
  • 미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 (Gossip Girl S1E01 - Pilot (2))
    English/미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 2023. 6. 27. 00:34



    • I knew it

            그러면 그렇지


    • Get off of me

            놔, 내버려 둬


    • just when

            ~하려는 참에

    • build a bridge

            (이해하기 위해) 관계를 시작하다, 확고히 하다

    • come 

            (어떤 일이) 일어나다, 찾아오다

    • crash down

            부서지다, 붕괴하다, 망하다

    • dry your eyes

            눈물을 닦아라

    • be around the corner

            코 앞이다, 곧 닥친다

    And just when B and S had built a bridge, it all had to come crashing down. But dry your eyes, the Kiss on the Lips party is around the corner.


    • Nice try

            시도는 좋았어


    • upbeat

            행복한, 즐거운

    You seem upbeat this morning. Did you have fun with Blair last night?


    • get into a fight

            싸움을 시작하다, 다투다

    Actually, we got into a big fight.


    • be for the best

            (지금은 안 좋은것 같지만) 결국은 그게 잘하는 일 일것이다

    I don't know. I think it might be for the best.


    • break up


    You guys broke up?


    • So

            그와 같이, 그렇게

    So I keep hearing.


    • take a break

            잠시 휴식을 취하다

    I just think it might be good for us to take a break, you know?


    • gear up

            ~에 대해 준비를 갖추다

    • take public

            (기업을) 공개하다, (주식을) 상장하다

    • court

            ~의 환심을 사려고 하다

    • handle


    Eleanor Waldorf is gearing up to take her company public and I've been courting her for months to let me handle the deal.


    • help out


    • rough patch

            어려운 시기

    I will get it, if you could just help me out a little bit. What? You love her, she loves you. It's just a rough patch, that's all


    • Prince Charming

            신데렐라 이야기에 나오는 왕자, 이상적인 신랑감

    • accuse of

            ~의 죄로 혐의를 제기하다, 비난하다, 고발하다

    • fetish

            집착, 페티시(특정 물건을 통해 성적 쾌감을 얻는 것)

    What? Look, when Prince Charminng found Cinderella's slipper, they didn't accuse him of having a foot fetish.


    • claim

            (~이 사실이라고) 주장하다

    He claims he found your cell phone.


    • nightstand

            침실용 탁자, (호텔에서 쓰는) 스탠드

    I saw the invitation on the nightstand.


    • throw

            (파티를) 열다, 벌이다

    What do you mean? Blair's throwing it.


    • by the time

            ~할 때 쯤에는

    Yeah, see, the problem is, by the time I got the invitation, I actually already had plans.


    • with whom?


    Plans with whom?


    • huge


    Whoo! I'm a huge fan.


    • pick up

            ~를 (차에) 태우러 가다, 태우다

    So you'll pick me up at 8?


    • go out with

            ~와 데이트하다

    • some

            어떤 (무슨)

    You'd really go out with some guy you don't know?


    • put

            ~한 상태로 두다, 정리하다, 결말짓다

    I'm gonna put everything in the past.


    • overreact


    • have feelings for

            ~에게 마음이 있다, 감정이 있다, 좋아하다

    • feel bad for

            ~가 안되게 느껴지다, 안쓰럽다

    • limo

            Limousine의 줄임말

    There's nothing to talk about. I overreacted. If you say it's in the past, it's in the past. I'm sure you have no feelings for her anymore. I just feel bad for Serena. She'll really miss you. What time does the limo come?


    • match

            어울리다, (스타일이) 맞다

    Lily. Are you shopping for some more art to match your furniture?


    • score a date with

            ~와 (원하던 상대) 데이트를 하게 되다

    Dan scored a date with Serena?


    • be bound to

            틀림없이 ~한것이다

    Well, our kids were bound to meet. It's a small island.


    • ploy

            계책, 술책

    • get to

            ~을 괴롭히다, 영향을 미치다

    • now that

            ~이므로, ~이기 때문에

    Are you sure it's not some ploy you're using my daughter to get to me, now that your wife left you?


    • in particular


    • recur


    • involve

            수반하다, 포함하다

    • Nine Inch Nails

            1988년 미국 오하이오 주의 클리블랜드에서 트렌트 레즈너가 시작한 인더스트리얼 록 솔로 활동

    • Trent Reznor

            미국의 싱어송라이터, 나인 인치 네일스의 리더

    You are in my dreams, Lily. One in particular recurs, it involves finding you in a Nine Inch Nails bus with your shoes in your earrings and Trent Reznor. Oh, that happened.


    • rehash

            재탕하다, 그대로 반복하다

    • move on

            (마음을) 정리하다

    No need to rehash details of decades past, so I moved on.


    • Lane

            Ronnie Lane, 베이스 기타리스트이자 Small Faces의 창립자로 잘 알려진 영국 음악가이자 작곡가

    • Perry

            Perry Farrell, 얼터너티브 록 밴드 Jane's Addiction의 프론트 맨으로 잘 알려진 가수, 작곡가 및 음악가

    • switch up

            ~을 (더 좋은, 발전하는 방향으로) 바꾸다, 교환하다

    Yeah, from Trent to Lane to Perry 'till you switched up rock stars for billionaries.


    • Washed-up

            볼장 다 본, 더이상 가망 없는, 못 쓰게 된

    • crappy

            쓰레기 같은, 형편없는

    • so-called

            소위, 이른바

    You think you're so cute. Washed-up band, crappy so-called art gallery.


    • settlement

            정착, 안주, 안정

    • sustain

            살아가게 하다, 지탱하게 하다

    Well, not all of us have settlements from multiple divorces to sustain us.


    • stay out of

            ~에서 빠져있어

    Just stay out of my life, Rufus.


    • cool


    Who said this family wasn't cool?


    • Same

            나도 마찬가지다


    • turn into

            (~에서) ~이 되다

    • sermon


    • on the passage of time

            시간이 지남에 따라

    Dad, you could just tell me I look nice instead of turning this into a sermon on the passage of time.


    • make the most of 

            ~을 최대한 활용하다, 즐기다

    Blair, you will never be more beautiful or thin or happy than you are right now. I just want you to make the most of it.


    • put in

            ~에 적용하다, 쓰다, 사용하다

    • end


    And put some product in your hair. The ends are dry.


    • newbie


    Who's the newbie?


    • freshman


    Jenny Humphrey. She's a freshman.


    • be done with

            ~를 끝장내다

    'Till you're done with her.


    • You too

            Nice to meet you, too의 줄임말

    -It's nice to meet you.
    -You too.


    • end up with

            결국 ~와 함께하다

    • inner circle

            (조직의 권력을 갖고 있는) 핵심층

    Looks like little J might eng up with a new boy and a ticket to the inner circle.


    • overdress

            지나치게 옷치레 하다, 차려입다

    So I'm a little overdressed, aren't I?


    • appearance

            외모, 겉모습

    Honestly, I don't really have a problem with your appearance.


    • groupie

            록그룹(등)의 뒤를 쫓아다니는 여자 팬, 열광적인 팬

    Oh, so you're a groupie?


    • not quite

            완전히 ~하지 않는, 그다지 ~하지 않는

    Well, not quite...


    • be a while before

            ~하기까지 시간이 좀 걸리다

    • take the stage

            무대에 오르다

    You guys are a little early. It's gonna be a while before we take the stage.


    • slightly

            약간, 조금

    • overbudget

            ~보다 많이, 넉넉히 짜다, 편성하다, 배정하다

    • budget for

            ~의 예산을 짜다

    • travel time

            이동 시간

    Yeah, I may have slightly overbudgeted for travel time.


    • tune


    I should go tune that. Excuse me.


    • on the first date

            첫 데이트에서

    So you took me to meet your dad on the firs date?


    • worn

            wear의 과거 분사

    • loafers

            가죽으로 된 끈 없는 구두, 간편화

    • dress down

            (보통 때보다) 간편한 옷을 입다, 캐주얼하게 입다

    May I shouldn't have worn my loafers, then, dressed down a little bit.


    • into

            ~에 몰두해 있는, 빠져 있는

    How into you I am.


    • start over

            다시 시작하다

    Okay, I'm sorry. If you don't wanna do anything, that's cool. Let's start over.


    • back


    Do you wanna start over back at the party?


    • ask out on a date

            ~에게 데이트 신청하다

    You asked me out on a date and you didn't think I was nice?


    • technically

            엄밀히 따지면

    No, I just thought you were hot. And, technically, you asked me out.


    • sensitive

            세심한, 감성있는

    • tortured-soul

            상처받은 영혼

    • superficial

            가벼운, 깊이 없는, 얄팍한

    • Good to know

            참 다행이다, 좋은 정보다

    Oh, okay. Okay, I see. So sensitive, tortured-soul boy is actually kind of superficial, huh? Good to know.


    • do a lap

            한바퀴 돌다

    Look, I'm gonna do a lap, okay? Look for her.


    • wasted

            술(약물)에 찌든

    She's wasted.


    • kick out

            ~를 쫓아내다

    Blair, come on. Are you really gonna kick her out?


    • go for a walk

            산책하러 가다

    I was going for a walk.


    • any luck?

            (하려던 일이) 잘 됐니?


    • pointless


    There isn't gonna be anybody up here. This is pointless.


    • get off (of)

            (~에게서) 손 떼

    Get off. Stop.
    Chuck, get off of her!


    • What the hell

            도대체 무슨~

    What the hell is your problem? It's a party. Things happen. Who are you anyway?


    • ever


    Chuck, don't you ever touch her again!


    • a shot

            ~할 기회

    So, think I got a shot at a second date?


    • top


    Well, I don't think you could top this one.


    • cab


    We'll talk about it in the cab.


    • show her face


    She'd better not show her face again.


    • make an exit


    • heroic


    • too bad for

            ~가 안타까운

    Spotted: Serena making a heroic exit from B's party. Too bad for her, there's school on Monday.




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