
  • 미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 (Gossip Girl S1E02 - The Wild Brunch(1))
    English/미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 2023. 6. 30. 02:26



    • wild

            거센, 광기의, 난잡한


    • bet

            ~이 분명하다

    • up

            (자지않고 일어나서)

    I bet you're wondering what Gossip Girl is doing up so early.


    • waste time -ing

            ~하는데 시간을 허비하다

    Why waste precious time dreaming when waking life is so much better?


    • the paper

            the newspaper의 줄임말

    • scramble


    • it comes with

            ~와 함께 (딸려)나오다

    • dress code

            복장 규정

    Is there really anything better than a lazy Sunday? Reading the paper in bed, sipping coffee. Scrambling an egg or two? Yeah, right. We Upper East Siders don't do lazy. Breakfast is brunch. And it comes with champagne, a dress code and a hundred of our closest friends, and enemies.


    • host

            주최하다, 열다

    • foundation


    Chuck's dad, Bart Bass is hosting the annual brunch for his foundation. 


    • check up on

            ~을 확인하다

    And you're checking up on me.


    • get home


    • brush my teeth


    I'm okay, really, i'm okay. You know, I was okay when you asked me at the party, and in the cab. When we got home, before and after I brushed my teeth.


    • involve

             포함하다, 연루시키다

    Yeah, except when it involves Chuck.


    • pretty much



    • walk someone


    Go walk her to the door.


    • wave

            (손팔을) 흔들다, 손짓하다, 흔들기

    • take for

            ~라고 생각하다

    So he waved? I wouldn't take him for an waver.


    • in the history of the world

            세계사에 있어서, 세계 역사상

    No guy in the history of the world has ever hated you.


    • adolescent


    • close

            끝내다, 마감하다

    • with

            ~을 포함하여

    She probably thinks I hate her now. I've waited my entire adolescent life for a date with this girl, you know, Serena van der Woodsen. And I decide to close the evening with a wave.


    • at the end

            ~의 말(끝)에

    • Come on

           말도 안돼, 그건 아냐

    • blow

            (기회를) 날리다

    At the end of a date? Come on, there's no such thing. And you only get one shot with a girl like Serena. I got mine, and I blew it.


    • shred of

            ~의 티끌

    • dignity

            자존감, 위엄

    Nothing except my last shred of dignity.


    • be gone


    Oh, no, I think that's gone.


    • You know what?

            그것 말이야, 있지 그거


    • outfit


    Wait, wait. I love the plan, but you need a better outfit. And maybe a shower.


    • Whatever

            뭐가 됐든지, 뭐가 됐든 간에


    • mean

            못된, 심술궂은

    • work out

            해결하다, 해답을 내다

    • go over

            ~로 건너가다

    God, Blair was so mean to me last night. I don't even know why. Whatever, i'm sure if we talk about it, we can work it out. Hey, maybe I should go over there.


    • had better do

            ~하는 편이 낫다, ~해야 한다

    • stay away

            거리를 두다

    Serena had better just stay away.


    • be/get mad at

            ~에게 화를 내다

    You're really mad at Serena.
    Yeah, I hope you never get that mad at us.


    • show up

            (예정된 곳에) 나타나다

    It would be so wrong for me to show up without my boyfriend whom I love, and who loves me.


    • sweetie

            (애정을 담아 부르는 호칭)

    • wake

            ~를 깨우다

    Hi, sweetie. Did I wake you?


    • jump in the shower

            (서둘러) 빨리 샤워하다

    • sleepyhead


    Well, get some strong coffee and jump in the shower, sleepyhead.


    • Of course

            그렇지요, 그렇고 말고요


    • keep it down

            조용히 해

    • regain strength

            기력을 되찾다, 기운차리다

    Nathaniel, keep it down. Some of us are trying to regain our strength.


    • set

            (시계 기기를) 맞추다

    Alarm's set for 9.


    • Double time

            (군사용어) 뛰어 갓!


    • when you get a chance

            괜찮으실 때, 기회되면, 시간되면

    • lots of

            (구어) 다량의, 많은

    I'm good. Actually could you two bring some coffee when you get a chance? And some water. Lots of water.


    • That's enough

            이제 됐다, 그쯤 해둬

    • committed to

            ~에 헌신적인, 전념하는

    • hospitality industry

            (호텔, 식당 등) 서비스업

    That's enough, ladies. And I'll be sure to tell my father just how committed you are to the hospitality industry.


    • pop


    • good


    • mess with

            까불다, ~을 건드리다, ~을 방해하다

    That kid popped you pretty good, huh? Never mess with a guy's sister.


    • hunt down

            추적하여 잡다

    If I knew his name, I'd hunt him down and kill him.


    • strangle

            목 졸라 죽이다

    What, 'cause you kill people now? You gonna strangle him with your scarf?


    • mock

            놀리다, 조롱하다

    • signature

            특징, 특색

    Don't mock the scarf, Nathaniel. It's my signature.


    • Just saying

            그냥 그렇다고

    • intimidating


    Just saying, death by scarf. Not that intimidating.


    • sucker-punch

            불시에 후려갈기다, 느닷없이 치다

    He sucker-punched me. I told you.


    • definitely


    • material

           소재, 요소, 인물

    Definitely second-shot material.


    • I was gonna(going to)

            ~하려고 했다

    Hey, where are you guys going? I was gonna make waffles.


    • show

            모습, 광경, 일

    You guys missed a really great show.


    • give out


    I know you don't normally give out this information but can you tell me what room the van der Woodsens are in, please?


    • come over

            (누구 집에) 들르다

    Hey, Blair, it's me. Uh, I guess you're still sleeping, but I'm gonna come over. I think we need to talk. Okay, uh, see you soon, bye.


    • be all set

            준비가 되어 있다

    • dish

           (음식을) 접시에 담다

    Looks like the table's all set. As soon as the guests arrive, we can start dishing. Here's what's on the menu.


    • Michel Perrys

            Michel Perry, 프랑스의 디자이너, 자신의 이름으로 브랜드를 창업하였고 구두로 유명함

    Mom, did you borrow my Michel Perrys?


    • unpack

            짐을 풀다

    Well, it might help if you unpacked.


    • What do you want from me?

            나한테 원하는게 뭐야?, 뭘 바래?, 왜그래? (짜증섞인 표현)


    • just

            정말, 완전히

    This is just not like you.


    • make it


    • end up

            결국 ~하게 되다

    We, um, never made it. We actually ended up at the Kiss on the Lips party.


    • please

            ~를 기쁘게 하다

    Well, that must have pleased Blair.


    • just


    • in time 

            제 시간에

    Just be back in time for brunch, okay?


    • the 비교급 ~, the 비교급~

            ~할수록 점점 더 ~해지다

    • hide away

            몸을 숨기다, 감추다

    Look, honey. I know how hard it is for you to be back, but the more you hide yourself away, the more people are gonna think you have something to hide.


    • come from

            ~에서 나오다

    • keep

            붙들어 두다

    • institution


    Coming from someone who's keeping my brother in an institution.


    • I mean it


    That's different. I mean it, don't be late.


    • miss


    • welcome to

            얼마든지 ~해도 좋은

    Just missed her, actually. But you're welcome to wait.


    • Once

            (과거) 언젠가, 한때, 한번은

    • feel free to

            마음대로(거리낌 없이) ~하다

    Once she went out and didn't come back for six months. But feel free to sit.


    • Over there

            저기서, 저쪽에서


    • just

            이제 막, 지금

    • head out


    Oh, I'm just heading out.


    • come by

            (누구를 보러) 잠깐 들르다

    Oh, you just missed her. But I'll tell her you came by. I'm sure she'll be happy to hear it.


    • what?


    • have a crush on

            ~에게 홀딱 반하다

    Oh, what? Come on, Serena loves you. I mean, I think she's always had a little crush on you. Ha-ha. Of course, you and Blair are the perfect couple.


    • take care of

            ~의 책임을 지다, 신경을 쓰다

    • step out


    • for a while


    Well, Dexter here can take care of you. I'm just gonna step out for a while. 


    • get in line

            줄에 들어가 서다

    Great. He can get in line behind that guy.


    • have a feeling

            ~한 예감이 들다

    I had a feeling you'd be back. Dan, is it?


    • pleasant

            기분 좋은, 즐거운

    Humphrey, yes. It's nice to see you again. Mrs. van der Woodsen. I hope you've had a pleasant uh, uh, 21 hours since I last saw you.


    • bone-dry cap

            bone dry cappuccino의 줄임말 (스팀밀크가 안 들어간 카푸치노)

    • Audrey

            Audrey Hepburn, 벨기에 태생의 미국 배우 (1929~1993)

    Hey. I got two bone-dry caps and Audrey.


    • blank on 

            ~에 대해 아무 생각이 안난다, 공백 상태이다

    • the part where

            ~하는 부분

    • invite someone over

            ~를 자기 집으로 초대하다

    Heh, I must have totally blanked on the part where I invited you over.


    • Breakfast at Tiffany's

            티파니에서 아침을, 오드리 헵번 주연의 1961년 작 로맨스/코미디 영화

    I, I called you. Blair, it's Sunday morning. Coffee, croissants, Breakfast at Tiffany's. It's our tradition.


    • make an effort

            노력하다, 애쓰다

    Look, Blair, I'm really trying to make an effort here. I thought everything was good between us.


    • have sex with

            ~와 성관계를 갖다

    It was. Before I found out you had sex with my boyfriend.


    • owe

            ~할 의무가 있다

    Nate told me. At least he felt he owed it to me to tell the truth.


    • I don't know what to say

            무슨 말을 해야할지 모르겠다, 할 말이 없다


    • bother

            신경쓰다, 애쓰다

    • anyway

            어쨌든, 뭐라 해도

    Don't bother saying anytihng. I wouldn't believe you anyway.


    • whore


    You know, I always knew you were a whore. I never took you for a liar too.


    • stay away from

            ~에게서 떨어져 있다

    You just stay away from me, my boyfriend, and my friends. You're done here.


    • apparently

            듣자하니, 보아하니

    Serena's visit was short and apparently not very sweet.


    • Revenge


    • best served cold

            'Revenge is a dish best served cold', 영화 스타트렉, 킬빌에서 나와 유명해진 말로 원래는 프랑스 소설 '위험한 관계'에서 나온 말. 복수는 냉정하게 인내심을 갖고 때를 기다렸다가 해야한다는 의미.

    But you know what is? Revenge. We hear it's best served cold. Who's hungry?


    • What do you want?

            원하는 게 뭐야, 왜그래? (짜증 섞인 표현)


    • lame

            (이야기가) 설득력이 없는, 빈약한

    That is the lamest excuse I've ever heard. 


    • brag about

            자랑하다, 자만하다, 허풍 떨다

    • conquest

            정복, 점령지, 꾐에 넘어간 연애(섹스) 상대자

    No. Not yet, anyway. Chuck likes to brag about his conquests, not his victims.


    • hydrangea


    They're hydrangeas.


    • throw down

            ~을 넘어뜨리다, 패대기 치다

    Just coffee. I'm not staying long. I'd like to get out of here before someone throws me down and tattoos me.


    • Brooklyn

            New York 시의 다섯 행정구의 하나

    • warped

            비뚤어진, 뒤틀린

    • Warped Tour

            1995년부터 매년 여름 미국과 캐나다 등을 순회하는 트래블링 록 투어이다.

    • heart-shaped

            심장 모양의

    This is Brooklyn, Lil, not the Warped Tour. And don't tell me you had all your tattoos removed. I mean, even that one, that little heart-shaped one between your...


    • those days

            그 당시는, 그 무렵은

    • well


    • be behind somebody

            ~와 관련이 없다

    Don't try to be cute, okay? Those days are well behind you.


    • looking


    And here I thought I was getting better looking every day.


    • sure


    And as Humphreys sure are proud of him.


    • imply


    Oh, I know what you're implying.


    • fall for

            ~에게 홀딱 반하다

    Admit it. You're falling for me again.


    • low-income bracket


    You're right, you're right. It's the low-income tax bracket. The bad v-neck shirts, the awful jokes. I don't know why your wife left you.


    • have got

            가지다 (=have)

    • taste


    Well, she's got better taste than you.


    • Here you are

            자 여기 있어


    • Why else...

            그렇지 않다면 왜...?

    I mean, come on. Why else have I seen you more in the last two days than in the last 15 years?


    • unfortunate

            운이 없는

    • twist of fate

            뒤틀린 운명의 장난

    An unfortunate twist of fate.


    • nonetheless

            그렇기는 하지만, 그렇더라도

    • see someone

            누군가와 사귀다

    But fate nonetheless... unless you... Are you seeing someone?


    • not really

            아니 별로(딱히)


    • would have P.P

            ~했을 거야

    • Forbes

            미국의 경제 잡지, 미국의 부자 명단, 백만장자 명단을 발표하는 것으로 유명

    What's his name? Would I have read about him in Forbes or Rolling Stone?


    • keep up with

            ~에 뒤지지 않다, (발전속도를) 따라잡다

    Well, whoever he is, i'm sure, he can't keep up with you.


    • influence

            ~에게 영향을 미치다

    • distract A from B

            A를 B 하는 걸 방해하다

    • need


    Well, I'm gonna take that as a compliment. But I'm serious. I'm worried about Serena. I don't need some new boy influencing her. Distracting her from her needs.


    • No offense

            기분 나빠하지 마라

    Well, no offense, Lil, but I'm guessing a kid like Dan is exactly what Serena needs.


    • in the neighborhood

            근처에, 가까이에

    Nothing, just in the neighborhood.


    • nowhere


    I am nowhere near the neighborhood.


    • that's Serena

            역시 ~야, 그래야 ~지


    • will have to

            ~해야 할거다, ~해야 겠다

    • on the curb


    Yeah, so unless you have a reason to be here, I'll have to ask you to wait on the curb with the rest of the trash.


    • Ozarks

            오자크 산 또는 미국 중남부 지역에 주로 위치한 지역 이름

    • No offense to

            ~에게 악의는 없다

    Trash? Look, man, I live in Brooklyn. All right? Not the Ozarks. No offense to the Ozarks.


    • take too far

            ~을 도를 지나치게 하다, 과도하다

    • class warfare


    But don't you think we're taking this class warfare thing a little too far?


    • stick up for

            ~을 옹호하다

    • bitch

            개 같은 것

    • kick ass


    Don't tell me you're sticking up for Serena's new bitch. If anyone got a reason to kick his ass, it's you.


    • chill out

            긴장을 풀다, 진정해


    • besides


    • average

            보통의, 평균의

    • Stella McCartney

            비틀즈의 멤버 폴 매카트니의 딸로 유명한 에코 패션 디자이너

    • Bergdorf's

            Bergdorf Goodman, 뉴욕 5번가에 위치한 유서깊은 명품 백화점

    It's average. The color is last season. And besides, Stella McCartney has a much better version at Bergdorf's.


    • mean to

            ~할 셈이다

    • go by

            ~를 따르다, 길잡이 삼다

    • Cabbage Patch

            Cabbage Patch Kid, 배추 머리 인형 (1980년대 초 미국에서 크게 유행한 인형)

    Right, I, I've been meaning to go by Bergdorf's. Wow, these dolls are great. Oh, my God. You have Cabbage Patch. My brother used to have one of these. His name is Cedric.


    • repay

            갚다, 보답하다

    I'm sure you'll find some way to repay me.


    • be part of

            ~에 끼다, ~의 일원이 되다

    If you wanna be part of this world, Jenny, people will talk. Eventually. You need to decide if all this is worth it.


    • give or take

            ~의 차이는 있을지 몰라도

    • finest hour

            최고의 시간

    I was in the neighborhood. Uh, give or take 70 blocks. Um, I just wanted to tell you in person, that, uh, the end of last night may not have been my finest hour.




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