
  • 미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 (Gossip Girl S1E02 - The Wild Brunch(2))
    English/미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 2023. 6. 30. 21:58



    • Not necessarily

            반드시(꼭) ~은 아닌

    Well, do you wanna, do you wanna talk? And eat. Not necessarily in that order.


    • starve


    Yeah, but that was before I knew Dan was hungry too. I can't let the boy starve.


    • inhumane

            비인간적인, 몰인정한

    It would be inhumane.


    • those


    We had those plans.


    • under somone's roof

            ~의 집에서

    • under someone's rule

            ~의 지배하에 있는

    • take

            필요하다, 있어야 하다

    • get dressed

            옷을 입다

    • get through

            ~을 통과하다

    Serena. You're home. Living under my roof, my rules. What is it gonna take to get you dressed and through that door?


    • You've gotta be kidding

            장난하는 거지?


    • should

            ~일 것이다, ~할 것이다

    This should be fun.


    • show up

            눈에 띄다, 드러내 보이다, ~을 나타내다

    • quite


    • appetite


    • destruction


    Looks like Chuck and Blair showed up with quite an appetite. For destruction, that is.


    • go

            (진행이 어떻게) 되다, 되어가다

    Hey, dad. How's the new song going?


    • Whatever works

            'Whatever works for you', 뭐가 됐든 너 편한대로 해


    • thank-you gift


    Oh, it was a thank-you gift, from Blair, for doing the party invitations.


    • talented

            (타고난) 재능이 있는

    And her mom's very talented, but the dress you made for yourself is much nicer.


    • Which is why...

            그게 바로 ~(이유)이다

    Which is why you don't wear dresses.


    • Farmer's Market

            농산물 직판장

    Hey, you think the Farmer's Market's still open?


    • get old

            나이 들다

    • go places


    I thought you were getting old to go places with your dad?


    • '90s


    • have a comeback


    Well, you used to be cool. And the '90s are having a comeback.


    • child-rearing

            자녀 양육(교육)

    Well, I can't say much for his child-rearing skills but Bart Bass knows brunch.


    • ladies' room

            (호텔, 극장 등의) 여성용 화장실

    I, uh, I need to use the ladies' room. 


    • beluga caviar

            벨루가 캐비어(큰철갑상어 알)

    • Can't get enough of

            아무래도 질리지가 않는다

    Yeah, come on, me and, uh, some beluga caviar? Can't get enough of the stuff.


    • Do your thing

            네 볼일 봐라


    • Would you excuse me?

            실례해도 되겠습니까?


    • Father

            (격식 갖춘 호칭) 아버지


    • in trouble

            곤경에 빠져서

    • some kind of


    The, uh, the invitation said black tie, not black eye. Are you okay? I mean, if you're in some kind of trouble...


    • of my own making

            스스로 만든

    Only of my own making.


    • make a change

            변화를 주다

    Why do you think I do all this, huh? This party is for you. Okay? So you can meet people. You know, become a part of something, make some kind of change.


    • open bar

            (파티나 행사에서) 술, 음료 무료 제공

    • re-hiring


    • statue


    Really? I thought it was another excuse for an open bar and, uh,  re-hiring of the nearly-nude statues.


    • Do me a favor

            제발 들어줘라, 부탁한다

    • lose


    • Scotch

            스카치 위스키

    • barely


    • noon


    Do me a favor, will you? Lose the Scotch. It's barely noon.


    • which means...

            그말은 (즉슨)

    • can

            (허가) ~해도 된다

    Actually, I need to talk to you, which means you can listen. 


    • suite

            (특히 호텔의) 스위트룸 (연결된 몇개의 방으로 이루어진 공간)

    Meet me in Chuck's suite.


    • sneak around

            몰래 다니다, 몰래 움직이다

    I'm not sneaking around with you.


    • Just

            오직, 단지

    Please. Just to talk.


    • as always

            늘 그렇듯

    • lovely

            훌륭한, 멋진, 매력적인

    You look beautiful as always. Where's your lovely mother today?


    • drama

            극적임, 드라마 같은 일

    • atelier

            (예술가들의) 작업실

    Paris. Must be some drama at the atelier.


    • dramatic


    • firm


    • investment

            (구입할 가치가 있는) 상품

    • go places

            성공하다, 출세하다

    Nothing too dramatic, I hope. Her line is doing very well. I was just telling my firm what a great investment she'd make. She's really going places.


    • Just kidding



    • get a refill

            리필을 받다

    • I'll be right back

            곧 바로 돌아올게

    Hey, let me get you a refill. I'll be right back.


    • take care of

            ~을 처리하다

    • business

            (관여되는) 일, 소관, 사태

    Looks like you're taking care of business as discussed.


    • in


    Come talk to me in 30 years.


    • shot

            시도, 도전, (한 번) 치기

    • get someone's attention

            ~의 관심(주의)를 끌다

    You worried about Nate? Just shot in the dark. I think you know what you need to do get his attention.


    • heart


    • be honored


    • play a role in

            ~에서 역할을 하다

    • deflower

            처녀성을 빼앗다, (비유적으로) 갓 피어나는 꽃봉오리를 꺾다

    The key to my suite, Nate's heart, and your future happiness. I'm honored to be playing even a small role in your deflowering.


    • grab

            (와락 단단히) 붙잡다

    • report back

            (부탁받은 사항에 대한 정보를) 보고하다

    • with details


    Yes, I am. So why be shy? Just grab Nate and finish this. And report back with details.


    • of course not

            물론 아니지


    • in the whole place

            도처에서, (가능한) 모든 곳에서

    I got us the best room in the whole place.


    • hot and heavy

            맹렬히, 맹렬한

    • Sparks are flying

            불꽃이 튀다

    • for sure


    • three-way


    • D-day

            중요한 날

    Spotted: N and B hot and heavy in the halls of the Palace Hotel, only to find S already waiting. Sparks were flying for sure. But will it be a three-way? Or D-day?


    • fascinating

            대단히 흥미로운

    Maybe I'll leave you two to finish that fascinating conversation.


    • get back to

            ~로 돌아가다

    • quickie

            빨리 해치우는 섹스

    Oh, no, no. I'll go. Let you guys get back to your quickie.


    • a big deal

            큰 일

    It wasn't a quickie. Sex is actually kind of a big deal to some of us.


    • Classy

            고급의, 세련된

    Oh, yeah, I can see that. Chuck's bed? Very romantic. Classy too.


    • keep it a secret

            비밀로 하다

    You just expected me to keep it a secret?


    • There's nothing wrong with...

            ~에는 아무런 문제 없다

    Yes, Nate. There's nothing wrong with keeping a secret if the truth is gonna hurt someone.


    • a hell of

            굉장한, 엉망인

    • look at things

            (어떠한 관점으로) 상황을 바라보다, 인식하다, 판단하다

    That's a hell of a way to look at things.


    • on the planet


    Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize all of a sudden you're the most honest guy on the planet.


    • in public

            사람들 있는데서

    Well, it just seems to me, that you're the one that doesn't wanna be seen together in public.


    • harem


    • a shop girl

            여자 점원

    Tell your harem of shop girls and models that you're seeing someone.


    • take a time

            시간이 걸리다

    I am. But those conversations take a little time.


    • nothing but...


    Well, they've got nothing but time, Bart. They're 25.


    • I don't appreciate (that)...

            ~가 달갑지 않다, 좋지 않다

    • lurk in the shadows

            어두운 곳에 숨다

    • eavesdrop on

            ~을 엿듣다

    Dan, wait. Look, I really don't appreciate your lurking in the shadows and eavesdropping on my private conversation.


    • look


    No, which is why I was looking.


    • if you'll excuse me?

            실례가 되지 않는다면

    • mind my own business

            내 일에만 신경쓰다, 내 볼일만 본다

    And neither do I, okay? So now if you'll excuse me? I'm gonna go back inside. Not tell anyone a thing and mind my own business.


    • do you happen to...?


    oh, hey. Yeah, do you happen to know where she is?


    • As a matter of fact

            사실은(무슨 말을 한 뒤에 보통 상대방이 흥미로워할 것 같은 말을 덧붙일 때 씀)

    As a matter of fact, I do.


    • any

            전혀, 조금도

    • the second time


    That doesn't sound any smarter the second time.


    • have anything to do with

            ~와 관련이 있다

    Why weren't you talking? Does this have anything to do with why you were waiting for Serena this morning?


    • get to

            ~에 도착하다, 닿다, 이르다

    We were just getting to that.


    • a long time ago

           오래 전에

    Look, Dan, it was a long time ago, and I regret it.


    • sleep with

            ~와 성교하다

    • admire

            감탄하여 바라보다, 존경하다

    Look, Serena, stop trying to pretend you're a good girl. So you slept with your best friend's boyfriend. I kind of admire you for it.


    • run away


    • fall head over heels

             ~에게 (사랑에) 푹 빠지다

    • get left


    • all alone


    • but

            ~를 제외하고, ~이외에

    Well, then she ran away. And lied about it. I just thought you should know. Before you fall head over heels for your perfect girl and her perfect world. And then get left all alone with no one but your Cabbage Patch Kid.


    • I believe

            확실히 (내가 알리고는) ~이다

    Yes, little Jenny. I do believe she and I have some unfinished business.


    • jerk

            얼간이, 나쁜 놈(자식)

    It's fine, it's fine. Everyone can stop looking. He's a jerk. But it's my fault and, and I'm leaving.


    • Not even close

            어림도 없다


    • fustercluck

            'clusterfuck', (무능력에 의해 초래된) 매우 큰 오류

    Some might call this a fustercluck. But on the Upper East Side, we call it Sunday afternoon.


    • there's no need to

            ~할 필요 없다

    There's no, there's not need to be. Really, I shouldn't have come here today. I made a mistake.


    • turn out

            ~인 것으로 드러나다(밝혀지다)

    It's fine, it's fine, really. It's all for the best. Serena and her friends and her family, her whole world. Turns out it wasn't for me.


    • come up


    I, it may have come up.


    • move on


    • either A or B

            A이거나 B

    Look, Blair, either you try to forgive me and move on or we end it.


    • mystery


    • no longer

            더이상 ~아닌

    • who cares?

            알게 뭐야? 아무렴 어때?

    • so

            ~도 또한(역시) (그러하다)

    • Gifted from

            ~에게서 선물받은

    • oneself

            (강조하여) 직접, 그 자신

    • original


    • private army


    • loyal


    • side with

            ~의 편을 들다

    • rebel forces


    • as for

            ~에 대해 말하자면

    • ultimate

            최고의, 궁극의

    • insider


    • outsider


    • It's your move

            네 차례야

    Well, Serena's mystery man is a mystery no longer. His name is, oh, who cares? Now that he and S are over, so are his 15 minutes. But his sister Jenny was spotted with a new dress. Gifted from Blair herself. Everyone knows an Eleanor original is the uniform of B's private army. But will J be a loyal soldier, or will she side with S's rebel forces? And as for S herself? We hear that she left today's brunch with no friends, no boy, and nowhere left alone. It looks like the ultimate insider has become a total outsider. It's your move, Serena. And you know who'll be watching, Gossip Girl.



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