
  • 미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 (Gossip Girl S1E05 - Dare Devil(1))
    English/미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 2023. 8. 18. 04:52



    • Dare Devil

            저돌적인(무모한) 사람

    • With

            ~에 대해서, 관해서

    • close up

            모으다, 문을 닫다        

    • yacht


    • for the season

            이 계절에(동안)

    • free to

            자유롭게 ~하다

    • focus on

            ~에 주력하다

    • fall


    • annual


    • sleepover

            (아이들이나 청소년들이 한 집에 모여하는) 밤샘파티

    • decadent

            타락한, 퇴폐적인

    • expense


    • reputation


    • be spared

            해를 입지 않다

    • With everything


    • trundle bed

            (높은 침대 밑으로 밀어 넣어 놓을 수 있는) 바퀴달린 낮은 침대

    • truffle


    • in place

            준비되 있는

    • all that's missing is ~

            빠진거라고는 ~ 뿐이다

    • star


    With Blair's boyfriend, Nate, helping to close up the family yacht for the season. Blair is free to focus on the most important event of the fall. Her annual sleepover, a tradition since the year 2000, each one more decadent than the last. No expense or reputation is spared. With everything from trundle beds to truffles in place, all that's missing is sleepover star and Waldorf BFF, Serena Van der Woodsen.


    • be headed to

            ~로 향하다

    • deposit

            예금하다, 입금하다

    • check


    • from

            ~에서 나온

    • sale


    • while

            ~하는 동안에

    Hey, dad. I'm headed to the bank. You want me to deposit the check from Mom's sale while I'm there?


    • knock over

            ~을 치다, 훔치다

    • parking meter

            주차권(자동) 판매기

    Did you knock over a parking meter?


    • content


    • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle

            닌자 거북이(비디오 게임 이름)

    • piggy bank

            돼지 저금통

    • How long ~


    • time


    • break open

            부수고 열다

    • Donatello

            도나텔로(이탈리아의 조각가)

    No, this is the entire contents from my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle piggy bank. How long can a man have a piggy bank and still call himself a man? I, I thought it was time to break Donatello open.


    • big night

            중요한 밤

    So tonight's the big night, huh?


    • have


    • pound


    It is, and I have it all planned. Six pounds of plan, actually.


    • it's been a while since ~

            ~한지 꽤 되었다

    • take

            데리고 가다

    • on a date


    • rise

            인상하다, 오르다

    I know, it's been a while since I took someone on a date, but, uh, movie-ticket prices haven't risen that much, have they?


    • sold

            팔리다(sell의 과거, 과거분사형)

    • huge

            막대한, 엄청난

    Um, check, want me to deposit it? You still haven't told her yet, have you? Dad, that's mom's first sale. That painting sold days ago, it's kind of a huge deal.


    • upstate


    • in person


    • deliver


    I know, which is why I was thinking of surprising her myself, heading upstate to Hudson, bringing her the check in person. What? Aren't I supposed to deliver good news in person?


    • surprise

            뜻밖의 일

    • clown


    • llama

            라마(남미에서 털을 얻고 짐을 운반하기 위해 기르는 가축)

    I'm saying, I don't hink mom is a huge fan of surprises. You remember her 30th birthday with the clown and his llama?


    • go over

            넘다, 건너가다

    Yeah, that didn't, didn't go over well.


    • Tanked.

            완전히 망하다(과거형)


    • just to be safe

            혹시 모르니까

    I'll call her first, just to be safe.


    • change

            잔돈, 동전

    Need some change for that?


    • just

            바로, 딱

    • little sister


    • mysterious


    Hey, just the little sister I was looking for. I need answers, and I need them now. Your borther is being very mysterious about our date tonight.


    • very

            바로 그(이)

    He's a very mysterious guy, apparently.


    • unsigned


    • guerrilla art

            영국에서 90년대부터 등장한 거리 예술 운동

    • exhibit


    • Dumbo

            Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass, 브루클린 다리와 맨해튼 사이에 위치한 장소

    • New York Film Festival

            뉴욕 영화제, 미국 뉴욕에서 매년 가을마다 열리는 비경쟁 영화제

    • go on


    Look, he won't even tell me where we're going. Can you just give me a hint? Are we going to some secret club to see the best unsigned band in Brooklyn? Or, or a guerrilla art exhibit in Dumbo? Well, hey, isn't the New York Film Festival still going on?


    • leave room for

            ~의 여지를 남기다

    You don't leave much room for surprise, do you?


    • go with


    Well, I don't know how to dress for surprise. Not everything goes with it, you kno.


    • jean

    .       청바지

    • safe bet

            성공할 가능성이 안전한 것

    • Casual Friday

            캐주얼한 복장을 허용하는 금요일=평상복 출근일

    Well, I'd say jeans and a T-shirt's a safe bet. The Humphrey men do Casual Friday every day.


    • hi back

            인사를 받아주다

    • spill


    Well, hi back. Did she spill about tonight?


    • not a drop

            단 한방울도, 조금도 없는

    No, not a drop. You all packed?


    • baggage


    Yeah, baggage is ready to go.


    • speaking of which

            말 나온 김에

    Hey, speaking of which, is mom still there?


    • cross somebody's path

            (우연히) 마주치다

    What time's your date? Maybe we'll cross paths at the Palace.


    • timing


    What was that I heard? Eric's coming home? It's perfect timing.


    • How so?

            왜(어째서) 그런가?


    • bond

            유대감을 형성하다

    • get drunk on

            ~에 취하다

    • Schnapps

            네덜란드 진(독한 술의 일종)

    • moon

            할 일 없이 돌아다니다, 서성거리다

    • dorm

            =dormitory, 기숙사

    Well, it gives your mother and brother time to bond alone tonight while you get drunk on Schnapps and moon the NYU dorms from the limo.


    • soirée

            (불어에서 격식) 파티, 특히 어떤 사람의 집에서 밤에 격식을 갖추어서 하는 것

    • sophomore year

            (고등학교, 대학교의) 2학년

    I prefer soirée. Sleepover is so sophomore year.


    • social calendar

            사교상의 일정

    Serena, when there's a Waldorf soirée, there's nothing else on the social calendar.


    • a human being


    • worthy of

            ~할만한, 받을만한

    • No offense.

            악의는 없다.

    Blair, the plan is Dan. Remember, the guy you realize is actually a human being and worthy of your time and attention? No offense.


    • None taken.

            아니야 괜찮다(no offense 다음에 그렇게 느끼지 않았다는 의미의 대답)


    • unbreakable

            깰 수 없는

    • swing by

            ~에 잠깐 들르다

    Look, I'm really sorry, but this date is unbreakable. Maybe we can swing by later or something...


    • along the way

            그 과정에서

    • destination


    • attend


    • replacement

            대체, 대신할 사람

    • waiting list

            대기자(후보자) 명단

    I'm not a stop along the way. I'm a destination. And if you refuse to attend, I'm gonna have to find a replacement. Girls, the waiting list.


    • get going


    Okay, well, I should get going. Bye.


    • think of

            머리에 떠올리다

    Little Jenny Humphrey. Why didn't I think of you before? You have no plans. You're coming to the soirée.


    • The thing is ~

            실은, 문제는 ~

    • up to

            준비되 있는, ~할 수 있는

    The thing is, if you come, you'll have to be up to a little more than just sleeping.


    • up for

            (어떤 활동을) 기꺼이 하려고 하는

    I'm up for anything.


    • sharp


    My place, 7 o'clock sharp.


    • make sure of

            반드시 ~하도록 하다

    Oh, a girl's first sleepover, something she'll never forget. Let's make sure of it.


    • Take bet on

            ~에 내기를 걸다

    • last

            지속하다, 오래가다

    Taking bets on how long she lasts.


    • session

            회의, 면담

    I don't understand. He said I was ready. We talked about it in our session this morning.


    • argue

            언쟁하다, 다투다

    I don't wanna argue about this. I need time to think.


    • take under advisement

            ~을 심사숙고하다

    • paper


    • release form

            양도 계약서, 허가서

    Look, I told the doctor I would take it under advisement. You can't just walk out of here, anyway. There's papers to be signed, release forms, insurance...


    • keep

            ~에 넣다

    I can't believe you. You wanna keep me here forever.


    • you bet ~

            물론 ~이다, 당연히 ~이다

    Yeah. Yeah, you bet we will.


    • slip into

            (옷을) 스르르, 홀랑, 후딱 입다(벗다)

    Um, no, no. I'm just running late. Come in. Ugh, excuse me while I go slip into something less comfortable.


    • change

            (옷을) 갈아입다

    Talk to me while I change?


    • Say

            말하자면, 저어, 그러니까, 글쎄

    • have got

            소유하다, 가지고 있다

    Say, this is a nice place that you and 800 other people have got here.


    • surrounding


    • a little while


    Yeah, the identical surroundings do make you crazy after a little while. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a secret government experiment.


    • plasma TV

            플라스마 스크린이 달린 텔레비전

    • maid service

            (호텔의) 객실 청소

    Most government experiments don't have plasma TVs or maid services. Just something I've noticed..


    • yay

            이만큼, 이정도로

    Yeah, of cou... Yeah, she let me in. Or at least I hope that was her. She's about yay tall, very blond?


    • It makes jokes

            농담을 하다


    • Big


    Big shopping day?


    • I had a lot on my mind.

            고민이 많다, 생각이 많다


    • walking tour

            도보 여행

    • Mole People

            지하철(역)에서 사는 사람들, moel = 두더지

    • ever

            언제나, 항상

    • leftover

            남은 음식, 음식 찌꺼기

    • nervous tic

            신경성 틱

    • where

            ~하는 점에서

    • ever


    I... I don't know. Thought maybe we'd do a walking tour of New York Underground. Visit my friends, the Mole People. They're great, except they only ever eat leftovers. I'm sorry, I don't know why I said any of that. I have, I have this thing, this nervous tic where I don't stop speaking, like, ever. In fact, when I was little boy, my mom used to say there was never a word I met I didn't like. You know what else I like? Your daughter. I, I really like your daughter. I... Wow.


    • Vespa

            베스파(이탈리아제 스쿠터)

    • all around

            사방에, 두루

    • what for

            이유, 까닭

    Oh, my God, a Vespa. I can't believe it. I love Vespas. Oh, my gosh, you don't understand. I spent one of my favorite summers riding all around Italy on one of these. How did you know? My mom won't let me learn to drive. 'cause she said that's what drivers are for. But really, Dan, this is amazing. Really. Come on, where are the helmets?


    • step onto


    • carriage


    • fable


    • fill


    • inbox

            받은 편지함

    Spotted on the steps of the Palace, Cinderella stepping onto a pumpkin instead of her carriage. Lucky for Lonely Boy, there's more than one fable filling our inbox.


    • Here's ~

            여기 ~ 입니다

    • inside


    • hard

            혹독한, 힘든

    • sleeping bag


    • double as

            (주된 용도 외에) ~로도 쓰이다, ~로서의 기능을 겸하다

    • parachute


    Here's an inside tip, Little J. The faster you rise, the harder you fall. Hope that Hello Kitty sleeping bag doubles as a parachute.


    • Let the games begin.

            게임을 시작하지


    • braise

            (고기, 채소를) 푹 삶다

    • quail


    Uh, how's the braised quail?


    • lapin


    Okay, and the, uh, lapin?


    • delightful

            정말 기분좋은(마음에 드는)

    Lapin. It's delightful.


    • have


    • You can't go wrong with ~

            (~은) 잘못되는 법이 없다

    Oh, well, I won't be having that. How about chicken? You can't go wrong with chicken.


    • Miss?

            ~양, ~씨, 아가씨


    • lobster


    • bisque

            갑각류나 조개류를 갈아서 만든 걸쭉한 크림수프

    • Muscovy duck

            머스코비 오리 = 대만 오리

    I'll have the lobster bisque and Muscovy duck, please. Thank you.


    • Merci

            (불어) Thank you

    • mademoiselle

            (불어) Miss

    Merci, mademoiselle.


    • the other day

            일전에, 요전날, 지난번

    • crowd


    • mistress


    • So

            ~도 또한(여기) 그러하다

    I can't believe that the waiter forgot me, I was, I was just here, the other day. 
    Yeah, I come here for the crowd. You wanna play mistress or second wife? Because it's harder than it looks, believe me. So is her face.


    • freshen up

            몸 단장을 하다(씻고 매무새를 다듬다)

    Um, will you excuse me? I, uh, I'm gonna go to the restroom to freshen up a little.


    • main dish


    • appetizer

            전채(식욕을 돋우기 위한 것)

    Okay, right, thank you. Um, you know, can you just cancel my main dish and I'll just have the appetizer as the main?


    • Mary-Kate

            Mary-Kate Olsen. 미국의 패션 디자이너, 전직 배우

    • Hannah Montana

            미국 디즈니 채널에서 방영도니 뮤지컬 시트콤

    Too Beyoncé. Too Mary-Kate. Too Hannah Montana.


    • as


    • comfort

            안락, 편안

    • bat mitzvah

            유대인 여성이 12살이 되는 해에 치르는 의식

    • renovation

            혁신, 개혁

    • Martini

            마티니(진과 베르쿠트를 섞은 칵테일)

    Well, as my mother always says, "Fashion knows not of comfort." All that matters is the face you show the world. And your face looks like it's going to bat mitzvah. But before we continue the renovation... Martini.


    • gin

            진(보통 토닉워터와 과일주스를 섞어 마시는 독한 술)

    • as it should be

            원래 그랬어야 했듯이

    • swallow

            삼키다, 들이키다

    • swipe

            (신용카드 같은 전자카드를 인식기에) 대다, 읽히다

    • Metrocard

            뉴욕시 교통기관에서 요금을 납부하는 교통카드

    • It's up to you.

            네자 정해, 너에게 달려있어

    Well, that's nice, because this is gin, as it should be. It's a party, Jenny. Either swallow that or swipe your Metrocard back home. It's up to you.


    • people

            손님들, 친구들

    • truth or dare


    All right, people, who's ready for a game of truth or dare?


    • Once

            (이전에) 한번, 일찍이

    Oh, I love truth or dare. Once, I had to eat an entire bag of marshmallows.


    • have the wrong number

            전화를 잘못 걸다

    Yeah, hey, I must have the wrong number.


    • a second ago

            방금 전에

    Did you just call a second ago?


    • reach

            (특히 전화로) 연락하다

    Who are you trying to reach?


    • Hold on a second.

            잠시만 기다리세요

    • shower


    Hold on a second, she just got out of the shower. Al? It's for you. Who's calling?


    • it seems.

            ~인 듯하다

    So am I, it seems.


    • entrée

            앙트레(식당이나 만찬에서 주요리 또는 주요리 앞에 나오는 요리)

    Are you sure you didn't want any of my dinner? Your entrée was so small.


    • cream

            섞어서 크림처럼 되게 하다

    No, no, no, no. It was amazing. I didn't realize, uh, fish could be creamed.


    • dessert


    Would you like to see the dessert menu?


    • check


    Okay, well, then we'll just get the check, please.


    • take care of

            ~을 처리(수습)하다

    • earlier


    Ah, actually, I already took care of that earlier.


    • charge on card

            신용카드로 결제하다

    • big deal


    Yeah, I, I just charged it on my mom's card. It, it's not a big deal, don't worry about it.


    • spend


    Yeah, I'm sure you do, you just shouldn't have to spend it here.


    • just not ~

            꼭 그렇지는 않은

    No. Look, I wanted a date with you, just not the date you thought I wanted. It's, it's fine.


    • flee

            달아나다, 도망가다

    • downtown


    Spotted fleeing dessert, S and Lonely Boy, lighter than air and heading downtown.


    • done and done

            완전히, 훌륭히 끝남

    It wasn't easy getting the entire uniform, but, done and done.


    • doorman

            수위, 문지기

    What' the doorman wearing?


    • Don't you worry about that.

            그건 걱정 하지마

    • drink up

            다 (마저) 마시다

    • lag behind


    Don't you worry about that, Little J. Just drink up, you're lagging behind.


    • S.O.S

            조난(구조) 신호, 긴급지원(도움) 요청

    "S.O.S. Still in prison!" Is that Eric Van der Woodsen? I thought he went home for the weekend.


    • why don't you ~

            ~하지 않겠니?

    Is, why don't you take the girls to Visconti? Meet you there in an hour.


    • ramp up

            ~을 늘리다(증가시키다)

    • shall we?

            ~ 할래?, ~ 어때?

    • dare

            모험, 도전, 감히 ~하다, ~할 용기가 있다

    Let's ramp this up, shall we? Truth or dare? Oh, and you already used your truth.


    • jailbreak


    I dare you to jailbreak Eric.


    • What's it gonna be?

            어떻게 될까?

    • Do or die

            죽기 아니면 살기다

    It's perfect. You want in and he wants out. What's it gonna be? Do or die, Little J.


    • put to the test

            ~을 시험대에 올리다

    • take the bait

            미끼를 덥석 물다

    • Brady

            유쾌한 브래디가(Brady Bunch), 미국 텔레비전 홈드라마(1969~74), (비유적) 단란한 가정

    • Britney

            브리트니 스피어스, 헐리우드 트러블 메이커

    • goody-two-shoes

            (못마땅함) 성인군자인 척 하는 사람

    • mindset

            ~으로 변하다

    • turn into

            ~으로 변하다

    • buzz kill

            기분 잡치게 하는 것(녀석)

    Spotlight on Little J, now put to the test by one Queen B. Will J take the bait and go from Brady to Britney? Or will her goody-two-shoes mindset turn into the night's biggest buzz kill?


    • be heard


    • break out

            ~에서 달아나다(벗어나다)

    Your SOS was heard and answered. Come on, we're breaking you out.


    • start with

            ~와 함께 시작하다

    • capital


    • RX

            처방전 표시

    Okay, I have a problem. I have a big problem. Starts with a capital RX.


    • take drugs

            마약을 복용하다

    What drugs have you been taking?


    • ketamine

            마취성 물질, 마약으로 쓰이기도 함

    • GHB

            마약으로 이용되는 불법 화학 물질

    • PCP

            펜시클리딘의 줄임말, 환각제의 일종

    • LSD

            강력한 환각제

    • diazepam

            정신 안정제나 골격근 이완제 등으로 쓰이는 약물

    • Lorazepam

            벤조디아제핀 계열의 항불안제

    • discriminate


    Um, caffeine, nicotine, ketamine, GHB, PCP, LSD. Di... diazepam? Lorazepam? All the pams, really. No, I don't discriminate.


    • cappuccino


    And I'd love a cappuccino.


    • I owed you


    Come on, let's go. I heard you were bored and I figured I owed you one.


    • try 50

            신세를 one(하나)만 진게 아니라 50정도 졌지 라는 의미

    Yeah, try 50.


    • Get a move on.



    • pay for

            대금을 지불하다

    Uh, that's 75 bucks. I think that pays for your duck.


    • what now?

            자 이제 어떻게 하지?, 이번엔 또 뭐야?


    • play

            (게임 등을) 하다

    You play me.


    • dignity

            자존감, 품위

    I think the only thing being lost in this game would be your dignity.


    • rack up

            달성하다, (상대방을) 때려눕히다, 득점하다

    • soundtrack


    Well then rack 'em up. I'll buy us a soundtrack.


    • missing


    Eric is missing.


    • From where?



    • get in touch with

            ~와 연락하다, 접촉하다

    From... his, his room, here, at the hotel. I, I'm trying to get in touch with him, but he's not answering his phone. I think he's with Serena.


    • on a date

            데이트 중인

    • pick up


    • bet

            ~이 틀림없다

    They're on a date, Lil. If they picked Eric up along the way, I bet they're having fun.


    • situation

            처지, 입장, 고비

    I have a situation here.


    • coat check

            코트 보관소, 휴대품 보관소

    Hey, baby, you wanna, uh, maybe show me the bathroom, get lost somewhere around coat check?


    • make an exception

            예외로 하다

    Oh, my answer's usually "never say never", but for you I'll make an exception.


    • Hedge-Fund

            국제 증권 및 외환 시장에 투자해 단기 이익을 올리는 민간 투자자금

    • Mafia

            이익 집단(파벌)

    • matchy-matchy

            (옷차림이) 지나치게 색, 소재, 무늬 등을 맞추어 입은

    Who let the Hedge-Fund Mafia in here? I thought matchy-matchy was over.


    • turn

            차례, 순번

    So Eric's here. Now it's your turn. Truth or dare?


    • dare

            해보라고 하다, 부추기다

    • make out with

            ~와 애무하다

    I dare you to make out with that guy.


    • mean it


    And mean it.


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