
  • 미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 (Gossip Girl S1E04 - Bad News Blair(1))
    English/미드로 배우는 실생활 어휘 정리 2023. 8. 10. 20:03



    • on the list

            명부에 올라있는

    Sorry, but you're not on the list.


    • there's nothing ~ more than ...

            ...보다 ~한 것은 없다

    • hear

            (소문 등을) 듣다

    • special

            특별한 것

    • brunch

            아침 겸 점심

    • buddies


    Hey, Upper East Siders, there's nothing Gossip girl likes more than a surprise. And we hear Blair Waldorf's got a two for one special. Her mom, Eleanor, who just returned from Paris and Serena Van der Woodson, brunch buddies.


    • up

            (자지 않고) 깨어있는

    Hey, you're up.


    • impolite

            무례한, 실례되는

    • interrupt

            가로막다, 방해하다

    • just


    • carry

            추진하다, 진행시키다

    Darling, it is impolite to interrupt. I was just telling Serena that Bendel's is interested in carrying my line.


    • fantastic

            기막히게 좋은, 환상적인

    Really? Oh, that's fantastic.


    • put together

            (이것저것 모아) 만들다, 준비하다

    • look book

            룩북(패션 디자이너나 브랜드의 의상 사진집)

    • lifestyle


    • collection

            수집, 모음집, 신상품들(의류 등의)

    I cam back from Paris early to put together my look book. And if they like what they see... It could be the beginning of an entire lifestyle collection.


    • tuck into


    • find

            보다, 발견하다, 생각하다

    • low-fat


    • appealing

            마음을 끄는, 매력적인

    Before you tuck into that, you might find the low-fat yogurt more appealing.


    • pound


    • away

            (시공간상) 떨어져

    I lost two pounds when you were away.


    • marvelous

            놀라운, 경탄할 만한, 아주 훌륭한, 멋진

    And you look marvelous.


    • squished

            찌그러진(squish의 과거, 과거분사형)

    • from

            (이유) ~에서(로)

    • traveling


    • unpacked

            (짐을) 꺼내진, 풀어진

    • personal


    Well, they will be if they're not all squished from travling. Darling, please. Eh. Serena, you have to come back later when everything is unpacked. I would love to hear your thoughts. You do have such great personal style.


    • for the day


    • booked

            예약된, 선약이 있는

    • survive

            견뎌내다, 넘기다

    Serena and Blair might have plans for the day but Nate and Chuck are fully booked for the weekend. If they survive it.


    • Found it.


    • Piaget

            피아제(스위스에 본사를 둔 고급시계 및 보석 제조회사)


    • watch


    Can't you just call it a watch?


    • grand


    • earn

            (그럴만한 자격이 되어서) 얻다, 받다

    • proper

            적절한, 제대로 된, 엄밀한 의미의

    If it costs more than 10 grand, it earns a proper name.


    • Babe Ruth

            베이비 루스(미국의 프로 야구선수, 1895~1948)

    • called

            ~라는 이름의

    • shot

            (구기 종목에서) 슛, 포탄, 발사

    • homer


    • ever


    • hit

            때리다, 치다

    Babe Ruth's called shot. The most famous homer he ever hit. 


    • Better safe than sorry.

            유비무환, 나중에 후회하는 것보다 미리 조심하는 것이 낫다


    • Herer we go.

            자 간다


    • live through

            ~을 겪다, 살아남다

    • hopefully


    • gain


    • entry


    • ruin

            엉망으로 만들다

    • remind of

             ~을 연상시키다, 생각나게 하다

    • As of this moment

            이 순간을 기점으로, 이 순간부터

    • practice


    • preach


    • pay for

            대금을 지불하다

    • commence


    You've lived through Ivy Week and hopefully gained entry to the college of your choice. Now, let's ruin those chances. Let me remind you of the rules. As of this moment, there is no outside world that I do not show to you. You eat what I provide, practice what I preach. And 'til I say so, the only girls you talk to are the ones I paid for. Let the Lost Weekend commence.


    • Sasquatch

            새스콰치, 빅풋(북미 서부에 살고있는 것으로 여겨지는 온 몸이 털로 덮인 원숭이)

    Who brought the Sasquatch?


    • senior

            (고등학교, 칼리지의) 마지막 학년의, 졸업반의

    • intense

            극심한, 강렬한, 진지한, 열정적인

    Isn't that Carter Baizen? I haven't seen him since he was a senior. And we were in the 8th grade. He looks intense.


    • high

            (술, 마약에) 취한

    • between


    • loser


    • Look

            이봐(짜증난 상태로)

    • trade A for B

            A를 B로 거래하다, 교환하다

    • trust fund


    • fanny pack

            (허리 벨트에 차는) 작은 가방

    • fly in the face of

            ~에 대항하다, ~에게 정면으로 대들다, 위배되다, 반대하다

    • holy


    Are you high? He looks like Matthew McConaughey between movies. The guy's a loser. Look, anyone who trades their trust fund for a fanny pack flies in the face of all that is holy to Chuck Bass.


    • my man

            (흑인이 주로 씀) 형제 친구

    • go rogue

            (관습을 무시하고) 멋대로 굴다

    Baizen, my man. I heard you went rogue. Ha, ha, ha.


    • itinerary

            여행 일정표

    • room

            자리, 공간

    • interloper


    • crash

            (극장, 파티에) 표(초대) 없이 입장하다, 몰래 들어가다

    Seems like someone's itinerary didn't leave room for interlopers. Doesn't Chuck know a party isn't a party until someone crashes?


    • insult


    Don't insult me. It's been like this all morning.


    • rush


    Well, she was busy. She was rushing to get home and everything. Because she wanted to see you.


    • wake up

            (잠에서) 깨우다

    She didn't even wake me up.


    • feel

            의식하다, ~라고 생각하다

    • beauty rest

            회복(활기)를 위한 편안한 휴식

    Well, you know how Eleanor feels about beauty rest.


    • show


    She does not. You're her daughter, she doesn't like anyone more than you. She just, I don't know, doesn't know how to show it sometimes.


    • bump into

            (우연히) ~와 마주치다

    Ha-ha. Oh, my God, this is what I love about this city. You're always bumping into people.


    • on my way back

            돌아가는(오는) 도중에(길에)

    • drop off at

            ~를 ~에 갖다놓다(내려주다)

    • pick up

            집다, 찾아오다

    • couple

            몇 개의, 두어개의

    • Cuban

            쿠바의, 쿠바사람의

    • cigar


    I'm just on my way back from Mom's. Dropping Jenny off at Hudson, picked up couple Cubans for me and my dad. Sandwiches, not cigars.


    • get together

            (두 사람이) 데이트하다, 만나다

    • sometime


    • yet


    Hey, remember you said we could get together sometime and not talk? I was wondering, is it sometime yet?


    • disgusting

            혐오스러운, 역겨운

    • DOH

            Department of Health(보건부)

    • shut down


    That was disgusting. The DOH should shut them down.


    • pork


    • charity work


    • why don't you~

            ~하는게 어때

    • come find


    • Tory Burch

            토리 버치, 미국의 패션 디자이너, 사업가, 패션 브랜드 이름

    • poncho

            판초(커다란 천 가운데 머리를 내놓는 구멍만 있는 일종의 외투)

    What are you doing here? Do I smell pork? And cheese? Okay, well, when you're done with your charity work, why don't you come find me? I'll be at Tory Burch looking at ponchos.


    • work out

            (일이) 잘 풀리다, 좋게 진행되다

    • things

            형편, 상황

    • hang out

            어울려 지내다, 다니다

    • alone


    We're actually trying to work things out. Today is our first day hanging out together, alone.


    • get back


    Ooh. So I should probably get back.


    • lock out

            (조건에 동의할 때까지) 밖에 못나오게 하다

    • fall off the face of the earth

            흔적도 없이 사라지다, (쥐도 새도 모르게)완전히 죽다

    So I don't understand. The last time I saw your sister. She said your family had locked you out and you'd fallen off the face of the earth.


    • fall off

            (질이) 떨어지다, 저하하다

    • face


    • once

    .       한번(일단) ~하면

    • turn away from

            ~을 외면하다, 돌아서다

    • see


    • break out

            탈옥, 탈주

    I didn't. I just fell off the face of theirs. But once you turn away from money, you see it doesn't buy you freedom. Pays for your prison. They say I disappeared, but all I did was break out.


    • aid


    • cleanup

            (대)청소, 정화(운동)

    • post

            ~의 이후의

    • Katrina

            2005년 8월말 미국 남동부를 강타한 대형 허리케인

    • rebuild


    • let me tell you

            알려주지, 한마디 하지

    Where didn't I? I aided the cleanup post-Katrina, spent a year rebuilding Machu Picchu which, let me tell you, it's changed my life. I bought an HD cam and started filming for a documentary.


    • joint

             (싸구려) 술집

    • sneak into

            몰래 침투하다

    • invent


    You're the guy who gave us our first joint, snuck us into our first club and you're gonna tell me the life of a YouTube filmmaker is better than this? You invented the Lost Weekend.


    • when


    Hey. Who cares about a party when you can travel the world?


    • As much as

    .       ~이긴 하지만

    • material


    • excess

            지나침, 과도, 과잉

    • exposition

            (상세한)설명, 박람회

    • come off

            벗겨지다, 벗어지다

    As much as I love the speech about not needing material things from a guy who has that much product in his hair. This party is about excess, not exposition. Stop talking, start partying. Now, here is something that doesn't need material. As a matter of fact, it's about to come off. Who's with me?


    • hang

            어디가지 않고 계속 있다

    I think I'm just gonna hang here for a bit.


    • break up

             (붙어있는 걸)떨어뜨리다

    • matched


    Fine. I'd hate to break up a matched set, anyway.


    • over

            너머로, ~하면서, ~을 두고

    • crap

            개소리, 쓰레기 같은 것

    • play


    • Texas Hold'em

            (게임명) 텍사스 홀뎀 포커

    • action


    • weekly


    • on corner

            길 모퉁이에

    • Goes all night

            밤새도록 계속된다

    • deal

            (카드놀이의) 한 판

    • stake

            내기, 내기에 건 돈

    • put to shame

            (훨씬 뛰어나서) ~을 부끄럽게 하다, 무색케하다

    How about we continue this over some cards? None of this crap these kids are playing. Texas Hold'em is dead. You know, I'll show you some real action. You know what? I'm in this weekly game on this corner in Queens. Goes all night, it's the real deal. High stakes, big money. People with the kind of stories that will put mine to shame. You should, you whould come.


    • Chloé

    .       파리의 럭셔리 패션 명품 브랜드

    • throw up

            ~을 두드러지게 하다

    • a pair


    • Vogue

            여성 패션잡지 이름

    • spread

            (신문, 잡지의) 기사, 광고

    This one, Mister Q at the Chloé show. Because she was throwing up a pair. Ugh. She was in Vera's Vogue spread. I don't use Vera's models. None of these are right.


    • high-fashion

            최신 유행 스타일(디자인)

    • look good in

            ~에 잘 어울리다

    Well, that's because you're looking at the high-fashion book when you should be looking for a new face. You know, someone who looks good in your clothes. Someone in this book. Like I told you.


    • American Apparel

            미국의 전문 캐주얼 브랜드

    • effect

            영향, 결과, 효과, 느낌

    I hate the American Apparel effect.


    • hip

            유행에 밝은, 앞서가는

    They, they're now, they're hip.


    • worthy of

            걸맞는, ~할만한, 가치있는

    If this person is supposed to represent Waldorf designs, you have to find me someone worthy of the clothes. Someone like me.


    • dress form

            (양재용) 인체 모형

    She was my first dress form.


    • for once

            이번만은, 이번에는

    • miracle

            기적(같은 일)

    Is that a smile we see on B's lips? The spotlight's on her for once, and S actually helped her get it. I guess miracles can happen.


    • hot

            강렬한, 유망한, 흥분되는

    • gorgeous

            아주 멋진, 아름다운

    It's gonna be so hot. The clothes are gorgeous.


    • all right


    They're all right.


    • amazing


    Shut up. They're amazing.


    • do A a favor

           A의 부탁을 들어주다, 호의를 베풀다

    I'm just doing my mom a favor. The hair-makeup test is tonight.


    • pose

            (그림, 사진을 위한) 포즈, 자세

    I think, this is my best pose.


    • that's it

            그게 전부다, 거기까지다

    That's because you can't see what you look like. You're just a hand model and that's it. The right way is this.


    • curve

            곡선을 이루다

    • spine

            척추, 등뼈

    • forward


    • elongate

            길게 늘이다, 길어지다

    Girls, no, this is how you do it. No, no, no. You gotta curve your spine forward, elongate.


    • key

            핵심, 비결

    • pop

            불쑥 내놓다

    Oh, no. You guys are doing it all wrong. Look, you're missing the key. Look, look, look. You gotta put the hand on the hip and pop. That's how you gotta do it.


    • dare

            감히 ~하다

    • as

            ~하는 동안에, ~하고 있을 때

    Who'd dare interrupt the Van der Woodsen as she teaches?


    • dial

            다이얼을 돌리다, 전화를 걸다

    • in service

            서비스 중인

    I'm sorry. The number you've dialed is no longer in service.


    • Apparently


    Apparently, you can't, Cabbage Patch.


    • Come on



    • God

            하느님 맙소사


    • hang up

            전화를 끊다

    And I am so, so ready to hang up.


    • full 

            완전한, 모든

    • attention

            주의, 관심, 흥미

    Blair was just playing. You have my full attention, I promise.


    • movie


    Good, 'cause I was calling to ask you to not talk with me at a movie tonight.


    • The Sunshine

            선샤인 시네마(뉴욕 맨해튼에 있는 영화관)

    The Sunshine, 7 o'clock.


    • see you there

            거기서 보자


    • stare at

            응시하다, 빤히 쳐다보다

    • difficult


    • work


    • enigmatic

            수수께끼한, 불가사의한

    • Bacon

            Francis Bacon(1561-1626), 영국의 철학자, 근대 철학의 시조

    • Schnabel

            Artur Schnabel(1882-1951), 오스트리아이의 피아니스트, 작곡가

    I can't stop staring at it. It's a difficult work. I mean that in the best way. It's enigmatic. Reminds me of an early Bacon or a Schnabel.


    • Hudson

            미국 뉴욕주 컬럼비아 군의 도시

    • represent

            대변하다, 대표하다

    • for some time

            당분간, 한참, 한동안, 한차례

    The artist is in Hudson. I've represented her for some time. Rufus.


    • former


    Bex Simon. I've heard a lot about your gallery. I wasn't expecting a piece like this from a former rock star.


    • one-hit wonder

            히트곡 하나뿐인 가수

    Uh. I prefer one-hit wonder.


    • turn


    • gallerist

            미술관 오너, 운영자

    What turned you gallerist?


    • artistic

            예술적 감각이 있는

    • pursuit

            추구, (원하는 것을)좇음

    I've always had artistic pursuit.


    • have something in common

            공통점이 있다

    • pursue


    • all day


    • buyer

            (사업적인) 구매자, (특히 고액 물품의) 구매자

    • long


    • put on hold

            킵하다, 보류하다

    • May I?

            제가 ~해도 될까요?

    We have something in common. I always pursue artists. I've been in Brooklyn all day looking for work for a client. I'm a buyer. I didn't think I'd find a piece like this and I don't think it'll be here long. I'd like to put it on hold. May I?


    • stay

            (특정 상태, 상황을 계속 유지함을 나타냄)

    I'll stay open.


    • beg


    • break free

            떨치다, 벗어나다, 자유로워지다, 속박에서 벗어나다

    • stuff

            (빽빽히) 채워넣다, (재빨리) 쑤셔넣다

    • drain

            (술 등을 다 마셔서 잔을) 비우다

    • booze


    • deadbeat

            사회의 낙오자, 게으름뱅이

    • hypocrite


    Or he invited himself, that is his style. Begging us to break free of our prisons while stuffing his face with free food and draining our booze. He's a deadbeat and a hypocrite.


    • ball player

            공놀이를 하는 사람

    • sure


    • lose to

            ~에 지다

    And a good ball player, if I remember right. You sure you just don't wanna lose to him there, Chuck?


    • skill

            기량, 기술

    Maybe if your daddy bought you a basketball team instead of a hotel, you'd have some skill.


    • lost weekend

            잃어버린(허송세월한) 주말

    • junior

            (고등학교나 칼리지의) 2학년의

    • senior citizen

            고령시민, 노령자

    • jump into

            ~로 뛰어들다

    • volcano


    Look, this is the Lost Weekend for juniors, not senior citizens. Go jump into a volcano.


    • settle

            정리하다, 끝내다

    • court

            (테니스 등을 하는 운동) 코트

    Let's just settle it on the court.


    • chill out

            긴장을 풀다, 열을 식히다


    • player

            참가자, 선수

    No. This is my game, I pick the players.


    • I get it.



    • bring down

            (사기, 명성 등을) 떨어뜨리다

    Nobody wanted him here. He's an older brother brining everyone down.


    • play ball


    • some


    Let's just play some ball.


    • relax

            긴장 풀다

    • chin down

            턱을 내려라, 턱을 당겨라

    • hold it

            기다려, 움직이지 마

    • exhale

            (숨을) 내쉬다

    • jump around

            팔짝팔짝 뛰다

    • loosen up

            긴장을 풀다

    • relax into it

            편하게 받아들여라, 마음을 가라앉혀라

    • give


    • that's it.

            바로 그거야

    • take a break

            잠시 휴식을 취하다

    Okay, Blair, relax. Just chin down and hold it there, and... Okay, you ready? Okay. One more. This time, let's exhale, jump around, loosen up. Really loosen up on this one, let's relax into it. Now give me the biggest pose you've got. That's it. Come on, let's think big, big, big. One, two, three! Okay, take a break. Thank you very much.


    • prim

            틀에 박힌, 고지식한, 점잔빼는

    • stiff


    • bookcase

            책장, 책꽂이

    • unnatural

            부자연한, 꾸민 티가나는

    She's so prim, stiff like a bookcase. It's unnatural.


    • stunning

            굉장히 아름다운(멋진)

    • in

            ~을 착용한, 입은, 쓴

    Yeah, but she looks stunning in the clothes, don't you agree?


    • goddess

            여신(같은 존재)

    • Bleh.


    • statue


    • retail


    • editorial


    • let go

            놓다, 버리다, 풀어주다

    • have fun

            즐기다, 흥겨워하다

    Mm-hmm, to my eye, like a goddess. To this eye? Bleh. Like a statue. This is retail. It's not editorial. She needs to let go, have fun, loosen up. How's the client going to like the dress if the model doesn't even like herself?


    • first of all


    Hey, first of all, you look amazing.


    • tip

            (작은) 조언

    But look, can I give you a little tip?


    • Shake it up

            흔들어, 털어

    • goofy

            바보같은, 얼빠진

    • dance around to

            ~에 맞춰 춤추다

    • Genie in a Bottle

            1999년 발매된 크리스티나 아길레라의 빌보드 핫 1위 곡

    No, no, look, all you need to do is maybe you could loosen up a little, you know? Shake it up, um, maybe you could be goofy like when we were 10 and we would dance around to "Genie in a Bottle" in your mom's clothes.


    • roar


    No, look, you gotta roar, rahhhhh!


    • jungle


    • savage

            야만적인, 맹렬한

    • half shell

            쌍각류 조개껍질의 한쪽

    • look up

            (시선을 들어) 올려다 보다

    Yeah, give me more tiger. Give me more tiger. You're in that jungle. You're savage. Now, let's do a prettier one this time, okay? You're Venus in the half shell, right? So just look up... Ooh.


    • crazy

            말도 안되는

    • Britney with the umbrella

            2007년 브리트니 스피어스가 파파라치에게 분노해 그의 차량을 우산으로 박살낸 사건, 2007년 헐리우드 최악의 사건으로 기억됨

    Let's do something crazy, like Britney with the umbrella. Okay? Britney with the umbrella. Go.


    • At


    At the car. At the car.


    • Posh Spice

            포쉬 스파이스, 빅토리아 베컴이 스파이스 걸스 활동 당시 이름


    • Cyborg


    • Spice

            기미, 기색

    That's Cyborg Spice to you. Wha, wha, wha, Woo-ooh, woo-oh.


    • strike

            (세게) 치다, 공격하다, 인상을 주다

    • beast

            야수, 짐승

    • You got it.

            바로 그거야, 너 잘하고 있어, 맞아

    • Pout

            (입술을 섹시하게) 불룩 내밀다

    You gotta pop ore and strike. Remember, I taught you the hand on the hip? Strike it and pop. Come on, give me more. Give me more, you sexy beast. Oh, it looks so good! You're doing so good! You got it. Look how good you are. Pout, pout, pout.


    • shoot

            어머나, 아이고, 빌어먹은, 제기랄(shit과 같은 의미로 더 부드러운 표현)

    Oh, shoot. I gotta go meet Dan.


    • let someone down

            누군가를 실망시키다, 누구의 기대를 저버리다

    No, you're staying here. I need you. I can't let my mother down.


    • kind of

            약간, 어느정도

    • stuck

            움직일 수 없는, 갇힌

    • photo shoot

            사진 촬영

    • It's a long story

            얘기를 하자면 길다, 세세한 얘기를 다 할 수는 없다.

    • make it

            시간 맞춰가다

    Hey. I'm really, really sorry but I'm kind of stuck at this photo shoot with Blair. It's a long story, but I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it.


    • superficial

            (진지함 없이) 가벼운, 깊이없는, 하찮은

    • make it up to

            ~에게 보답하다, 만회하다, 보상하다

    It sounds really superficial, I know. But it's important to her and, you know, she's important to me. But I'll make it up to you, though, I promise.


    • it's no big deal

            별일 아니다

    No, it's no big deal, really. Don't worry about it.


    • none

            아무도 ~아니다


    • keep his word

            자기가 한 말은 지킨다

    Mm, a man who keeps his word. I like it.


    • write up


    • invoice

            송장, 청구서

    I'm back, aren't I? Write me up an invoice.


    • That's great.



    • awfully

            정말, 몹시

    • pleased

            만족해하는, 기뻐하는

    Now you're awfully excited. This isn't your first time, is it? Selling a painting.


    • Long commute

            장거리 통근


    • ever


    • running


    Hmm. If the trains ever stop running.


    • Phase


    • pup crawl

            술집 순례

    • borough


    • get laid

            섹스하다, 잠자리 갖다

    • dip

            (액체에) 살짝 담그다, 적시다

    • shillelagh


    • pot of gold

            꿈(희망)의 실현, 갑작스런 횡재, 노다지

    Phase three, pub crawl. Five boroughs. Fifty pubs, 500 chances to get laid. And remember, don't dip your shillelaugh in the wrong pot of gold. Let's go.


    • Seriously


    • suck


    • put somebody under a spell

            ~에게 마법을 걸다, 주문을 걸다

    Seriously, Carter Baizen sucks. I don't know what spell he's put you under, but he's not your friend. He can't be trusted.


    • why is that?

            왜 그런데?

    • believe in

            ~을 믿다, ~을 옳다고 생각하다

    • privilege

            (부유층이 갖는) 특권

    • numb

            감각이 없는, 마비된

    And why is that? 'Cause he doesn't believe what you believe in? It's exactly what he said. The money, the drugs, the privileges. They're just keeping us numb so we don't notice it's better out there in the real world.


    • aspire to

            ~을 갈망하다

    • run away from

            ~에서 도망치다, 달아나다

    The real world? Everyone out there wants to be us. We are what you aspire to, not run away from.


    • you know

            있잖아, 그러니까, 저기

    • follow in someone's footstep

            (특히 가족 구성원 중에서) ~의 뒤를 잇다

    That dream of yours, you know, what is it really? 'Cause I hear you talk about how you don't wanna go to Datmouth and how you don't wanna follow in your father's footsteps. But what exactly do you want?


    • throw away

            (기회, 재산 등을) 날리다, 버리다, 놓치다

    Well, you better discover what it is before you throw everything away trying to find it. And where are you going?



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