
  • 미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 (Gossip Girl S1E01 - Pilot (1))
    English/미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 2023. 6. 26. 22:37



    • Pilot

            (TV의) 견본(시험) 방송용 프로그램


    • ever


    예문: And I have the biggest news ever.


    • source


    One of my many sources, Melanie91.


    • spotted at

            ~에서 포착됨

    • Grand Central

            미국 뉴욕주 뉴욕시 파크에비뉴 42번가에 있는 기차역

    "Spotted at Grand Central, bags in hand, Serena van der Woodsen."


    • mysteriously


    • quote

            인용문, 따오다, (남의 말을 그대로) 전달하다

    • boarding school

            기숙 학교

    Was it only a year ago our "It" girl mysteriously disappeared for... quote, "boarding school"?


    • make it

            (어떤 곳에) 시간 맞춰 가다, 가다

    Dan, Jenny. Over here. Hey, hey, you made it.


    • taking a timeout

            (늘 하던 일을) 쉬다

    • ever


    Like, maybe-I-never-should-have-left-Manhattan-fine? Or, taking-a-timeout-from-my-marriage-was-the-best-idea-I-ever-had-fine?


    • If only

            ~이면 좋을텐데

    If only she knew who he was.


    • have a thing for

            ~을 좋아하다, ~에게 마음이 있다, ~에 관심이 있다

    But we always thought Blairs' boyfriend, Nate, had a thing for Serena.


    • properly


    • fitted

            꼭 맞는

    Blair, if you're gonna wear one of my designs, tell me, so we can at least get it properly fitted.


    • keep that in mind


    Thanks, mom. I'll keep that in mind.


    • advertisement

            광고(효과를 내는 것)

    She is my best advertisement.


    • speak highly of

            ~에 대해 높이 평가하여/ 크게 칭찬하여 말하다

    • check out

            (흥미로운 것을) 살펴보다, 확인하다

    • Dartmouth

            미국의 아이비리그 학교중 하나

    Yes, dad's always spoken very highly of Dartmouth. But I'd like to check out West, you know, maybe USC, UCLA.


    • hear of

            ~에 대해 듣다

    His mother wouldn't hear of it. Dartmouth is far enough away for her.


    • lock it down with

            (데이트 상대를) 꼭 잡다

    • clock's ticking

            시간이 흐르고 있어

    Better lock it down with Nate, B. Clock's ticking.


    • getting off the train at

            ~에서 (기차를) 내리다

    Someone saw Serena getting off the train at Grand Central.


    • dull

            따분한, 재미없는

    Good, things were getting a little dull around here.


    • rehab

            (마약 중독자, 알코옥 중독자들을 위한) 재활원

    No, because she was in rehab.


    • Murakami

            무라카미 다카시,  일본의 현대 미술가이자 팝 아티스트.

    • clash with

            ~와 충돌하다

    So I told him, "Forget it. I don't care if it's Murakami, it clashes with my sofa."


    • set a place

            자리를 마련하다

    I'll set a place for you at the table next to Blair.


    • come by

            (누구를 보러) 잠깐 들르다

    Yeah, I just, I don't feel well. I just wanted to come by and say "hi". I'll. see you at school tomorrow.


    • for good

            영영, 영구히

    School? So I guess she's back for good.


    • Word is

            소문을 듣자하니

    • bail on


    • limoncello

            리몬첼로 (이탈리아 남부 지방의 레몬으로 만든 알코올성 음료)

    Word is that S bailed on B's party in under 90 seconds. And didn't even have one limoncello.


    • go


    Has our bad girl really gone good?


    • Visiting hours

            면회 시간

    Visiting hours are over.


    • deets

            details(세부사항)의 줄임말

    Why'd she leave? Why'd she return? Send me all the deets.


    • For

            ~에 대해

    • possibly

            (최대한) 가능한대로 (짜증스러움 강조)

    For Serena to sleep in her own bed possibly wearing pajamas.


    • Rhode Island

            미국 북동부 뉴잉글랜드 지방에 있는 주

    You told everyone Eric's just visiting Grandpa in Rhode Island.


    • aunt

            고모, 이모, (외)숙모

    • Miami

            미국 Florida 주 남동부의 도시

    Your aunt Carol in Miami.


    • take his own life

            스스로 목숨을 끊다

    • cost

            희생시키다, 잃다

    He tried to take his own life. And you're worried it's gonna cost you mom of the year?


    • who knows what

            도대체 뭐

    • God knows who

            도대체 누구

    • doing A with B

            B와 A를 하면서

    Serena, you've been gone. Doing who knows what with God knows who.


    • trick

            속임수, 교묘한

    It's a trick question.


    • chick

            영계 (젊은 여자를 가리키는 모욕적인 말)

    What? I don't read 'Gossip Girl'. That, that's for chicks.


    • Rolling Stone

            미국의 음악 잡지 및 저널


    • take a look at

            ~을 보다

    Rolling Stone, wow. Let me take a look at this again, dad. It's very cool.


    • work on

            애쓰다, 노력을 들이다, 착수하다

    Hey, what are you working on?


    • no offense

            악의는 아니었다

    Well, no offense if I sound surprised, since I've never been invited.


    • calligraphy


    • address

            (편지 봉투에) 주소를 쓰다

    One of the girls in art class saw my calligraphy. And she said if I addressed all the invitations, that I could have one.


    • Sweatshop

            (못마땅함) 노동력 착취 (저임금 노동) 의 현장 (열악한 환경에서 저임금을 받으며 노동하는 작업장)

    Sweatshops could learn a thing or two.


    • platform


    • anticapitalist


    • rant

            장담, 호언

    Dad, this is not a platform for your anticapitalist rants.


    • anonymous

            신원 불명의, 개성이 없는

    So we should just be anonymous losers who eat lunch alone and never get invited to parties?


    • Works for me

            나한테는 효과가 있다.


    • sound


    And her judgment is always sound, right?


    • could use


    You kids could use some fun.


    • renovate

            보수하다, 수리하다

    Yeah, we're renovating again.


    • upset


    You seemed kind of upset last night.


    • gotta

           해야 한다

    • get going


    • change for

            ~을 위해 옷을 갈아입다

    I gotta get going and change for school.


    • be supposed to be/do

            ~하기로 되어있다

    That's the way things are supposed to be.


    • effing

            (fucking의 완곡적) 빌어먹을, 제기랄

    Serena looked effing hot last night.


    • be violated

            강간 당하다, 유린 당하다, 능욕 당하다

    It needs to be violated.


    • disturbed

            정신적 장애가 있는

    You are deeply disturbed.


    • And yet

            그렇다 하더라도, 그럼에도 불구하고

    And yet you know I'm right.


    • seal the deal

    거래를 완료시키다/성사시키다

    You guys have been dating since kinderganten and you haven't sealed the deal.


    • Come on



    • Identical

            동일한, 똑같은

    • tip-off

            힌트, 귀띔

    No, I go to your school. Identical uniforms, is that kind of a tip-off?


    • at lunch

            점심 식사 중에

    So you guys wanna sit together at lunch?


    • frame

            액자에 넣다

    • or something

            ~이나 뭐 그런거

    They should be framed or something.


    • all over

            전체에 걸쳐, 곳곳이

    • dining hall

            학교 식당, 카페테리아

    Hey, here you guys are. I looked all over the dining hall for you.


    • use up

            다 써버리다

    • invite


    Now, we're full. And Jenny used up all the invites


    • stuff


    I got a lot of stuff to do anyway


    • go ahead



    • power struggle

            권력 투쟁

    • Met

            Metropolitan Museum of Art의 줄임말, 미국 뉴욕주 뉴욕 맨해튼 어퍼 이스트 사이드에 있는 세계적인 박물관

    Spotted on the steps of the Met: an S and B, power struggle.


    • waltz

            당당하게 걷다

    • things

            형편, 상황

    Did S think she could waltz home and things would be like just they were?


    • make the time

           시간을 내다

    Thanks for making the time.


    • hottie(hotty)

            아주 섹시한 사람

    • work it out

            해답을 내다

    • There's nothing ~ more than -

            - 만큼(보다) ~한 것은 없다

    • catfight

            여자들 끼리의 싸움

    • classic

            모범, 대표적인, 일류의

    Did B think S would go down without a fight? Or can these two hotties work it out? There's nothing Gossip Girl likes more than a good catfight. And this could be a classic.


    • There's this thing

            이런게 있어

    You know, you know, dad. There's this thing called MySpace where you could post all this information online. Save some trees, have a blog.


    • get off

            손 떼다

    Maybe if musicians got off their blogs and picked up their guitars, the musci business would be in better shape.


    • spoken like

            ~처럼 말하네

    • relic

            유물, 노인, 시대에 뒤떨어진 사람(것)

    Spoken like a true relic.


    • free spirit

            자유로운 사고방식의 소유자

    • fall for

            ~에게 홀딱 반하다

    She's always been a free spirit. It's one of the reasons I fell for her in the first place.


    • flyer

            (광고용) 전단지

    I meant with the flyers


    • old-school

            구식의, 전통적인

    Luckily staple guns are old-school.


    • Bendel's

            Henri Bendel, 1895년에 설립한 뉴욕 5번가 위치한 백화점

    We're going to Bendel's, just for an hour, though. I swear, I had a really bad day.


    • bunch of 

            다발의, 묶음의

    • Rorschach test

            스위스 정신과 의사 헤르만 로르샤흐가 1921년에 개발한 성격검사 방법

    Really? 'cause I had a great day. Couple of pills, bunch of Rorschach tests. They had this green jell-o for lunch.


    • save


    Why didn't you save me any?


    • have gotta

            ~하지 않으면 안된다, ~해야 한다

    • show up


    Come on, let's go. We've gotta get you out of here before mom shows up.


    • on

            휴대, 소유를 나타냄

    Do you like this on me?


    • Neither have I

            나 또한 해보지 않았다.


    • be allergic to

            ~에 알레르기가 있다

    Yeah, but mom's gone and dad's allergic to department stores.


    • rent

            집세, 방세

    • sew

            바느질 하다, (바느질로) 만들다

    Thanks. I mean, too bad it's more than our rent. But I think I can swe something like it.


    • personal shopper

            (개인을 위한) 쇼핑 상담자


    • sort of

            어느정도, 일종의, 그런 셈이죠

    • speaking of

            ~에 관해서 말한다면, ~의 이야기라면

    • free period

            (학교에서의) 자유 시간/쉬는 시간

    Sort of. Speaking of that... here. I made you one during free period.


    • even

            훨씬 (강조)

    • in

            ~을 착용한, 입은, 쓴

    Jenny, that dress would look even better in black.


    • some


    This is some good stuff.


    • country house

            전원 주택

    Yeah, I'm gonna need it. Blair's mom's at the country house.


    • swipe

            훔치다, 슬쩍하다

    • Viagra

            남성 발기부전 치료제

    • Paxil

            우울증 약

    • be headed to

            ~로 향하다, 가다

    • execution

            처형, 사형

    Yeah? Well, then maybe I should swipe some of my dad's Viagra. Or my mom's Paxil? Nathaniel, you're finally about to have sex with your girlfriend. It's like you're headed to your execution.


    • buddy

            친구, 단짝

    • forever

            아주 오랜 시간, 쉴새 없이

    • All of a sudden


    Talk to Chuck, buddy. You and Blair have been dating forever. All of a sudden there's a problem?


    • ever


    • plan out

            ~에 대해 세심히 계획을 세우다

    • end up

            결국 ~이 되다

    There's no problem. It's just... Do you ever feel like our whole lives have been planned out for us? That we're just gonna end up like our parents?


    • be entitled to

            ~할 권리가 있다

    And aren't we entitled to choose just to be happy?


    • easy

            편안히, 태평하게, 마음 편한

    • Scorates

            고대 아테네의 철학자

    • trust fund


    • Hamptons

            미국 버지니아주 동남부, Chesapeak만에 면한 항구도시

    • prescription-drug

            의사의 처방전이 필요한 약

    • seem to be

            ~한 모양이다

    • smoke up


    • tap that ass


    Look, easy, Socrates. What we're entitled to is a trust fund. Maybe a house in the Hamptons, a prescription-drug problem. But happiness does not seem to be on the menu. So smoke up and seal the deal with Blair, 'cause you're also entitled to tap that ass.


    • So

            (이유를 나타내어) ~해서

    • eyelift

            눈가 주름 제거 수술

    Great. So my dad left for another man. She lost 15 pounds, got an eyelift. It's been good for her.


    • write

            편지쓰다, 문자 보내다

    • the entire time


    Yeah, I could tell, since you didn't call or write the entire time it was happening.


    • to begin with

            첫째로, 애초에, 애초부터

    I don't even know why you went to boarding school to begin with.


    • have

            (자신에게 주어지거나 행해지는 것을) 받다

    • Connecticut

            미국 뉴잉글랜드의 한 주

    Do you know how it felt, calling your house when you didn't show up at school. And having your mom say: "Serena didn't tell you that she moved to Connecticut?"


    • get away from

            ~에서 도망치다

    I just, I had to go. I just, I needed to get away from everything. Please, just trust me.


    • fix

            바로 잡다

    • get it

            알겠다, 이해했다

    • take away from

            ~로부터 빼앗다

    Let's fix that. I saw you at school with Kati and Is, and I get it. I don't want to take any of that away from you...


    • go back to

            ~로 다시 돌아가다

    • the way (that)


    • used to 

            하곤 했다

    • Bungalow

            베란다가 있는 간단한 양식의 목조 단층 건물

    No, that's not what I mean. I, I miss you. I just want things to go back to the way they used to be. You know, walking to school together, dancing on tables at Bungalow.


    • meltdown

            한 사람이 자제력을 잃거나 분열 또는 자신을 통제 못할 때의 상태

    • tragedy


    • would have been

            그랬을 것이다

    Well, you missed some classic Eleanor Waldorf meltdowns. If it wasn't such a tragedy, it would have been funny.


    • keep

            (사람을) 지체하게 하다

    Well, I don't wanna keep you, but... I love you, B.


    • Palace Hotel

            뉴욕의 성 패트릭 성당 맞은 편에 위치한 도시의 랜드마크로 19세기 저택과 현대적인 55층 빌딩에 자리잡은 고급 호텔, 2015년에 롯데에서 인수함

    • heart-to-heart

            마음을 터놓고 하는 대화

    • win over

            설득하다, 포섭하다, 이기다

    • for now

            우선은, 현재로는

    Spotted at the Palace Hotel: S and B having a heart-to-heart. Hm. Why so thirsty, S? You may have won over B for now, but we still think you're hiding something.


    • invisible

            보이지 않는

    The invisible man returns. You know, I really had no idea you could move that fast.


    • a tad


    • overwhelm


    • glitz

            (겉모습에 불과할 수 있는) 화려함, 요란함

    • glamour

            매력, 화려함, 귀티, 부티

    I don't know, I think she might be a tad overshelmed by the glitz and the glamour of the Humphey lifestyle.


    • point

            (말, 행동의) 요점

    Well, my point exactly.


    • sip

            (음료를) 홀짝거리다

    • martini

            진에 드라이 베르무트를 6:1로 휘저어 섞은 칵테일

    • all alone


    • work late

            늦게까지 일하다

    Probably sitting at the bar by herself, sipping martinis, all alone. You know, it's actually kind of sad. Oh, and dad's at the gallery working late. 


    • go out


    I think I'm gonna go out.


    • enough

            필요한 만큼 되는 양

    Okay. Good. 'cause I already ordered and only got enough for one.


    • serve minors

            미성년자를 접대하다

    I'm going to have to tell my parents the hotel they just bought is serving minors.


    • get a drink

            술을 한잔 마시다

    • pig

            돼지같은 사람 (불쾌하거나 무례한 또는 지저분하고 욕심많은 사람)

    And if you get a drink, they're also serving pigs.


    • talk dirty

            (성적으로 흥분시키기 위해) 음란한 말을 하다

    I love when you talk dirty.


    • witty


    • banter

            가볍게 던지는 농담

    I've missed your witty banter.


    • Let's catch up

            (만나게) 날 잡자, 시간 잡자

    • stare at

            ~을 응시하다

    Let's catch up, take our clothes off, stare at each other.


    • get a bit to eat

            간단히 먹다

    • on an empty stomach

            공복에, 빈 속에

    How about I just get a bite to eat? I've been drinking on an empty stomach.


    • Special occasion

            특별한 경우


    • even


    • right thing

            도의적으로 가장 양심적인 일

    Look, I don't know how to say this. Or if it's even the right thing to do.


    • stud

            종마같은 남자 (여성 편력이 심하고 성적 매력이 있는 남자)

    Alfonso, you're a stud.


    • a couple

            몇 명(개)의

    Well, if you're looking for a way to thank me, I've got a couple ideas.


    • This is not happening right now

            이런 일이 일어나다니 말도 안된다, 이런 일이 일어날리가 없다


    • find out

            ~에 대해 알아내다, 진상을 알다

    You worried Nate will find out?


    • put up the cash for

            ~에 (필요한 것을 위해) 지출하다

    • premium


    • BYOB

            Bring your own booze(bottle). 술은 각자 지참할 것 (파티의 초대장에 기재하는 말)

    If the happy couple didn't wanna put up the cash for the premium bar, they should have made their wedding BYOB.


    • in my eyes

            내가 보기에는

    You're still a man in my eyes.


    • mess

            (지저분하고) 엉망인 상태

    Look at you, you're a mess.


    • that was it

            그게 다다


    • classy

            훌륭한, 멋진

    Best friend and the boyfriend. That's pretty classy, S.


    • that was then

            그땐 그랬다 ('과거의 얘기다'라는 의미)

    No, no, that was then. I'm trying to change.




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