
  • 미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 (Gossip Girl S1E03 - Poison Ivy(1))
    English/미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 2023. 7. 10. 05:07



    • plenty of


    • upside to

            ~에 대한 긍정적인 면

    • spawn

            자식, 자손 알

    • fabulously

            엄청나게, 굉장히

    • walthy


    • downside

            부정적인 면

    • Super

            대단한, 극도로

    • nothing less

            덜도 말고, 다름 아닌        

    • offspring

            자식, 새끼

    • when it comes to

            ~에 대해서라면

    • the Ivies

            아이비리그(미국 북동부의 8개 명문대학들을 일컫는 말)

    • get into

            들어가다, 입학 허가를 받다

    • set a course

            코스를 정하다

    • for the rest of your life

            여생 동안, 죽을 때까지

    • legacy


    • be no less

            ~적지(덜하지) 않다

    • let someone down

            ~의 기대를 저버리다, 실망시키다

    There's plenty of upside to being the spawn of the fabulously wealthy. But the downside? Super successful parents expect nothing less from their offspring and when it comes to college, that means the Ivies. It's more than just getting into college. It's setting a course for the rest of your life. And for those few who aren't legacies, the pressures are no less. When parents have sacrificed for their children's futures, what kid would wanna let them down?


    • sympathy

            동정, 연민, 지지, 공감

    • junior class

            하급생(반), 3학년반

    • be through with

            ~을 끝마치다

    I ask all of you to show a little sympathy for our junior class. They are almost through with Ivy Week.


    • As is

            있는 그대로

    • long-standing


    • be in charge of

            ~을 담당하다, 책임지다, 맡다

    • mixer

            친목회, 사교의 장

    • usher

            안내인, 안내하다

    • representative

            대표자, 대리인

    As is our long-standing tradition the Constance Billard girls will be in charge of Friday's night's mixer and the St. Jude's boys will provide the ushers for the visiting representatives.


    • For those of you who

            ~하는 너희들은

    • dream of

            ~을 꿈꾸다

    • attend

            ~에 다니다

    For those of you who dream of attending an Ivy League school, this mixer is the most important event of your life.


    • no pressure

            부담 갖지 마세요


    • wood chipper

            톱밥 제조기

    Looks like I shaved with a wood chipper.


    • go with

            고르다, 선택하다

    • more of


    • chainsaw

            (벌목용) 동력 사슬톱

    I was going with more of a chainsaw.


    • look on the bright side

            긍정적으로 보다, 낙관하다

    • hemophiliac

            혈우병 환자

    • emergency room


    Hey, look on the bright side, you're not a hemophiliac. Otherwise, you'd, you'd be in the emergency room.


    • prerequisite


    Yeah, I gotta believe being able to shave is a prerequisite for attending.


    • well-rounded


    No one is better qualified, no one is smarter, more well-rounded.


    • wounded

            마음 상한, 부상 입은

    • trust fund

            신탁 자금

    • fall back on

            ~에 기대다, 의지하다, 의탁하다

    Or wounded. It's not like I have a trust fund to fall back on, dad. You know, all I have is what's up here.


    • academic excellence

            학문적 우수성

    • stock portfolio

            주식 투자 목록

    • take after

            ~를 닮다

    • Spotlight

            환한 조명, (세상의) 주목, 관심

    • faze

            당황시키다, 혼란시키다

    Well, that is the most important thing. College is about academic excellence, not your stock portfolio. Besides, you're gonna do great in your interview. You take after your dad that way. Spotlight doesn't faze us.


    • you better

            너는 ~하는게 좋을거야

    • involved


    Oh, you better hope there's not aspotlight involved, ha.


    • wake and bake

            마리화나를 피다(특히 일어나자마자 이른 아침에)

    Nathaniel, a little wake and bake?


    • one hitter

            (담배, 마약 피울때 쓰는) 흡입기

    I have my one hitter.


    • Underclassmen

            (미국 고등, 대학교의) 하급생(1,2학년생)

    • dress rehearsal


    • generation

            세대, 사람들

    Underclassmen should consider this week a dress rehearsal. You're not only representing yourselves this week but generations from our school and your famailies.


    • cut off

            자르다, 끊다, 중단시키다

    • knock over

            ~를 치다

    • side

            측면, 가장자리

    Try not to cut me off next time. You almost knocked me over the side of the bench.


    • mean to

            ~ 할 셈이다.

    I didn't cut you off. I didn't mean to...


    • fair and square


    • alma mater


    • that is

            즉, 말하자면

    You win fair and square, nothing can make me prouder. 'Til you get into the old alma mater, that is.


    • keep options open

            선택을 보류하다

    • look out

            ~을 찾다(찾아보다)

    Dad, we talked about this. About me keeping my options open, looking out west?


    • get serious


    • grade

            성적, 학점

    • appear


    • work for

            ~를 위해 노력하다

    Yeah, of course. Let's get serious here. Someone with your grades wants to get into Dartmouth. You need to appear to be working for it.


    • rep

            representative의 줄임말

    Ushering the rep is a good step.


    • How come ~

            어째서, 왜

    • bring up

            (화제를) 꺼내다

    How come every time I bring up going to USC, you act like it's a joke.


    • so

            ~하도록, ~하기 위해서

    • make somthing up

            ~을 이루다

    • go along

            따라서 가다, 진행되다

    • late for work

            직장에 늦은

    • Nail

            ~을 끝장내다, 해치우다, 완벽하게 하다

    • Green

             젊은, 싱싱한, 풋내기의, 미숙한

    Listen, your mother and I didn't work this hard so you can just make things up as you go along. Dartmouth, law school, Blair. Soon you're gonna have everything. Listen, I'm late for work. Nail that interview today. Go Green.


    • As part of

            ~의 일환으로

    • festivity


    • charity


    • community

            지역사회, 공동체

    • outreach

            봉사활동, 원조활동

    • committee


    • honor

            명예를 주다, 감사히 받다, 이행하다

    As part of Ivy Weeks' festivities at tomorrow night's mixer, Blair Waldorf will announce the charity, her community outreach committee will honor this year.


    • How I'm supposed to

            내가 어떻게 ~ 하지?

    • anything

            무엇(이든), 중요한 것

    • talk


    And you know what I wonder? How I'm supposed to hear anything about Yale with all this talk about Serena.


    • sweatshirt

            추리닝 상의, 맨투맨

    • piece of clothing

            옷(한 벌)

    • Not to mention

            ~은 말할 것도 없고

    • adorable


    • find

            여기다, 생각하다

    • Good call

            (동의할 때 쓰는 말) 잘한 결정이야

    • by the way


    • say no

            (제안을) 거절하다

    • big day

            중요한 날

    • fly in

            비행기로 도착하다

    • Princeton game

            Priceton Football Game, 프린스턴에서 주최하는 대학끼리의 풋볼 경기

    Do you remember when dad gave me my first Yale sweatshirt? I don't think any piece of clothing has ever fit me more perfectfly. Not to mention how adorable I found that bulldog. Remember when I asked you if I could get a bulldog? Good call, by the way, saying no. And now the big day is finally here. Soon, Nate and I will be away at college. Him coming down to Yale, me going up to Dartmouth. Dad flying in for the Princeton game.


    • Eat up

            다 먹어라

    Eat up, Miss Blair, your mom would want you to have a good breakfast.


    • headmaster

            (특히 사림학교의) 교장

    And now, headmaster Prescott...


    • stay at


    You shouldn't have stayed at your brother's again. I mean, why sleep there? It's not like he can even see you. His eyes are closed.


    • maternal bone

            어머니의 골수, 모성의 뼈

    Do you have one maternal bone in your entire body?


    • rest


    Serena, you need your rest, okay? It's Ivy Week.


    • sole


    • mission

            (완수하는 데 시간이 많이 걸리는) 아주 힘든 과제(여정)

    • impress

            깊은 인상을 남기다

    I know. And if I can get out of this hotel room, it's my sole mission in life to impress that Brown rep.


    • be thrilled to

            ~해서 신이나다, 흥분되다, 짜릿하다

    Well, I am so thrilled to hear you say that's still your plan. 'Cause I mean, I know it's something we've always talked about but, honestly, since you've been back. I have wondered if your mind was even on college.


    • have a mind on

            마음이 ~를 향하고 있다, 마음을 ~에 두다

    • go away to

            ~로 떠나다

    Look, mom, I've had my mind on a lot of things but since recent events, going away to college sounds pretty good.


    • leave

            놓아두다, 미루다, 남겨두다

    How, um, how did you leave things with Dan?


    • in peace

            편안히, 평화롭게

    • start over

            다시 시작하다

    Mom, please. Look, all I wanna do is just finish high school in peace and go away to a state with lots of people who don't know who I am and just start over, okay?


    • Take a cab

            택시를 타고 가다

    Take a cab. Don't walk.


    • assembly

            (학교) 조례

    I meant the aseembly.


    • Damn it

            제기랄, 빌어먹을


    • good luck



    • too bad

            애석하다, 유감이다, 안됐다

    • Not that it matters

            중요하지 않다, 중요한게 아니다

    • offer degrees in

            ~에게 학위를 수여하다

    Oh, too bad you missed the assembly. Not that it matters. Brown doesn't offer degrees in slut.


    • fashionably


    • dress down


    • Game on

            게임 시작이야

    Spotted: S not-so-fashionably-late and dresssed down by B. Game on, ladies.


    • sabotage

            (특히 고의적으로) 방해하다

    Look, I made a mistake with Nate, okay? But then you sabotaged me with Dan. We don't have to be friends, but...


    • slip


    Sorry, slipped.


    • delusional


    Then you must be delusional.


    • move it

            (얼른) 가!, 서둘러라!


    • run out of

            ~이 바닥이 나다, ~을 다 써버리다

    I'm running out of colors here, Blair.


    • patience

            참을성, 인내심

    • Enough

            (짜증나니) 그만해

    And I'm running out of patience. Enough, okay?


    • break it up

            싸우지 마라, 그만 떨어져


    • yet


    Is that enough yet?


    • come to blows

            격투를 벌이다, 주먹질하다

    • Truce


    So we've actually come to physical blows, huh? Truce?


    • break out


    • knee socks

            무릎까지 닿는 양말

    • have a feeling

            ~한 예감이 들다

    • to the death

            죽을 때까지

    Hey, Upper East Siders. We hear that World War III just broke out, and it's wearing knee socks. Choose your side or run and hide. We have a feeling this one's to the death.


    • give a thought

            ~을 나름 생각해보다

    • start with

            ~부터 시작하다

    • in which case

            그런 경우에는

    • start at

            ~에서 시작되다

    • Principle

            원칙, 주의, 신조

    • highlight


    • integrity

            진실성, 온전함, 무결

    • consideration

            사려, 숙고, 배려

    • come down to

            (한마디로) 요약되다

    • attempt


    • at one


    Well, I've given this a lot of thought. And I think I can answer your question in three parts. And I'd like to start with third part first, if it's cool. Unless, uh, that would be confusing in which case I can start at the beginning. Ha. Um, the Dartmouth Principles of Community highlight integrity, responsibility, and consideratioon. Uh, well, from St. Jude's, I've learned integrity. From being an older brother, I have learned responsibility. And from my parents who have sacrificed everything to send me to this school, I've learned consideration. It really comes down to one thing. Dartmouth is my dream. And I've never asked Dartmouth, but I think it's been dreaming of me. That was a joke. Or an attempt at one. Next question?


    • ideal

            가장 알맞은, 완벽한, 이상적인

    • candidate

            입후보자, 지원자

    You are the ideal Dartmouth candidate.


    • it would be an honor to

            ~을 하게된다면 열광일거다

    • first choice

            1지망, 1순위

    Thank you, sir. And it would be an honor to attend Dartmouth. I've grown up hearing all about it from my father. I'm jusut not sure it's my first choice.


    • make sense

            일리있다, 타당하다, 말이 된다

    • somewhere around

            대략 ~쯤

    Uh, no, no, actually, you did. Which makes total sense because I'm second in our class and you're somewhere around, what, I don't know, uh, last?


    • No hard feelings

            (진 상대에게) 나쁘게 생각하지 마, 기분 나빠하지 마


    • should


    • endow

            (학교 등의 기관에 많은 돈을) 기부하다

    • spot

            자리, 장소

    • earn

            (자격, 자질이 되어서) 얻다, 받다

    Why should there be? I mean, how many libraries has your dad had to endow to get you this spot? You've earned it.


    • be impressed with

            ~에 감동받다

    I'm sorry. You're right, you're right. I'm sure J.L. Hall will be very impressed with your passion for the Dartmouth experience.


    • Who the hell ~?

            도대체 ~가 누구야?

    Who the hell is J.L. Hall?


    • pick up

            찾다, 얻다

    • Petting Zoo

            아이들이 동물을 만질 수 있는 동물원

    He's the Ivy rep. You might want to pick up his book if you want anything to talk about. 'The Petting Zoo', that's the name of his book.


    • Short fuse

            걸핏하면 쉽게 발끈함, 성급함

    • work on

            노력하다, 애쓰다

    Yeah. Short fuse. I'm trying to work on that.


    • keep posted

            ~에게 (최신 상황을) 계속 알려주다

    Yeah, I'll keep you posted.


    • tough


    It's a tough week.


    • In an ironic

            아이러니 하게도, 모순되게도

    • though

            (문장 끝에 와서) 그렇지만, 하지만

    • unexpected twist

            예기치 않은 반전

    No, I didn't. In an ironic, though, not totally unexpected twist, Nate got the one I wanted.


    • go to school

            학교에 다니다

    Yeah? Where'd your parents go to school?


    • That's all I'm saying.

            내말이 그 말이야, 내가 하고 싶은 말이야


    • cheap shot

            비열한 플레이

    Yeah, such a cheap shot.


    • Hello to you too

            너도 안녕

    • field hockey

            필드하키, 11명의 선수로 구성된 2개의 팀이 공을 스틱으로 체서 상대편의 골에 넣어 득점하는 스포츠

    • throw down

            (비격식) 래퍼나, 스트릿 댄서들의 경기 쇼

    • mouth guard

            마우스 가드(입에 넣는 플라스틱제 보호커버)

    • film

            (영상을) 찍다

    Hello to you too. I heard about the field hockey throw down. All those mouth guards and short skirts. I hope somebody filmed it.


    • heinous

            가증스러운, 악랄한

    Ugh. You're heinous.


    • complicated

            복합한, 풀기 어려운

    • I know better

            내가 더 잘 알고 있다

    Women like to pretend they're complicated. I know better.


    • numb

            (추위로) 감각이 없는

    • heating pad

            보온 패드

    My leg's numb now. How about a heating pad?


    • for a reason

            이유가 있어서

    Serena came home for a reason.


    • One can only guess

            짐작할 수 밖에 없다


    • be on the ground floor

            처음부터 관여하다

    • scandal

            추문, 남 부끄러운 일

    I'm done guessing. I want answers. And no one likes to be one the ground floor of a scandal like Chuck Bass.


    • bitch

            개 같은 것

    I am a bitch when I wanna be.


    • Uncover

            (비밀 등을) 알아내다

    Opportunity to cause some trouble. Uncover a secret.


    • how was your day?

            오늘 어땠어?

    Oh, Danny boy, how was your day?


    • hype


    He's about to hype dinner.


    • get better 


    • a lot


    • outdone

            (outdo의 과거분사형) 능가하다

    'Cause no matter how good it was, it's about to get a lot better. I've outdone myself with the Bolognese.


    • melodramatic

            (흔히 못마땅한) 멜로 드라마 같은, 과장된, 극단적인

    • entrance

            등장, 입장

    Sorry about the melodramatic entrance.


    • original


    • loneliness

            고독함, 외로움

    Last year, I believe he had an original thought. It died of loneliness. I'm sorry.


    • of our choice

            우리가 선택한

    Yeah, I know how much you and mom sacrificed. The whole reason you sent us to a school like this is so we can go to a college of our choice. What if that's all for nothing?


    • get to be

            ~이 되다

    It's not, okay? It's not. So you don't get to be the usher of some whatever party.


    • stew

            생각하다, 마음 졸이다

    Dad, could I just, um, stew alone for a while?


    • Not exactly

            꼭 ~은 아닌

    • royalty


    • uptown

            부유층 지역의, 높은 지대의

    We're Humphreys, dad. Not exactly royalty uptown.


    • be used to

            이골이 나다, 익숙하다

    No, but I'm used to it.


    • way


    This is way too good.


    • Admit it.


    • Even for me

            나에게 조차도

    Admit it. Even for me, this was good.


    • such

            그 정도의, 그런

    • perv

            'pervert'의 줄임말, 성도착자

    • CIA

            미국 중앙정보부(Central Intelligence Agency)

    • in a second

            금세, 순식간에

    If you weren't such a perv, I'm sure the CIA would hire you in a second.


    • defend


    • future


    Defending my country. There's a future I never imagined.


    • with good reason

            타당한(그럴만한) 이유가 있어서


    • facility


    • the disturbed

            지적 장애인

    • the addicted

            약물 중독자

    What's anyone doing there? It's a facility for the disturbed or addicted.


    • get credit for

            공로를 인정받다

    • nearly


    • wit

            재치, 기지

    • the question is~

            문제(요점)은 ~이다

    You don't get nearly enough credit for your wit. So the question is, what do you do now?


    • social


    • destuction


    I was thinking total social destuction.


    • get soft


    And here I thought you were getting soft.


    • repay


    • another time

            언제 다시한번

    You can repay me another time


    • session

            (특정) 시간, 활동, 회의

    I've been in these sessions every day for the last week but nothing is going to change unless she stops hiding him here and let him have his life back.


    • recovery


    This is not called hiding, Serena. It's called recovery.


    • Counselor

            상담역, 고문

    • take a deep breath

            심호흡하다, 숨을 깊이 쉬다

    Counselor: Okay. Let's take a deep breath. It's good to see honest conversation.


    • What

            무슨, 얼마나

    What does she know about honesty?


    • say

            발언권, 결정권

    Oh, you mean I have a say in this? Wow, thanks.


    • No matter what ~

            ~에 상관없이

    Look, if you're ready to leave, you tell us, okay? No matter what mom says.


    • date


    Hey, what about for a few hours? You can be my date to the Ivy Week party tonight.


    • there we go

            잘하고 있어, 잘했어, 바로 그거야

    • Compromise


    Well, there we go. Compromise. That wasn't so hard, was it?


    • set up


    • parent committee chair

            학부모 위원회 의장

    You know what? I have to go. Help them set up for tonight at the school. It's my job as both parent committee chair and responsible mother.




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