
  • 미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 (Gossip Girl S1E04 - Bad News Blair(2))
    English/미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 2023. 8. 11. 20:25



    • miserable

            비참한, 초라한

    • Literally

            말 그대로, 그야말로

    • I can't tell


    • worth it

            그만한 가치가 있는

    Uh, miserable. Literally, I don't know about Serena, dad. I can't tell if she's worth it.


    • basically

            근본적으로, 기본적으로

    • distill into

            증류하여 ~으로 만들다

    • doe-eyed

            (여자가) 크고 아름다운 갈색 눈을 가진

    • bon mot

            (불어) 기지넘치는 발언, 재치있는 농담, 말재주

    • toss

            (가볍게 아무렇게나) 던지다

    • label whore

            명품만 고집하고 밝히는 사람

    • package


    • girlie

            (못마땅한) 계집애같은

    • evil


    Well, uh, she's best friends with this girl, Blair Waldorf who is basically everything I hate about the Upper East Side, distilledd into one 95-pound, doe-eyed, bon mot-tossing, label-whoring packing of girlie evil.


    • barely

            거의 ~아니게

    • exaggerate


    • if I told you


    • withering

            (사람의) 기를 죽이는(위축시키는)

    • glare back


    She is. I would barely be exaggerating if I told you Medusa wants her withering glare back.


    • beneath


    • with

            ~에 대해(소유자)

    Well, if there's anything I've learned, it's that usually there's something beneath the surface with people like that to make them act the way they do.


    • Like what?

            예를 들어?

    • OJ

            Orange Juice

    • mimosa

            칵테일, 미모자(오렌지 주스, 샴페인이 주로 쓰이는 것)

    • concentrate


    • fresh

            간 딴(만든)

    • squeez


    Like what? The OJ in her mimosa was from concentrate, not fresh-squeezed? And what does this say about Serena, that this is her best friend?


    • a lot like

            ~와 많이 닮음

    • challenging

            도전의식을 북돋우는

    • jump in with both feet

            (활동, 일 따위에) 열심히 참가하다, 기세좋게 착수하다

    I dated a girl like Serena once. Actually, a lot like Serena. And girls like that are challenging, it's true. And they're complicated and enigmatic. And usually worth it. And the only way you'll know for sure is to jump in with both feet.


    • swam

            swim의 과거형

    • drown

            물에 빠져죽다, 익사하다

    I swam for a while 'till I drowned.


    • get some sleep

            잠 좀 자다

    Now, get soem sleep, and I will see you in the morning. We'll go to the photo shoot together.


    • little


    You haven't done this since I was little.


    • cocky

            자만심에 찬

    • make-up

            화해, 충당

    Don't be cocky. I'm calling you with a make-up plan.


    • fashion shoot

            패션 사진촬영

    I am. How would you like to see what really happens at a fashion shoot?


    • reach


    I'm sorry, this is, this is Dan Humphrey. Are you sure you're not trying to reach my sister?


    • chew on

            곰곰이 생각하다

    Look, I know it's a girlie offer, but chew on this. I'll be there.


    • bet on

            (내기를) ~에 걸다

    • law of averages

            평균의 법칙, 세상 상사

    • lose

            (노름따위로) 무일푼이 되다

    Can I bet on that? Because law of averages says I lose my shirt.


    • moral


    • so ~ that ...

            너무 ~해서 ...할만큼

    • on the sidelines

            (직접 관여하지 않고) 옆에서 구경하는, 지켜보는

    • craft service

            (영화, 촬영 세트장에서 스태프에게 제공되는) 음식, 밥차

    Look, she's really not as bad as you think. Besides, she's gonna be so busy with the shoot that you won't even have to see her and since it's so boring on the sidelines, you'll have my full attention. Okay, what if I buy you anything you want from craft service?


    • thou dost

            (옛글투, 방언) You do

    • protest

            항의하다, 이의를 제기하다

    I'll see you in the morning at 8:00. I'm texting you the address. I'm hanging up before thou dost protest again.


    • Apart from

            ~을 제외하고, ~외에는

    • big day

            중요한 날

    • over the phone

            전화 통화상으로

    What's the emergency? Apart from my not getting my sleep before the big day, Laurel. And why couldn't we simple have discussed it over the phone?


    • unapproachable

            접근하기가 어려운(말을 붙이기가)

    • controlled

            아주 조심스런, 억제되느, 세심히 관리된

    I don't hink this girl is what you're trying to say. Unapproachable, controlled, perfect.


    • poised

            침착한, 균형잡힌

    • regal

            제왕다운, 당당한, 위엄있는

    She is not unapproachable. She is poised, ,regal.


    • rigid


    • twig

            (나무의) 잔가지

    • works of art


    Look, I know she's your daughter and I don't want to make problems but your girl is rigid like a twig. You know, she's afraid to let you in. So your works of art and she fail to achieve... What's the word?


    • Symbiosis

            (서로 다른 생물체, 사람들, 기어들 사이의) 공생

    • What can be done

            어떤 대책이 강구될 수 있을까

    • at this stage

            현 시점에서, 이 단계에서

    Symbiosis. What can be done at this stage?


    • fun

            재미, 즐거움, 장난(기)

    Your daughter is beautiful. Yes, but this girl, this girl has it. She is warm like sunshine, she has fun. 


    • similar to

            ~와 비슷한

    • pre-surgery

            수술을 앞둔, 수술 전에

    • prior

            사전의, 이전의, 앞의

    • clothing

            (특정한 종류의) 옷(의복)

    • affair

            일, 직무, 할일

    • in order

            제대로 된

    • go wrong

            일이 잘못되다

    • in a flash

            눈 깜짝할 사이에

    The rules for a model the day of a photo shoot are similar to those of a patient pre-surgery. No food or drink 12 hours prior, wear comfortable clothing, and make sure your affairs are in order. You never know what could go wrong in a falsh.


    • thank God

            (정말) 다행이다

    • awake


    Oh, thank God you're awake.


    • oversleep


    Am I late? Oh, my God. Oh, my God, did I oversleep?


    • that fool of 

            저 바보같은

    • photographer

            사진 작가

    • in a direction

            ~의 방향으로

    Darling, I have some bad news. Terry, that fool of a photographer, think we need to go in a different direction.


    • theme

            주제, 테마

    With the theme?


    • hire


    • expertise

            전문 지식(기술)

    • ultimately


    • do A a disservice

            A에게 몹쓸 짓을 하다

    Darling, I hired these people for their expertise and ultimately, they feel that... we would be doing the brand a disservice. I, I cannot apologize enough. I know taht you were really looking forward to tihs.


    • shoot


    • amateur

            아마추어, 비전문가

    No, I wasn't. I'm glad I don't have to go. I hate shoots. They're so boring. You should have Alessandra Ambrosio, not an amateur.


    • Steak frites

            스테이크 프리츠(프렌치 프라이를 곁들인 비프 스테이크)

    • crepe

            크레이프(얇은 팬케이크)

    • Café Des artistes

            맨해튼에 있는 고급 레스토랑

    We'll have dinner after, yes? Steak frites and crepes at Café Des artistes. Just like old times. I will see you later.


    • All right

            자, 저

    • turn out


    • model

            모델로 일하다

    • career


    • over


    • crash

            (초대없이) 들어가다

    • replace with

            ~를 ~로 갈아치우다

    • Make fun of

            ~을 놀리다, 비웃다

    • skinny


    Hey, S. All right. I hope you're not already there, because as it turns out my modeling career is over faster than Jessica Simpson's acting one. Now that I think about it, maybe we should crash the shoot anyway. See who they replace me with. Make fun of the skinny bitch?


    • How could you?

            어떻게 그럴 수 있어?


    • The question is ~

            문제는(요점은) ~이다

    • what are you doing

            뭐하는 거야

    The question is what are you doing selling it to me?


    • taste

            감각, 취향

    I'm just surprised you hired someone with taste.


    • equally


    • as


    • enter my mind

            생각이 떠오르다, 생각나다

    Well, I am equally as shocked, because when she said she found something amazing in Brooklyn, your gallery never entered my mind.


    • hang

            걸다, 매달다, 걸리다, 매달리다

    What I recognize is the fact that your wife would not want this hanging in my house.


    • background check


    • prospective

            장래의, 유망한

    Alison's a professional artist. She doesn't do background checks on propective buyers. And neither do I. Besides, it's been almost 20 years.


    • know it all

            (못마땅함) (뭐든 다) 아는체하는 사람, 똑똑한체 하는 사람

    And you still know it all.


    • despise


    Your wife despises me.


    • slip dress

            슬립 드레스(끈으로 걸쳐 어깨가 드러나는 실크류의 엷은 드레스)

    • Doc Martens

            닥터 마틴(영국대표 신발 브랜드)

    • at the time

            그 당시에

    • mean it


    Well, she did. I mean, she may have been wearing a slip dress and Doc Martens at the time but she definitely meant it.


    • hold on to

            ~에 매달리다, 붙들다, 붙잡다

    She's not like you. She doesn't hold on to that stuff.


    • put up

            ~을 달다, 내걸다

    • drive

            만들다, 몰다

    • further

            더 멀리에(로)

    Why don't you call and ask her? Or are you still giving her her space? Because, trust me, putting this up in my house, even having this conversation with you, will only drive her further away.


    • take back

            도로 가져가

    • set up


    • refund


    Take it back. You can call Bex and set up a refund.


    • think of

            ~에 대해 평가하다

    So what'd you think of it?


    • extraordinary

            비범한, 대단한

    I thought, it was extraordinary.


    • up

            (돈이) (~에)걸린, 호경기인, 오름세로

    How much you up?


    • insance


    • amigo

            친구(주로 남자), 스페인계 사람

    It's insane, amigo.


    • quit


    • ahead

            (시합에서) 앞선

    I should probably quit while I'm ahead, huh?


    • run

            (한사람이 쥐고 있는 일련의) 카드

    Well, I've had a good run. Plus, it's better to leave while you're up.


    • bro

            brother, 형씨        

    • Up until

            ~까지(until의 강조형)

    • card


    • hand

            (카드놀이에서 손에 쥐게 된) 패, (카드놀이의 한) 판

    I'm not, I'm not gonna let you do that, bro. Tale's about to get smaller, people are gonna start showing their real stuff. Up until now it's been cards, but from now on, it's an adventure. Just a couple more hands.


    • gent


    • ante up

            (자기 몫을) 내다, 치르다, 판돈 올리다

    All right, gents, ante up.


    • hit it


    Let's hit it.


    • You've got to be kidding me.

            말도 안돼, 장난이지?, 놀구 있네


    • Quick

            신속히, 빨리

    • What took you so long?

            왜 이렇게 늦었어?

    • mad

            몹시 화가 난(미친듯이)

    Oh, there she is. Blair, come on. Quick. What took you so long? Hey. Blair.
    Blair. Blair, wait. Where are you going? Blair, wait. Why are you so mad?


    • furious


    • not for a(one) second

            조금도 ~않다(never)

    Why am I mad? You mean why aren't I furious? I can't believe for one second I thought that it'd be different this time!


    • deal with


    • shine a spotlight on

            ~에 스포트라이트를 비추다, 관심(이목)의 중심이 되다

    You couldn't deal with the spotlight shining on me for once, could you?


    • What?

            왜, 뭐?

    What are you talking about? I was told we were doing this together. What? Did you not get my message?


    • What about ~

            ~는 어떤대?

    • glance

            ~을 힐끗(언뜻) 보다

    • call sheet

            (촬영장서 쓰이는) 촬영 스케줄 목록표

    • seem

            ~인것 같다

    • strange

            이상한, 낯선

    • dressing room

            분장실, 탈의실

    What about this morning, then? When you glanced at the call sheet, did you see my name on it? When I wasn't in hair and makeup, didn't that seem strange? When the dressing room had only your name on the door, what, did you think they just forgot?


    • run late

            지체되다, (예정보다) 늦다

    I was told you were running late and they asked me to do some test shots first. Blair, they told me you wanted me here.


    • encourage


    • steal


    • push


    Look, Blair, I encouraged you to do this. Why would I try to steal something from you that I pushed you to do?


    • can't help it

            어쩔 수 없다

    You can't even help it. It's who you are. I just thought maybe this time it would be different. I should have known I'd be wrong. Great!


    • rude

            불시의, 예상치 못한

    • awakening

            인식, 자각

    • be born


    • in heels

            하이힐 신고

    • tread on

            발로 밟다

    Spotted, lonely boy's rude awakening. Upper East Side queens aren't born at the top. They climb their way up in heels. No matter who they have to tread on to do it.


    • back


    But we need her back.


    • charm


    You know, you love the spotlight, you always have. It's part of your charm. There is nothing wrong with that...


    • Get back on.

            다시 재개하다


    • overhear

            (남의 대화를) 우연히 듣다, 엿듣다

    • stairwell

            계단통(건물 내부에 계단이 나있는 공간)

    Hey, I kind of overheard you guys in the stairwell...


    • mute

            무언의, 벙어리의

    • blink

            (눈을) 깜빡이다

    Oh, okay. Well, forget I said anything then. In fact, you know what? I'm mute. I'll just stand here and blink real quiet, unless you want me to...


    • Hand

            건네주다, 넘겨주다

    Hand me my jeans? Yes, please.


    • you know

            거 왜 있잖아

    It's just, uh... I thought you wanted to be on the sidelines here. I thought you wanted to be here for your friend, Blair, you know? We were gonna get craft service and I'd have your full attention?


    • basically


    • trick into

            ~를 속여서 ~하게 하다

    So my best friend doesn't believe me. And neither does the guy I like. Look, Dan, Blair's mom basically tricked me into coming here because she didn't want Blair. How do you tell your friend something like that?


    • clean up

            치우다, 정리하다

    Look, you know what, Dan? Just go, okay? I need to clean up, and I just need to get out of here.


    • believe it or not

            믿기 힘들겠지만

    No, believe it or not, I actually came here myself.


    • tetanus shot

            파상풍 주사

    Normally, I wouldn't be this close to you without a tetanus shot.


    • seem to

            ~한 모양이다

    • care about

            마음을 쓰다, 관심 가지다

    • look in the eye

            ~의 눈을 똑바로 쳐다보다

    • for good


    • the other day

            일전에, 지난번

    • sit across the table from

            ~와 테이블을 사이에 두고 마주앉다

    • straight


    Uh, my mom kind of left us a couple of months ago. Oh my, my dad and my sister don't really see that. 'Cause she told us she had to go away for the summer to, uh, to follow her dream of being an artist. But it's not summer anymomre, and she's still up there and it's all she seems to care about right now. Every time I go to see her, I tell myself: This time, I'm gonna tell her what I think. This time I'm gonna look her in the eye and say: "Either come home or leave for good." And so there I was, just the other day, I was sitting across the table from her, looking her straight in the eye, and I didn't say anything.


    • wish

            ~이면 좋겠다

    Uh, I don't know. But I wish I had. 'Cause even if it didn't change anything, she'd know how I felt.


    • Dealer

            (카드게임의) 딜러


    • Bullet



    • bet


    First bet.


    • call

            전사람 판돈에 맞먹게 건다는 뜻(내기에서)

    Five to call.


    • marker

            (도박용어) 당장에 현금이 없고 큰돈을 걸고 싶을 때 카지노에 현금 대신에 돈을 반드시 지불하겠다는 크레딧(신용)

    It's all luck. Hey, you guys okay with a marker?


    • such


    Look, I don't think it's such a good idea.


    • ever

            한번이라도, 언제든

    • take a risk

            위험을 무릅쓰다, 모험을 하다

    • What's the point of~

            ~가 무슨 소용이야?

    If you ever gonna take a rish, start now. What's the point of anything less? It's fine.


    • Trip

            Triple, 3개의

    • bullet

            (카드의) 에이스

    Trip bullets. Trip aces take it.


    • rough

            난폭한, 그다지 좋지 않은, 쓰라린

    That's rough.


    • It's the luck of the draw

            그냥 팔자려니 해, 추첨 운이야, 운수(팔자) 소관이야


    • a little while

            꽤 오래

    Look, I, I don't, um, it might take me a little while to get the money.


    • Snap your fingers

            (엄지 손가락을 다른 손가락에 대고 튕겨) 손가락으로 딱소리를 내다

    Wait, wait, wait. What? A little while? Come on, man. Snap your fingers.


    • be in with

            ~와 한패다

    Wait a miute. Are you in with these guys? Did you play me, man?


    • get hurt


    • help out


    Give 'em the money, man. Money means nothing to you. This guys aren't playing, but no one has to get hurt. I'm trying to help you out.


    • let in

            들어오게 하다

    Who let you in here, Bass?


    • set up

            함정에 빠뜨리다

    He set me up.


    • force

            강요하다, 억지로 ~하게 하다

    • Your boy

            네 친구, 네 도련님

    • fair and square


    No one forced his hand. Your boy lost fair and square.


    • What do you think about that?

            어떻게 생각해?


    • take care of

            ~을 처리(수습)하다

    • cop

            (비격식) 경찰관

    Look. You've got my watch and my ball. You keep them, take care of these guys. I don't call the cops and we walk out of here.


    • It's cool.

            괜찮아, 아무것도 아냐

    • I got it.

            됐어, 내가 알아서 할게

    It's cool. I, I got it.


    • transfer


    • pray

            간절히 바라다, 기도하다

    • put back

            ~을 다시 제자리에 갖다놓다

    I'm gonna have to transfer some money and pray the captain doesn't notice before I find a way to put it back.


    • pay back

            (빌린 돈을) 갚다

    • cent

            센트(100분의 1달러나 유로)

    You don't have to pay me back. You know, I mean, it was worth every cent to see the last of that guy.


    • That can't be right.

            말도 안돼, 설마 그럴리가, 이럴 수 없어


    • zero

            0에 맞추다

    • out

            ~이 없는(떨어진)

    It says I'm zeroed out.


    • have

            쓰다, 잡고있다

    Maybe you have the wrong account?


    • access


    • say

            ~라고 쓰여있다

    No, no, no, no, no. There must be something wrong. I accessed this account last month and it said there was almost $200,000.


    • get back to

            (회답하기 위해)~에게 나중에 다시 연락하다

    Hey, Tom, thanks for getting back to me so quickly.


    • come across

            ~을 우연히 발견하다

    • assume


    • error in

            ~에 있어서의 실수, 오류

    • trust


    • balance

            잔고, 잔액

    Um, yeah, I was checking my accounts and I came across what I assumed to be an error in that my trust seems to have a zero balance.


    • drain

            빼내 가다

    Oh, I thought you knew. That account was drained weeks ago.


    • terrible

            심한, 지독한, 형편없는

    Blair, honey, there's been a terrible mistake. How would you like your job back?


    • choose A over B

            B보다 A를 선택하다

    • stranger

            모르는 사람, (전혀 모르는) 타인

    Did you choose Serena over me? You could've picked a stranger. You didn't have to choose my best friend. Did you think I wouldn't find out?


    • mishandle

            잘못 처리하다

    • from top to bottom

            샅샅이, 구석구석, 머리부터 발끝까지

    I was going to tell you tonight. At dinner. It, there was no right decision. There, there, there wasn't any time. I know you can understand all this. It was mishandled, the whole thing, from top to bottom.


    • legitimize

            합법화 하다

    Bendel's would legitimize this company. It will take everything to the next level. You know how hard I've worked for that. You've always been my biggest supporter, my biggest fan.


    • in time


    And as my daughter, I knew that you would forgive me, in time. But if my company had lost this deal because of you. I'd never forgive myself.


    • there comes a moment

            ~한 때가 온다

    • mess up

            엉망으로 만들다, 다 망치다, 조지다

    You didn't hear it from us, but in every girl's life, there comes a moment when she realizes that her mother just might be more messed up than she is


    • judge


    Yeah, well, I thought I couldn't leave without bringing you something from craft service. Um, and, uh, and telling you that I'm sorry I judged you.


    • ask out

            ~에게 데이트를 신청하다

    Well, I'm sorry I gave you a reason to. Hey, how about you ask me out again?


    • show up

            (예정된 곳에) 나타나다

    How about you actually show up?


    • drama

            극적인 사건, 드라마(같은 일)

    • disruption

            혼란, 붕괴된 상태

    Okay. No drama, no disruptions, I promise.


    • take it back

            한 말을 취소하다

    Aah! Okay, quick. I take it back. I unpromise.


    • agree to

            ~에 대해 합의하다

    • term

            (합의, 계약 등의) 조건

    I think we can agree to those terms. But you can't wear those shoes. Mm. Or that hair.


    • See you then.

            그럼 그때봐


    • have nothing to do with

            ~와는 전혀 관계가 없다

    • in the first place


    When I got that call, I should've known you had nothing to do with it. And I should never have pushed you to do htis whole thing in the first place.


    • glad

            고마운, 기쁜

    • end up

            결국 ~처하게 되다

    Actually, I'm glad you pushed me. It ended up being a very important day for me. I just thought it was gonna be more fun.


    • Who says ~?

            ~라고 누가 그래?

    I know. Me too. Hey, you know what? Who says it still can't be? Come on. Now, come on.


    • This just in.


    • commit a crime

            범죄를 저지르다

    • five-finger discount


    This just in. S and B committing a crime of fashion. Who doesn't love a five-finger discount? Especially if one of those fingers is the middle one?


    • rule by

            ~에 의해 통치하다(다스리다)

    • bloodline

            혈통, 혈족

    • pal


    Everyone knows you can't choose your family, but you can choose your friends. And in a world ruled by bloodlines and bank accounts, it pays to have a pal.


    • BFF

            Best friend forever

    • go

            ~이 되다

    • WTF

            What the fuck

    • there's no deying ~

            ~을 부정할 수 없다

    • rich

            풍요로운, 풍부한

    • bestie

            best friend, 절친

    As much as BFF can make you go WTF, there's no denying we'd all be a little less rich without them. And Serena and Blair? They do besties better than anyone.


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