긋해지다, 지루해지다, 질리다

    • already

            벌써, 이미

    Enough with the blackmail. Aren't you bored already? I can't avoid Nate forever.


    • forever


    • Just until

            딱 ~할 때까지(만)

    • sight


    • turn my stomach

            ~를 메스껍게 하다, ~의 기분을 상하게 하다

    Excuse me. I didn't say forever. Just until the sight of the two of you together doesn't turn my stomach.


    • Only time will tell

            시간이 지나면 알게 될 것이다

    • I'm afraid

            유감이지만 -이다

    • dear

            사랑하는, 소중한

    • virginity

            처녀성, 동정

    • encourage


    • patience


    • restraint

            규제, 통제

    Only time will tell, I'm afraid. So unless you want dear Nathaniel to know how you lost your virginity to me in the back of a moving vehicle, I encourage patience and restraint.


    • torture

            지독히 괴롭히다

    Isn't there someone else you can torture?


    • Why don't we/I ~?

            ~하는 게 어때?

    • turn into

            ~을 ~으로 바꿔놓다

    Why don't I turn that, uh, one-piece into no-piece?


    • floaty

            (수영장에서 쓰는) 튜브

    Find a floaty to talk to, Chuck.


    • engaged


    • you know what they say

            이런 말이 있다, 이런 말 들어봤냐

    • The family that plays together stays together.

            같이 놀면서 화목한 시간을 보내는 행복한 가정은 결국 함께 남게 된다는 뜻

    You know, if my dad and your mom come back from South Africa tomorrow engaged, we'll be brother and sister. And you know what they say... The family that plays together stays together.


    • incest


    • universal

            일반적인, 전세계적인, 보편적인, 만국의, 전 인류의, 절대적인, 만물의, 우주의

    • taboo


    • violate

            (법 등을) 위반하다(어기다)

    Ah, incest... The universal taboo. One of the, um, only one you haven't violated.


    • I'm game if you are.

            네가 한다면 나도 기꺼이 한다

    Well, I'm game if you are.


    • exotic


    • cheerios

            미국의 시리얼 브랜드

    • in

            (나가지 않고) 집에 

    Dan Humphrey, age 17, enjoying an exotic meal of cheerios on an exciting Saturday night in. Come on. Be interesting. You don't want me to move back to Vermont, do you?


    • grant

            (정부나 단체에서 주는) 보조금

    • subject

            대상, 소재, 주제

    No, but if your whole future depends getting this grant for your documentary, I really, really think you should find a new subject.


    • likable

            호감이 가는, 마음에 드는

    • pursuit


    • descent

            하강, 내리막

    • bowel

            (문예체) ~의 가장 깊은 곳, ~의 내부

    • mythic


    • big on

            ~에 열광하여, ~을 대단히 좋아하여

    • soundtrack

            (테이프, CD로 발매되는 어떤 영화의) 사운드트랙(영화음악)

    • score

            (영화 음악 등을) 작곡하다, 편곡하다

    • depressing

            우울하게 만드는

    Absolutely not. The outsider goes inside... A likable everyman's pursuit of his dream girl begins his descent into the bowels of hell. This is mythic stuff. Okay, not big on the soundtrack. Whatever movie he's scoring sounds depressing.


    • biopic


    • straight

            잇달아 계속하여

    • in years


    • have the heart to

            ~할 용기가 있다, ~할 마음이 있다

    Yeah, I think it's a biopic. Try listening to that for three weeks straight. But before Christmas, my dad hadn't finished a song in years, so I really don't have the heart to ask him to stop.


    • Finally


    Yes! Finally some action.


    • What are you up to?

            뭐하고 있어?

    • besides


    Hey. What are you up to, besides missing me?


    • quiet


    Party? I thought it was a quiet night with Blair. Your last night at her place before your mom comes home?


    • go out

            외출하다, 나가다

    • run into

            ~와 우연히 만나다(마주치다)

    Yeah, we were, and then Kati and Is showed up, and we all went out. And we ran into some people and then ended up here.


    • bathing suit


    Bring your bathing suit!


    • what will it be...?

            그 다음은 뭘까?

    • Chaucer

            =Geoffrey Chaucer, 영국의 시인, 영시의 아버지등으로 불린 시인

    • prep school

            =preparatory school(미국에서 대학 진학 준비를 위한 사립 고등학교)

    • high society

            상류사회, 사교계

    • nasty

            못된, 고약한

    • cohort

            (통계적으로 동일한 특색이나 행동 양식을 공유하는) 집단

    So what will it be, Dan... Cheerios and Chaucer or an illegal party at your prep school pool with your high society girlfriend and her nasty cohorts?


    • shot

            사진, 숏(영화에서 한 대의 카메라가 계속해서 잡는 장면)

    • feel like

            ~한 느낌이 있다

    • close-up

            근접촬영(한 사진)

    Well, uh, if you wanted to get the perfect shot of me feeling like an outsider, then I'm ready for my close- up.


    • get off

            (명령문으로 쓰여) 손 떼(놔)

    Hey, get off me.


    • ambulance


    All right, someone call an ambulance. Call an ambulance. Someone call 911.


    • hit

            ~와 부딪치다, ~을 들이받다, 찧다(신체 일부를)

    • fell

            fall의 과거형('떨어지다, 쓰러지다, 넘어지다'를 의미)

    Hi, we, we need an ambulance. Yeah. A kid, he hit his head and he fell in the pool. It's 719, uh, East 82nd Street.


    • left behind

            두고 가다, ~을 놓아둔 채 잊고 오다

    • plenty of


    • Lucky for you

            다행이도, 운이 좋게도

    • Unlucky for you

            운이 없게도

    • hold someone responsible

            누군가에게 책임을 묻다

    Thanks to the cell phone somebody left behind, we've got plenty of evidence of who was at the party. Lucky for you, Andrew Collins is going to be fine. Unlucky for you, we need to hold someone responsible. Ms. Queller?


    • headmistress

            (특히 사립학교의)(여자) 교장

    • unfortunate

            유감스러운, 불운한

    • under circumstances

            ~한 상황에(서)

    • each


    • every one of

            한사람 한사람

    • reach

            연락하다, 이르다, 닿다

    • come to


    • property


    • after hours

            방과 후에, 근무 시간 후에

    • fellow

            같은 처지에 있는, 동료의, 동년배, 동료

    • In other words

            다시 말해서

    • conduct

            (특정 활동을) 하다

    • one-on-one

            1대 1로

    • interview


    • discover

            알아내다, 찾아내다

    • break into

            몰래 잠입하다

    • initiate


    • be expelled

            퇴학당하다, 제명되다, 쫓겨나다

    • indentify

            (신원을) 알아내다

    • expulsion

            퇴학, 제명, 방출

    Hello. I'm Ms. Queller, the new headmistress at Constance. It's unfortunate that we meet under these circumstances. But I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you. I've already talked to your parents, at least those I could reach and look forward to reading your personal essays. 10,000 words describing how you came to be on school property after hours using alcohol and drugs where a fellow student almost died. In other words, what the hell is wrong with you? I'll also be conducting one-on-one interviews until I discover who broke into the pool and initiated the party. That person will be expelled. If that person is not identified then you'll all face expulsion.


    • get into trouble

            곤란에 부딪치다, 귀찮게, 되다, 곤란하게 되다, 곤경에 빠지다

    If no one talks, no one gets into trouble.


    • break in

            (건물에) 침입하다

    Who did break in anyway?


    • crack

            무너지다, 부서지다, 깨지다

    • under pressure

            압박감을 느끼는

    I guess we don't have to worry about Nate cracking under pressure.


    • be agreed

            수긍되다, 약속되다, 협정되다, 합의되다

    So are we all agreed?


    • sight

            시야, 겨냥, 조준

    • Skull and Bones

            예일 대학의 비밀 클럽 이름(음모론 소재 단골)

    • a bit much

            좀 너무한

    Look, Blair, I know you have your sights set on Yale, but this, this Skull and Bones stuff is a bit much, don't you think?


    • assembly

            (학교의) 조례, 집회

    Were you just in the same assembly as me?


    • two-thirds

            3분의 2

    • junior class

            고교나 대학의 끝에서 두번째의 학급

    • get into

            (특정한 상태에) 처하게 만들다

    Do you really think she's gonna expel two-thirds of the junior class? Look, I got you into this, I'm gonna get you out of it, okay? Trust me.


    • weak link

            약한 고리

    • chain


    • it's just a matter of time before

            ~하는 것은(는) 그저 시간 문제일 뿐이다

    • snap

            딱(툭) (하고) 부러지다(끊어지다)

    There's a weak link in every chain. And it's just a matter of time before this one snaps.


    • innocent


    • except for

            ~을 제외하고는

    • crime of passion


    • walk through 

            ~에게 ~을 차근차근 알려주다

    I'm innocent. Well, except for a crime of passion. I did something stupid with someone. And even worse than doing that stupid thing, I did the same stupid thing with someone else and pretended I had never done that stupid thing before. You look confused. Should I walk you through it?


    • Let's stay on point.

            요점에서 벗어나지 말자

    • review


    • record


    • pristine

            아주 깨끗한, 완전 새 것 같은, 오염되지 않은

    Let's stay on point. I reviewed your record. It's pristine. If Constance has a shining star, it's Blair Waldorf. I would never have expected this from you.


    • participation in

            ~에의 관여, 동참, 참여

    • said


    • out of character

            성미에 맞지 않아, 안 어울려, 조화되지 않아, 이례적인, 걸맞지 않은, ~답지 않은

    Like you said, my unfortunate participation in said party was entirely out of character. I don't know anything about it.


    • take seriously

            ~을 진지(심각)하게 생각하다(받아들이다)

    • paper

            논문, 과제물

    You're taking that paper seriously.


    • heartfelt


    This isn't a paper. It's... it's a heartfelt letter to Blair.


    • spay

            난소 제거하다, 중성화 수술하다

    • crystal


    A heartfelt letter? Who spayed you, man? Blair doesn't even want you. She's been crystal about that since we got back.


    • Into

            빠진, 몰두한, 열중하여

    What was she like? Into it, or was she more like...?


    • suffer

            시달리다, 고통받다

    • even

            평등하게 하다, 고르게 하다

    • playing field

            경기장, 운동장

    Yes, I do. I just think she wants me to suffer a little more. You know, even the playing field? It's worth it, believe me.


    • get back to

            (특히 회답을 하기 위해) ~에게 나중에 연락하다

    Hey, dad, Listen, uh, I got your 1,001 messages. I just haven't had a chance to get back to ya.


    • keep out of trouble

            ~이 ~에 관련되지(영향받지) 않게 하다, 곤경에서 벗어나 있다

    • cooperate


    Yeah, but if you know something that keep you out of trouble, then you need to cooperate.


    • look out for

            ~(의 이익)만을 생각하다

    Dan, don't think for a second these other kids aren't gonna be looking out for themselves. You need to do the same. All right?


    • trip

            (짧은 관광 목적의) 여행

    • propose


    No, no, not about that. Um, Bart and I just landed at the airport back from our trip, and he proposed, and I'm going to say yes. I wanted you to hear it from me first, not from my daughter or your son.


    • refer to

            ~을 언급(지칭)하다, 일컫다

    • plane


    • endearing


    Oh, if you're referring to the message you left me on Christmas day, I didn't get it until we were already on the plane. It was very endearing, though.


    • turn around

            돌아서다, 돌려세우다, 뒤돌아보다, 방향을 바꾸다

    • G5

            =걸프 스트림 V, 미국 걸프스트림 항공 우주가 제작한 비즈니스 제트기, 1940년대 미국 대통령 전용기, 현재는 CIA 국장, FBI 국장 전용기로 사용중이다

    But not enough to turn the G5 around?


    • That is it.

            (중요한 요점이) 바로 그(이)것이다

    That is just it with you, Rufus. You don't ever plan anything.


    • private jet


    Well, I'm sure that your current plan will be full of private jets and 5-star hotels.


    • evil


    • lair

            (야생 동물의) 집(굴)

    Trust me when I say you're gonna wanna see this before you enter Blair Waldorf's evil lair.


    • punishment fits the crime

            처벌이 범죄에 합당(적합)하다

    • serve sentence

            복역하다, 징역을 치르다

    • in style

            거창하게, 아주 멋지게, 유행을 따르는

    Spotted: Lonely boy learning that when the punishment fits the crime, there's no reason you can't serve your sentence in style.


    • work on


    I thought we were gonna work on papers.


    • at

            (상황) ~중에 있는

    • Bilboquet


    • ethics


    • tip

            정보, 조언

    • Michael Moore

            미국의 영화 감독

    • get close to


    We are. One night at Bilboquet, Kati and Is made out with a guy in Cornells' ethics program. They're getting tips now. I thought I told you you couldn't film me. Come here, You are so naive. Michael Moore over there is obviously just using this film to get close to Dan.


    • grant money


    No, she needs that grant money.


    • legal pad

            리갈패드(줄이 쳐진 황색 용지 묶음)

    • work


    So did you bring your legal pad? You wait here. I'll find us a quiet place to work.


    • Whatever happened to ~?

            ~라는 말(것)도 모르니?

    • Don't speak until spoken to

            말 걸리기 전까지 말 걸지 않는다

    Whatevere happened to "Don't speak until spoken to"?


    • Humpty dumpty

            '거울나라의 앨리스'(동화)에 등장하는 달걀 캐릭터 이름, 자만심과 권위의식에 사로잡힌 구제불능 캐릭터

    • clarify

            분명히 말하다, 명확하게 하다

    • suspend


    • expel


    • wing


    • in the name

            ~의 이름(명의)으로

    Poor little Humphrey dumpty. Look, let me clarify something for you. Regardless of who you're currently sleeping with, you and I come from different worlds. In my world, if I'm suspended or expelled, a wing is donated in the Bass name.


    • quite

            절대적으로, 완전히, 꽤, 상당히

    That sounds like quite a world.


    • in spades


    • security

            (미래를 위한) 보장, 안심

    • take care of

            ~을 뒷바라지하다, 처리(수습)하다

    • Cassingle

            (=cassette + single의 합성어)카싱글(양면에 한 곡씩 수록한 카세트 테이프)

    • narc

            (slang)(=nark) 경찰 앞잡이, 끄나풀, 정보 제공자, 밀고하다, 밀고자

    Well, it's not perfect, I'll admit. But one thing it does offer in spades is security. My family can take care of me. What do the Humphreys have to offer? Used MetroCards? Your dad's Cassingle? And in case you were wondering, you narc, I only took the key from the party to hide it so we didn't all get blamed, including you.


    • love letter

            연애 편지

    I, uh, wanted to talk to you. I brought you this. It's a love letter.


    • hostess

            (손님을 초대한) 여(안)주인

    • unladylike

            숙녀(귀부인) 답지 않은, 상스러운

    A hostess can't hide in her room. It's unladylike.


    • have a point

            일리가 있다

    No, the guy has a point, actually. Maybe the reason none of you guys take this seriously is because for you it's not.


    • all

            내내, 최대한의, 온통, 몹시, 아주

    • stick together

            단결하다, 함께 뭉치다

    • on

            (무엇에 기대거나 받쳐져 있음을 나타냄), (돈과 관련하여 지불하는, 되는 돈의 종류를 나타냄)

    • partial


    • with

            ~에게, ~에 대해

    • Band of brothers

            형제, 전우

    • step up

            앞으로 나오다

    • have the right to

            ~을 요구할 권리가 있다, 당연히 ~할 만 하다

    Look, I'm all for loyalty and I'm all for sticking together but we are not in the same boat here. I'm on a partial scholarship. My parents have no way of buying my way back into this school or any other. And I know this isn't going to be popular opinion with your Band of brothers, but if the person who brought that key refuses to step up, then anybody who knows anything has the right to say something. Do, do you know who it is? You do, don't you, and you're not gonna say anything.


    • Let go of

            (쥐고 있던 것)을 놓다

    Hey. Let go of me, Bass.


    • Drop habit

            ~한(의) 버릇을 버리다

    Drop your Archibald habit first.


    • fake

            꾸미다, ~인 척하다, 위조(조작)하다

    Really? You want me to tell him how you slept with me and then faked your virginity for him?


    • bang

            쿵하고 부딪치다, 여자와 섹스하다

    • field of vision

            가시범위, 눈으로 볼 수 있는 범위

    • pure


    • honest


    • of many years


    I'll just tell him you're lying. And who do you thinkg he'll believe? You, who bangs anything in his field of vision, or me, his pure and honest girlfriend of many years?


    • Good eye

            좋은 안목이네요, 보는 눈 있네요

    I have proof. Good eye, docu-girl. I'll take the tape now.


    • belong to

            ~에 속하다, ~소유(것)이다

    You knew she was watching? This is my house. That tape belongs to me.


    • footage

            (특정 사건을 담은) 장면, 화면

    • get a new angle on

            ~을 새로운 각도에서 보다, ~에 대하여 새로운 사고방식을 갖다

    • subject

            주제, 화제

    Actually, this is my footage, and thanks to both of you, I think I got a new angle on my subject.


    • Last time I checked

            내 기억이 맞다면, (불만, 못마땅함) 내가 알기론

    Hey! Last time I checked, I still owe you a black eye. So unless this is you coming to claim it, stay away from her.


    • be caught on

            ~에 포착되다, 들키다

    • anticipated

            대망의, 기대하던

    • new release of the year

            올해의 신작

    Now that sex and lies have been caught on videotape, V's documentary just became the most anticipated new release of the year.


    • courtyard

            (보통 성, 저택 등에서 건물에 둘러싸인) 뜰(마당)

    I'm not leaving a message for you from the courtyard this time.


    • out of respect for

            존경심에서, ~에 경의를 표하여, 예의상

    I told you, out of respect for....


    • retrospective

            회상하는, 추억에 잠기는, 과거를 되돌아보는

    So, what exactly are you offering, Rufus? Some retrospective of the way we were over a decade ago? Look, we're not 20 and on the road.


    • Thanks God


    • back then

            옛날 그때(에)

    Thanks God we're not because your mother made this decision for you back then, remember?


    • not the least bit

            조금도 ~없는(않는)

    • crossroad

            교차로, (행동선택의) 기로

    • Claim

            주장하다, 차지하다

    Look. I don't know exactly whta it would even mean for us to be together. But can you look at me and tell me you're not the least bit curious? You're at the same crossroads you were years ago. Claim your life this time. Live it the way you wanna live it.


    • been through

            ~을 겪다

    • behind


    After all your family has been through this year, I'm surprised to learn that you're behind something like this.


    • toe the line

            (윗사람 등이) 시키는대로 하다

    • mediocrity

            (썩 뛰어나지 않은) 보통(평범)

    • at best


    • as though

            마치 ~인 것처럼

    • be committed to

            ~에 헌신(전념)하다

    From what I can see, you always seem to be toeing the line of mediocrity, Nathaniel. Your grades are average at best. Almost as though you're not committed to school or your future.


    • move on to

            (새로운 일, 주제로) 넘어가다

    Can we just move on to the punishment part of this meeting, please?


    • get access to

            ~에 접근하다

    • janitor

            문지기, 수위, 관리인

    And how did you get access to this key? You're not on the swim team. Not a janitor, right?


    • key chain


    Where's the key chain?


    • May I have a word?

            잠깐 얘기 좀 할까?

    • Off-camera

            (방송 중인) TV 카메라에 촬영되지 않고

    May I have a word? Off-camera.


    • save

            피하게 하다

    • indignity

            모욕, 수치, 치욕

    • groveling

            설설기는, 비굴한, 천한

    • No way

            절대로(결코) 아니다(안되다), 싫다

    Uh, sure. But I think I know what you're gonna say. And I can save you the indignity of groveling by telling you right now... No way are you gonna get that tape.


    • Blackball

            반대투표하다, 왕따시키다

    • Met steps

            =Metropolitan Museum steps(뉴욕시에 있는 미국 최대의 미술관)

    What are you gonna do to me, Blair? Blackball me from eating yogurt on the Met steps? You have nothing I need.


    • release

            발표(공개), 개봉, 출시

    You put the footage in your film, you won't be able to show it. I won't sign a release.


    • distribution


    • rent

            집세, 방세

    • if you'll excuse me


    • shot

            숏(영화에서 한 대의 카메라가 계속해서 잡는 장면)

    I'm not looking for a distribution deal, just a local arts grant so I can pay my rent. Now if you'll excuse me... You're in my shot.


    • manipulative

            (흔히 교묘하고 부정직하게 사람, 사물을) 조종하는

    And I thought Blair was manipulative


    • amateur


    • a couple of


    • pairs of

            한쌍의, 켤레, 짝

    • Manolos

            =Manolo blahnik, 유명 패션 디자이너이자, 해당 디자이너 이름을 따서 창립한 명품 구두 브랜드

    • Chanel

            프랑스의 하이엔드 명품 패션 브랜드

    • make a difference

            변화를 가져오다, 도움이 되다, 영향을 주다

    Blair's an amateur. She thinks you're just like her. To Blair, this money is a couple of pairs of Manolos and a Chanel bag. But I know that this much cash can make a real difference in your life.


    • sick

            역겨운, 이상심리적인, 병적인, 메스꺼운

    You're sick.


    • such

            그 정도의

    • patron


    • philanthropy

            자선 활동

    • bribery


    • everyone has their price

            돈이면 모든지 할 수 있다(가능하다)

    Who knew B and C were such patrons of the arts? Call it philanthropy or bribery? It looks like everyone has their price.
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