
  • 미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 (Gossip Girl S1E03 - Poison Ivy(2))
    English/미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 2023. 7. 11. 01:41



    • select


    • mix-up

            (특히 실수로 인한) 혼동

    • glitch

            작은 문제(결함)

    • system

            제도, 체제

    • best

            가장 긍정적인

    Rufus Humphrey. My kid, Dan, goes to St. Jude's, and he really should've been selected as Dartmouth's usher. Maybe there was a mix-up, some kind of a glitch in the system. I'd like to believe that. Because I like to believe the best in people.


    • fill


    I'm sorry, Mr. Humphrey. The usher positions have been filled. There's nothing we can do.


    • anything else

            그 밖에 또 무엇인가 (다른)

    Is there anything else? Any other positions?


    • chairwoman

            (여자) 의장, 회장

    Uh, you'll have to discuss this with our committee chairwoman.


    • run late

            늦는, 지체되는

    I'm not sure. She must be running late and, oh, there she is now.


    • Lucky for

            ~에게 운이 좋은

    • be in a good mood

            기분이 좋다

    Lucky for you, she seems to be in a good mood.


    • Told ya



    • You got a minute?

            시간 좀 있어?


    • refreshment

            (공식 행사에서 제공되는) 다과

    How do you feel about the refreshment committee?



    • Not until now.

            지금까지는 아니었지(지금부터는 다르다는 의미)


    • position of power

            권력자의 높은 자리

    What? Everybody gets thirsty. It's really a position of power.


    • secure

            (힘들게) 얻어내다, 확보하다

    • prominent

            눈에 잘 뛰는

    • simultaneously

            동시에, 일제히

    • embarrassing


    How did you secure me this prominent and simultaneously embarrassing position?


    • serve

            제공하다, 차려주다

    You serving snacks?


    • head

            장, 책임자

    • entertainment

            오락, 접대

    I'm the head of the entertainment committee.


    • Way to go


    Way to go, dad. Wait, so who's the entertainment?


    • such


    • short notice

            촉박한 통보

    Since it was such short notice, the only person I could get was myself.


    • staid


    • affair

            일, 업무, 사건

    • post-punk

            포스트 펑크, 락뮤직의 장르 중 하나

    • math rock

            매스락, 음악 장르 중 하나

    Kind of a staid affair for early '90s post-punk math rock, don't you think?


    • unplugged

            어쿠스틱 악기 중심의, 전자 악기를 사용하지 않는

    I'm bringing a couple of the guys. It will be Rufus unplugged.


    • roadie

            (특히 밴드의) 지방 공연 매니저

    Need a roadie?


    • full-fledged

            자격을 제대로 갖춘, 완전히 발달한

    Shall I call mom, and we can just make this a full-fledged Humphrey affair?


    • preference for

            ~에 대한 선호(도)

    • soft drink

            청량 음료

    Like his, uh preference for soft drinks?


    • get anxious


    • at all


    • light-headed

            약간 어지러운

    • panicky

            공황상태에 빠진

    If you get at all anxious, sweetie, if you feel light-headed or panicky...


    • act


    I'll be fine, mom. All I have to do is be normal. Or at least act normal.


    • crew

            조정 경기 팀

    My father would never forgive me if I didn't introduce myself. He says that you two used to do crew together.


    • family connection

            가족연계, 인맥

    I'm not. I was just saying that there's a family connection... Because my father...


    • athletics

            운동 경기

    • get wet

            물에 젖다

    • more of


    • indoors

            실내에서, 실내로

    • Oh, my goodness


    In fact, I didn't know you were interested in athletics at all. Well, especially ones where you might get your hair wet. She's really more of the indoors type of girl. Oh, my goodness. Your glass is almost empty, let's get you a drink.


    • take

            데리고 가다, 안내하다

    Uh, no, I'll take him.


    • commandeer

            ~을 억지로 빼앗다, (남의 물건을) 맘대로 쓰다

    Can you please explain how Serena's commandeering the Yale rep while you're supposed to be his usher?


    • switch


    • don't get your panties in a bunch

            (사소한 일에) 예민하게 굴지 마, 속상해 하지마

    • La Perla's

            이탈리아 속옷 브랜드

    I switched. I'm trying to get into Princeton. Oh, don't get your La Perla's in a bunch. Look who has arrived. Dr. Ostroff. Blair, Dr. Donald Ostroff.


    • Coincidence

            우연의 일치


    • epilogue

            (연극, 영화, 책의) 끝맺음말(종결 부분)

    • cheap

            저질스러운, 천박한

    • cop-out

            책임 회피, 변명

    Oh, thanks. What did you think of the epilogue? Some people really love it but the New York Times called it a cheap cop-out. Warner Bros. is making the movie. I think they're gonna change the end.


    • all that


    • commercial


    Well, I can see how the ending might not seem all that commercial. Uh, would you like something to drink?


    • Marlins

            마이애미 말린스(미국 메이저리그 소속의 프로야구팀)

    It was good, thanks. You know, go Marlins.


    • neuroscience


    • cellular


    • signaling


    • pathway

            경로, 진로

    • neuronal

            뉴런의, 신경단위의

    • nitric


    • oxide


    • synthase


    • initiate

            개시되게 하다, 착수시키다

    • glutamate

            (화학) 클루타민 산염(에스테르)

    • bind to

            ~에 묶다

    • NMDA

            신경 세포에서 발견되는 글루탐산 수용체 및 이온 통로 단백질

    So the neuroscience project I'm working on involves the cellular signaling pathway of neuronal nitric oxide synthase. It's initiated when glutamate binds to NMDA.


    • manatee

            매너티(포유류 바다소목 매너티과의 총칭)

    Uh, yeah. Save the manatees.


    • screw over

            (남을) 골탕 먹이다

    Ah, yeah. I get it. I mean, since you don't have to actually worry about getting into college, why not make the entire evening about screwing over Blair?


    • literally

            문자 그대로

    No, thanks. Hey. Wait, you're seriously not gonna talk to me? Like, literally not speak?


    • much better

            훨씬 나은


    • Lit


    • have nothing in common with

            ~와 공통점이 없다

    Like a Dartmouth English Lit professor I have nothing in common with. Guess I could tell him how everything I have I got because I'm an Archibald.


    • Dr. Seuss

            Theodor Seuss Geisel, 미국의 동화책 작가이자 만화가

    • the Lorax

            로렉스, 닥터 수스가 저술한 1971년에 출판된 어린이 책

    You should mention Dr. Seuss. Theodor Geisel is his real name. He went to Dartmouth. Uh, Hall said he got the idea for 'The Petting Zoo' from the Lorax.


    • you know what


    • never mind

            (중요하지 않으니까) 신경 쓰지마

    • prose


    • early


    • Faulkner

            포크너, 1950년 노벨상 수상한 미국의 소설가

    Um, you know what, never mind. Just mention how his prose style is influenced by early Faulkner. You'll be all right. Uh, or not.


    • get fresh air

            바람을 쐬다

    • take over to

            ~에게 갖다주다

    I was actually gonna get some fresh air. How about you take these over to him?


    • post


    • unmanned

            무인의, 사람이 없는

    All right. Yeah, I guess I could leave my post unmanned for a minute or two.


    • get back

            돌아 오다, 돌아 가다

    I don't think so. Now you get back out there and finish what you started.


    • There

             저런, 자

    • back off

            뒤로 물러나다

    You mean what you started? I don't wanna go to Dartmouth. There, I said it. Now back off.


    • move into

            ~로 이동하다

    So we moved into the hotel and, uh, it was just the two of us. And I was really lonely.


    • end up at

            결국 ~에 이르다

    • get paid for

            ~를 대가로 돈을 받다

    • keep mouths shut

            입 다물고 있다

    So I ended up at the Ostroff Center. And my mom says they have the best counselors but what they really get paid for is to keep their mouths shut.


    • Florida

            플로리다주(미국 남동부 끝에 있는 주)

    Yeah, answer more questions about Florida?


    • Fort Myers

            미국 Florida 주 서해안의 도시

    • think of


    • material

            소재, 내용, 재료

    Well, I have a grandma who lives in Fort Myers. I can help think of some material.


    • May I have your attention?


    • chair


    • benefit

            ~에서 득을 보다, 유익하다

    • personal

            개인적인, 사적인

    • one of our own

            우리 자신들 중 하나

    May I please have everyone's attention? Welcome again to the Constance Billard - St. Jude's Ivy Week mixer. I'm Blair Waldof, chair of the Community Outreach Committee. Every year, our schools choose to support one local institution that we feel benefits our community. This year, our schools have chosen to honor the Ostroff Center. This semester, our choice is a very personal one, because the center has helped one of our own.


    • excellent

            탁월한, 훌륭한

    • aid


    • addict

            (약물) 중독자

    • alcoholic

            알코올 중독자

    • clean

            (유독물질 없이)깨끗한, 맑은

    • sober

             술 취하지 않은

    • for now

            우선은, 현재로는

    • join on-stage

            무대에 올라오다, 합류하다

    It's because of their excellent program which aids so many young addicts and alcoholics that a student here with us today is clean and sober, at least for now. Can I please have Serena Van der Woodsen join me on-stage?


    • last stand

            최후의 전쟁

    • get out alive

            목숨을 건지다

    • take cover


    Spotted at the Ivy Week mixer: S and B's last stand. And only one gets out alive. Better take cover.


    • deny


    Don't try to deny it. Chuck saw you.


    • forgiveness

            용서, 관용

    Hi. I'm Serena Van der Woodsen. I just wanna thank my friend, Blair Waldorf, for recognizing the Ostroff Center and all of the good things that they do. Thanks, Blair. At the center, one of the main things that we learn is forgiveness.


    • rehab

            중독 치료 갱생시설

    She's in rehab?


    • move forward


    • wrong

            부당하게 취급하다, 모욕을 주다

    I've learned about how in order to move forward with our future, we must forgive those who have wronged us in the past. And we must ourselves ask for forgiveness from those whom we're wronged. Without this forgiveness, innocent people get hurt.


    • policy

            수단, 방법

    • zip code

            우편 번호

    • winning


    • college essay

            대학지원 에세이

    Honesty may be the best policy in some zip codes. But not in this one. And not this week. 'Cause "I was a teenage drug addict" is not exactly a winning college essay.


    • out

            (본인은 원하지 않는데 남이 나서서)폭로하다

    Why is Blair outing you for a drug problem that you don't have? You don't, do you?


    • put a strain on

             ~에 중압을 가하다, ~을 짓누르다

    • huge

            막대한, 거대한

    Look, what's happened to Eric has put a huge strain on our family. But we are still a family.


    • square


    So we good now? We square?


    • ever

            결코 ~않은

    No. Because nothing I do will ever be as bad as what you did to me.


    • congratulate on

            ~을 축하하다

    What? What, you wanna congratulate me on destroying my future?


    • ever

            언젠가, 앞으로

    • either


    It's okay. Really, no one will ever hear it from me. But if you ever need anybody to talk to or not talk to, I'd be happy to do either.


    • take up on

            (제의, 내기 등을) 받아들이다

    • get together

            만나다, 모이다

    • sometime


    But maybe, you know, I can take you up on that getting-together-and-not-talking thing sometime? Will you call me?


    • It will just take a moment.

            잠시면 됩니다, 금방 끝납니다.


    • patient


    Serena's not a patient at the Ostroff Center.


    • take a drink

            한잔 마시다

    I've never even seen you take a drink.


    • See that coming

            그럴 줄 예상하다(알다)

    See that coming? Yeah. It must be a scho for someone who thinks she knows everything.


    • bomb


    • land

            착륙하다, 떨어지다

    • lap


    • ammunition

            탄약, (언쟁에서 무기가 되는) 정보

    • surrender

            항복하다, 포기하다

    • arms

            (군대의) 무기

    Another bomb lands in Blair's lap. Will she use it as ammunition? Or will she finally surrender and put down her arms?


    • pour

            (음료를) 따르다

    • soda


    So you really impressed the guy, huh? Must be the way you poured those sodas.


    • light


    • on the gratitude


    Yeah, about that. Uh, I know I may have been a little light on the gratitude.


    • A touch

            약간, 조금


    • be capable of

            ~을 할 수 있다

    • keep A from B

            A가 B 하지 못하게 하다

    • deserve

            ~해야 마땅하다

    • Not if I can help it.

            그런 짓은 안해, 천만에

    • see


    • electro-acoustic


    We're real men, son. We don't like to share our feelings. But I know what you're capable of. And nothing, my last name, my bank account is gonna keep you from getting what you deserve. Not if I can help it. And I see that Dartmouth has an electro-acoustic music program. What do you think of me applying?


    • early admission

            조기 입학제

    Yeah, and Jenny's smart. Get her early admission. Maybe we'll all go.


    • remotely

            아주 약간

    So not remotely funny.


    • possibly

            (놀라움, 짜증스러움 등을 강조함) 가능한대로

    Where the hell could you possibly have to be right now?


    • run


    I'm late for a run with my dad. 


    • Let's just say

            (복잡한 내용을 간결히 전할 때) 그냥 ~라고 해두자

    • Princeton Tigers

            프린스턴의 운동팀 이름

    • for a reason

            (모종의) 이유로

    Hm-hm. Ah, Jersey girls. Let's just say they're the Princeton Tigers for a reason.


    • loose

            느슨한, 해이한

    You feeling loose? Feeling good?


    • turn out

            ~로 밝혀지다

    • runner

            달리는 사람

    Hey, good to see you, son. It turns out Jed's a runner too.


    • get

            ~가 ~하게 만들다

    I would've never mentioned if I knew he was gonna get me out thi early.


    • bout of

            한바탕, 한차례

    • food poisoning


    • What do you say

            어떻게 생각해?

    • kiddo

            (친한 사이의 호칭) 너, 야

    • how


    I'm glad to see you're feeling better, Nate. I was, uh, just telling Jed about your little bout of food poisoning last night. What do you say, kiddo? You wanna show him how it's done?


    • lacrosse

            라크로스(양팀 10명씩 하는 하키 비슷한 구기종목 스포츠)

    • all-star

            전반적으로 매우 뛰어난 선수인

    • cross-country running

            크로스 컨트리 달리기 (경주)

    Nate is the captain of his lacrosse team, as well as being an all-start cross-country runner.


    • bliss

            더없는 기쁨, 행복, 뉴욕 스파 브랜드 이름

    • extra time


    That you're here? That would require her stopping by. Saturday mornings are spent at bliss, and after last night, I think she could use some extra time on the massage table.


    • admirer

            (유명한 사람, 물건을) 찬미하는 사람, 팬, (여자를) 흠모하는 남자

    Right. Well, here. Somebody has an admirer.


    • cousin

            사촌, 친척

    • do

            (특정 일을 하면서 얼마의 기간을) 보내다

    • some time


    • youth


    They're for my sister. From the Brown rep. Um, apparently his cousin did some time here in his youth.


    • blown


    Well, that's good, right? I mean, at least her entire future isn't blown.


    • a whole lot

            아주 많이

    I don't hink that's making her feel a whole lot better right now.


    • bother

            신경쓰이게 하다

    Whenever something's bothering you, I can always find you here.


    • catfight

            여자들끼리의 싸움

    You here for another catfight?


    • Dear

            (편지 첫부분에) ~에게

    • fall apart

            무너져 내리다

    • feel like

            내키다, 싶어하다

    • scream


    • act weird

            이상하게 굴다

    A letter. I wrote it to you when you were away at boarding school. I never sent it.
    "Dear Serena. My world is falling apart and you're the only one who would understand. My father left my mother for a 31-year-old model. A male model. I feel like screaming because I don't have anyone to talk to. You're gone. My dad's gone. Nate's acting weird. Where are you? Why don't you call? Why did you leave without saying goodbye? You're supposed to be my best friend. I miss you so much. Love, Blair."


    • go through a hard time

            힘든 시간을 보내다

    Eric told me what happened. I guess your family's been going through a hard time too.


    • Central Park

            센트럴 파크, 뉴욕시 중심주의 큰 공원

    • Peace Accord

            평화 협정

    • far off


    • what will it be


    • consequence


    • Only time will tell

            시간이 지나면 알게 될 것이다

    • XOXO

            포옹과 키스(존경과 애정표현), 편지 마지막에 주로 쓴다

    Spotted in Central Park: Two white flags waving. Could an Upper East Side Peace Accord be far off? So, what will it be, truce or consequences? We all knokw one nation can't have two queenns. What happens next? Only time will tell. XOXO, Gossip Girl.



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