
  • 미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 (Gossip Girl S1E05 - Dare Devil(2))
    English/미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 2023. 8. 19. 18:20



    • find out

            ~을 알아내다, ~의 잘못을 적발하다

    I hope Amanda never finds out.


    • Done and done.

            상호간에게 받아들여짐, 만족스럽게 끝남


    • have my tongue down someone's throat

            ~에게 키스하다

    • neglect

            (해야 할 일을) 잊어버리다

    • catch

            (결혼 상대 등으로) 탐나는 인물

    Hello? Amanda? Hi, this is Blai... Clair. Yeah, I just had my tongue down your boyfriend's throat and he neglected to tell me you existed until after it was over. Just thought you should know. He's a real catch. Bye.


    • somewhere


    Hey, everybody's gotta start somewhere. Maybe Little J isn't so little anymore.


    • fair and square


    • squared


    Game over. You lost, fair and square. And that's squared.


    • describe


    • the kind of


    There aren't enough words to describe the kind of bad you are.


    • intend to

            ~할 작정이다

    • keep one's promise

            약속을 지키다

    • dive bar

            허름한 술집

    • everywhere

            어디자, 모든 곳에서

    • All across

            전역에 거쳐

    All right, all right. That's a promise I inted to keep. Not just for you, but for dive bars everywhere. All across America.


    • pool


    • it's all about ~

            ~이 모든 것이다

    • angle


    • Take the shot.

            치다, 쏘다

    All right, come here. Now, you have to remember, in pool, it's all about... Take this stick. Remember, it's all about the angles. The right angle, of course. Take the shot.


    • follow through

            공을 따라가듯 팔을 끝까지 죽돌리다

    And, uh, wat, oh, okay, hold on. You gotta be slow and just follow through, all right?


    • Finally


    No... Oh, this is my song. Finally.


    • establish

            확고히 하다, (사실을) 규명하다, 밝히다

    I think we've already established the things you don't know about me.


    • other than

            ~ 외에

    • lack of

            ~의 부족

    Oh, other than your, uh, total lack of pool skills? What else?


    • vibrate


    Uh, there's something vibrating in your pocket and I really hope it's your phone.


    • Hold on.


    Hold on. Oh, it's my dad. He knows I'm with you, he wouldn't call if it wasn't important.


    • What's up?

            무슨 일이야?


    • Slight

            약간의, 조금의

    Slight change of plans.


    • possibly

            (놀라움, 짜증스러움 등을 강조함)

    • It can wait.

            그건 나중애 해도 되요

    Come on, what could it possibly be that's more important than this right here? Can't it wait till tomorrow?


    • make a call

            전화를 걸다

    • as it turns out


    • Shocking


    • alias


    • Regardless

            개의치(상관하지) 않고

    So I made some calls, but as it turns out, none of my people know your people. Shocking, but true. Either Dan Humphrey is an alias or your son is not very popular. Regardless, I need that number.


    • get off the phone with

            ~와 전화를 끊다

    • understanding

            이해심 있는

    I realize when I got off the phone with you that I could have been a little bit more understanding.


    • get someone on the phone

            ~와 전화 연결하다

    • phone

            전화를 걸다

    • all together

            다 함께

    But Serena got Eric on the phone and he's okay. And Dan said they would phone when they were all together.


    • be about to

            막 ~하려는 참이다

    • should

            ~일 것이다

    • hear

            소식을 듣다

    I was just about to. Now, I hate to say this, but why don't you sit and wait here? We should hear from them soon.


    • pass on

            ~을 생략하다, 사양하다

    • premium

            아주 높은, 고급의

    • liquor


    Fine. And I'll pass on a glass of that non-premium liquor that you're drinking. But I will take something to eat. Thank you for offering. What? You still know how to cook, don't you?


    • Let go of

            ~을 (손에 쥔 것을) 놓다

    Hey, hey. Let go of her.


    • drool over

            군침을 삼키다(흘리다, 껄떡대다

    Your phone is at our table. If you weren't drunk and drooling over every girl in this place, you would've seen that.


    • pig

            돼지같은 사람(불쾌하거나 무례한 또는 지저분하고 욕심 많은 사람)

    Oh, you must be Amanda, right? Well, I would think twice before marrying him, because he's a pig.


    • back off of

            ~에서 (뒤로) 물러서다, 물러나다

    Hey, hey, hey, back off of her, okay?


    • defend


    I don't need you to defend me.


    • dare

            도전, 감히하기, 진실게임에서 거짓

    Ew, it was a dare.


    • pretty much

            거의(거의 완전히)

    Yeah, pretty much. She's 14.


    • Jesus

            이크, 세상에

    • I have no idea

            전혀 모르겠다

    • baby


    • jailbait

            성관게 불가한 미성년자

    Jesus, I swear, I had no idea, baby. I mean, look at her, she's jailbait.


    • stay out of 

            ~에 관여하지 않다

    Dan, stay out of it, okay? You're just causing more problems than you're solving.


    • cocktail napkin

            칵테일 냅킨

    Only thing causing a problem is the cocktail napkin you're wearing.


    • Bouncer

            경비원, 경호원


    • not-quite

            그다지 ~하지는 않는

    • rescue


    • damsel

            (시집 안간) 처녀

    • distress

            (정신적) 고통, 괴로움, 고충, 곤경

    • a damsel in distress

            (남자의) 도움이 필요한 여자

    Spotted, big brother to the not-quite rescue. Too bad no one told him, you can't save a damsel if she loves her distress.


    • home-cooked

            가정에서 요리한, 손으로 만든

    Um, nothing. I'm just so happy to have a home-cooked meal. It just needs a little salt.


    • a pinch

            한줌, 조금

    No, just a, just a pinch.


    • be in control

            ~을 장악(통제)하다, 평정(중심)을 잃지 않다

    You haven't changed a bit. You always have to be in control.


    • hold rein

            고삐를 휘어잡다

    • tight

            단단히, 꽉

    • onece


    • go up


    Yeah, well, I may hold the reins a little tight, but life is complicated. Especially once you have kids. You know, when they're little. You're their whole world and then, one day, the wall goes up and you're on one side and they're on the other.


    • break through

            (무력으로) 뚫고 나아가다(돌파하다)

    Well, they don't like to admit it, but they want us to break through.


    • awfully

            정말, 몹시

    • curfew


    You're awfully concerned about a 14-year-old boy breaking curfew.


    • break

            위반하다, 어기다

    Well, it's not my curfew he's breaking. He's been staying at the Ostroff Center.


    • depression


    • bad


    It's depression? Is it bad?


    • It's a long story.

            얘기하자면 길다

    • Sounds good.


    • Take care.

            조심해(헤어질 때 인사말)

    Hello? Hey. Great. Uh, yeah, actually, I can tell her. His mother's here with me. It's a long story. Sounds good. Take care. So he's with Dan and Serena, and everyone's fine.


    • wrap up

            싸다, 포장하다

    I'll wrap this up.


    • travel

            이동하다, 장거리 운송에 잘 견디다, 품질이 변하지 않다

    No. You know what? This isn't gonna travel well. Why don't I just stay here and I can eat it quickly?


    • shame

           아쉬운 일, 애석한 일

    • go to waste

            쓸모없이 되다, 낭비되다, 수포로 돌아가다

    It would be a shame to let it go to waste.


    • kidnap


    • of my own

            나 자신의

    • do me a favor

            부탁을 들어주다, 호의를 베풀다

    Hey, I wasn't kidnapped, Serena. I left of my own free will. Blair was trying to do me a favor.


    • Told you.

            그러게 내가 뭐랬어


    • favor

            호의, 친절

    • be in a trouble

            곤경에 처하다

    Well, it's no favor, Eric. You're in a lot of trouble.


    • worth it

            그만한 가치가 있는

    Yeah, I know. And you know what? It was worth it. To be out after dark and to talk to someone who isn't you or mom, even if it is Blair. No offense.


    • work on

            ~에게 공을 들이다(설득시키려고)

    Well, I'm sorry this was the only way. We'll work on mom, okay?


    • real


    • rush


    • walk


    And since she knows you're okay, I guess there's no real reason to rush. How about we walk?


    • one second.



    • get out of hand

            감당할 수 없게 되다

    Look, all right, I'm sorry that things got out of hand tonight.


    • To say the least.

            아무리 적게 보아도, 조금도 과장하지 않고


    • hang out with

            ~와 시간을 보내다

    I know who Blaid and those girls are. But I know who I am. And I'm not gonna forget that just 'cause I hang out with them.


    • tuck

            밀어넣다, 쑤셔넣다

    • half-hour


    But just let me go, please. I mean, look, I'll be tucked in bed in a half-hour, I promise.


    • go ahead.

            계속해, 먼저 가, 시작해


    • take someone back to

            ~를 ~로 돌려보내다

    • call it a day

            (오늘은) 여기서 그만하자

    • call it a night

            (그날 밤의 일을) 끝내다, 활동을 중지하다

    I, uh, I gotta take him back to the center, so we should probably just call it a night.


    • This just in.


    • go into overtime

            야근하다, (원래 시간보다) 연장되다, 시간을 넘기다

    • beat

            (게임, 시합에서) 이기다

    This just in: Truth or dare has gone into overtime. Looks like no one told Little J you don't beat a Waldorf at her own game.


    • mannequin

            (상점의) 마네킹

    You want me to steal the jacket from the mannequin?


    • understandable

            당연한, 이해할 수 있는

    • judge


    So can you. Unless you don't want to. Which is totally understandable. And I wouldn't judge you for that.


    • so far

            이 시점까지

    Then you don't have to do it. It's just a shame, 'cause you've come so far.


    • excuse me

            (상대방의 말을 못 알아 들었을 때) 뭐라고?

    • If I remember

            내 기억으로는

    • motorcycle


    Oh, excuse me. If I remember, the first song was about me. The second one was about your motorcycle. And then there was the one about that surf town. What was it?


    • Sayulita

            멕시코에 있는 유명한 해변 이름


    • Fisherman

            어부, 낚시꾼

    Fisherman's town.


    • villa

            별장, 저택

    • indeed

            (긍정적 대답 강조) 정말(확실히)

    • roll of film

            필름 ~통

    Was that the one with the villa, where we...? Yes, indeed it was. God, I must've taken eight rolls of film that night.


    • anyway

            그건 그렇고

    Why did you give up photography, anyway? You loved it so much.


    • climbing

            등산, 등반

    • fulfilling

            성취감을 주는

    Well, I guess I figured social climbing would be more fulfilling. I even remember that back dress I wore that night.


    • grab


    Can you grab that, Lil? And if it's my son, be nice to him.


    • residence


    Hello? Humphrey residence. Hi, Alison. Yeah, it's Lily. Yeah, hold on, just...


    • explaining


    Looks like you're gonna have some explaining to do.


    • owe

            빚지다, ~에게 ~해야 한다고 생각한다

    • explanation


    Trust me, I don't owe Alison any explanation right now.


    • overstay my welcome

            (손님으로) 너무 오래 머물다, 너무 오래 머물러서 폐를 끼치다

    You know what? I've overstayed my welcome.


    • turn out

            밝혀지다, 되다

    Okay. I hope everything turns out all right.


    • babysit

            아이를 봐주다, (곤경에 처한 사람을) 도와주다

    Yeah, me too. Thanks for babysitting me. And thank you for being such a good friend.


    • almost

            대체로, 대부분

    Yeah, it was almost fun.


    • form of identification


    I'm gonna need you to show me some form of identification, Ms?


    • at the hour

            이 시간에

    What are you doing out at this hour?


    • irritate

            짜증나게 하다, 거슬리다

    • to no end

            무익하게, 헛되이

    • alarm


    My name is Blair Waldorf. This is my mother's shop. Her name is Eleanor. I left my jacket here earlier, I mean, which irritates my mother to no end. And I completely forgot about the alarm.


    • ahead

            앞선, 빠르게

    Oh, she's not home, but she's in Paris until Thursday. It's six hours ahead, if you wann call. She's gonna be so angry.


    • set of keys

            열쇠 꾸러미

    • lock up


    I have my own set of keys. You could watch me lock up.


    • depressing

            우울하게 만드는

    Well, I can see why your brother would wanna leave. That place is, uh, is very depressing.


    • yet


    • design


    • treat


    And yet it's designed to treat depression.


    • in action

            활동을 하는, 활약하는

    • hunch


    • get pushed in

            ~에 휘말리다, 부추김 당하다

    Well, worry looks cute on you. Look, I've seen Jenny in action. And my hunch is she doesn't let herself get pushed in anything she doesn't wanna do.


    • great


    • consist of

            ~로 구성되다

    • paint

            그리다, 칠하다, (색조) 화장을 하다

    • stumble

            비틀거리다, 발을 버벅거리다

    • in high heels

            하이힐 신고

    • a bunch of

            한 뭉치의

    • Wall Streeter

            월가의 증권 중개인

    No, I know, I know, it's just... She's never mentioned that her idea of a great Friday night consists of painting her face full of makeup, and stumbling out to a hip bar in high heels and hanging out with a bunch of drunk Wall Streeters who don't even care if she has a name.


    • go to school

            통학하다, 학교에 다니다

    It's okay for her to wanna be friends with people she goes to school with.


    • five-star

            최고 등급의

    • town car

            유리문으로 앞뒤자리를 칸막이한 문이 4개인 자동차

    No five-star restaurants, no town car.


    • smoky

            연기가 자욱한

    • pool hall


    No smoky pool hall or bad '80s music.


    • common ground


    Looks like we finally found common ground.


    • work

            효과가 나다, 영향을 미치다

    I'm not sure exactly how this is gonna work, you know.


    • Well, well

            이런 이런

    • after all

            결국에는, 어쨌든

    • Sleep tight


    • earn

            (자격이 되서) 얻다

    Jenny? Well, well, looks like you came to play after all. You know which trundle bed is yours. Sleep tight, you've earned it.


    • blast

            신나는 경험

    Actually, I'm going home. But, uh, thanks for inviting me, it was a blast.


    • Word is ~

            소문을 듣자하니, 소문이 ~다 카더라

    • kill


    • debut

            데뷔, 첫 출연

    • the likes of

            ~와 같은 사람(것)

    • watch her back

            뒤통수를 조심하다

    • keep an eye on

            ~을 계속 지켜보다

    • put out an APB

            전국 수배령을 내리다

    • APB


    Word is Jenny Humphrey killed at Blair Waldorf's sleepover. It was a debut the likes of which haven't been seen since Blair herself. If Blair's gotta wath her back, Serena needs to keep an eye on her heart. We hear it may have been stolen by Lonely Boy. Putting out an APB, Gossip Girl.


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